New Jersey CLE - Insurance Law Courses
This is a listing of Insurance Law CLE Courses for New Jersey. Please make your selection below of New Jersey CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
New Jersey CLE
Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a New Jersey Accredited CLE Provider. To view our full accreditation details please .
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Twenty-Two Most Frequently Posed Questions to Title Underwriters
Common knowledge about real estate transactions include contracts, mortgages, bids and agents. And while many people know that title insurance is a requirement, few know why, what title insurance covers or how to address relevant issues. This CLE course, which will use the format of most frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive review of the topic, will address issues such as ownership, trusts and estates, judgments, mortgages, corporations and much more. More Info
$291.2General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Cross-Examination of the Negative Defense Medical Examination
Personal injury cases produce no shortage of experts, primarily medical experts, who are ready, trained and available to deliver testimony on the injuries of the plaintiff. Typically recruited by the medical insurance companies to perform an Insurance Medical Examination (IME), these medical experts, all of whom are paid for their testimonies, will submit that there were no damages suffered by the plaintiff and no sustained injuries. The medical experts enlisted are typically quite skilled, co... More Info
$812.8General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Introduction to Title Insurance: Essential Things Every Attorney Should Know
Title reports are a common feature in real estate transactions. So common, that real estate attorneys may often gloss over them without taking into consideration the many critical tenets of title insurance. This seminar, geared for both novice and junior attorneys as well as senior counsel in need of a refresher, will present the conceptual framework of title insurance and the various intricacies of title products. The course will address the common misconceptions regarding title insur... More Info
$291.2General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Considerations in No-Fault Litigation
Ethical obligations exist in practically every industry, but few are bound by them quite the way the legal system is. These obligations extend even in the realm of no-fault litigation, where theoretically, the lines of culpability have been clearly and pre-emptively drawn. In fact, in an area where legal lines can sometimes be blurred, ethical obligations may prove even more critical. This CLE course will offer a thorough explanation of the ethical obligations of no-fault litigation such as how... More Info
$341.2Ethics Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Proving a Federal Social Security Disability Claim
As with much of government protocol, submitting a federal social security disability claim is amazingly complex and it’s critical to understand the rules before trying to prove such a claim. This CLE course will review the entire process from beginning to end and explain how to evaluate the validity of a federal social security disability claim, burden of proof, the various types of acceptable evidence, and the importance of work history. The course will also review strategies for succ... More Info
$551.8General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
What to Reasonably Expect in the Coming Years from the Reasonable Expectations of the Insured Doctrine
Amongst the most controversial legal theories of the past two centuries, the Reasonable Expectation of the Insured Doctrine has its advocates and its adversaries. A frequent topic of legal commentators, the REI Doctrine continues to defy clear definition and is not even universally understood. In fact, recent cases have rejected the very existence of the doctrine. This CLE course will delve right into the heart of the controversy with a thorough explanation of the REI Doctrine and a re... More Info
$291.4General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Strategies for Drafting Concrete Indemnification Provisions
The purpose of indemnification agreements is to close the gaps where parties feel they may be at risk. Obviously, a good indemnification agreement will minimize risk to the greatest extent. This CLE course will explain how to craft the strongest and most enforceable agreements and the requirements for doing so such as thorough due diligence. The course will explain the purpose of these agreements, thoroughly review the various benefits and the alternatives. More Info
$551.5General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Understanding COBRA Medical Care: A Legal Guide
The requirement for continued medical coverage for terminated workers has certainly saved countless lives and allowed for people to seek new employment without worrying about getting sick. But what is COBRA? Who is it for? How do you use it? The CLE course will update you on everything you need to know about COBRA, its eligibility requirements, benefits, restrictions and provisions. More Info
$291.3General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Appealing and Litigating Health Care and Long-Term Disability Insurance Denials
Even the highest premiums won’t protect patients from being denied medical insurance claims. The scrutiny under which the health care system places medical procedures and long-term disability care has made the denial of claims increasingly common, not to mention frustrating. But before filing an appeal, it’s imperative to understand the appeal and litigation process. David Trueman presents this fascinating CLE course in which he explains the various types of medical insurances and their areas... More Info
$552.1General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Depositions: Procedures and Strategies
Successful trial attorneys know the importance of a good deposition. Their effectiveness is more than a matter of their content, but also how they are defended. This CLE course will explain the parameters under which a deposition should be taken, how to maintain a clear record for motions and trials, techniques for implementing depositions at trial, strategies for preparing and protecting witnesses, avoiding common mistakes in deposing witnesses and for participating in and defending deposit... More Info
$812.5General Credits