Cannabis Law Non-Resident Bundle - New Jersey CLE

NJ rule 201:8(a) states that attorneys who reside in, work in, and are licensed in a mandatory CLE jurisdiction that does not require Live CLE are also exempt from Live CLE for NJ. This Bundle contains all 24 hours of NJ approved on-demand courses with 5 hours of Ethics and Professionalism which includes 2 hours of Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias.

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New Jersey CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a New Jersey Accredited CLE Provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
  • 5.6 Ethics
  • 2.4 Diversity/Inclusion
United Crest
Only $349
Save $335
Courses priced individually at $684
  • 5.6 Ethics
  • 2.4 Diversity/Inclusion

Cannabis Law Non-Resident Bundle Includes:

  • $55

    Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    General Credits: 2.3

    Since the legalization of marijuana, its potency has risen and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[1] It is the THC in marijuana which results in the “high,” and which can lead to addiction, violence, crime, mental illness, traffic deaths, and many other health and social problem...

  • $55

    Navigating the Future: Embracing AI's Impact on the Legal Profession for Lawyers with a Strategic Mindset

    General Credits: 1.5

    ChatGPT is now a part of our everyday lives and its ability to write our papers, do our research and even pass the Uniform Bar Exam has exceeded all expectations. In fact, experts are predicting that generative AI will eventually replace practicing attorneys. This CLE course will address pressi...

  • $55

    Basics of Federal Employment Law: A Quick Drone Flyover of Title VII

    General Credits: 1.8

    Designed to offer a comprehensive overview and introduction to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the federal anti-discrimination law, specifically Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American with Disabilities Act, the course will explain the major pieces of legislation, the s...

  • $29

    State and Federal Taxation of Cannabis Businesses

    General Credits: 1.1

    This CLE course provides a comprehensive overview of federal income tax challenges for businesses operating in state-regulated cannabis industries. While some states permit the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of cannabis, federal law classifies cannabis as a Schedule I controlled substance, whic...

  • $34

    Implicit Bias and DEI Today: Challenges & Opportunities

    Diversity/Inclusion Credits: 1.3

    Implicit biases, stemming from natural brain processes, influence everyone, including lawyers. Understanding these biases is crucial to anticipating and preventing legal risks. In this CLE course, Professor Bruce Adelson will draw from his research at Georgetown University School of Medicine and...

  • $34

    Analyzing the Right and Ethical Way to Prepare Witnesses in Criminal Cases

    Ethics Credits: 1.2

    The zealous representation of clients is the obligation of all attorneys. But that obligation does not give them the right to ignore the rules of professional conduct, or that of honesty and candor in front of the tribunal. Creating a balance between the two can certainly present a challenge. T...

  • $34

    Diversity & Inclusion: Recognizing the Damaging Effects of Implicit Bias in the Workplace

    Diversity/Inclusion Credits: 1.1

    Implicit bias, increasingly studied and discussed, involves subconscious associations our minds create linking various concepts and ideas. These biases arise from our experiences, cultural backgrounds, societal norms, media influences, and other factors. This CLE program explores the nature of...

  • $34

    Update On Conflicts Of Interest for Attorneys: Rules and Recent Cases & Opinions

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    Managing conflicts of interest is one of the most significant challenges in maintaining the ethical and efficient operation of a law firm. A solid understanding of the relevant rules, along with key cases and opinions interpreting those rules, is essential for practitioners. While every U.S. st...

  • $29

    The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    General Credits: 1.1

    Designed for both novice and seasoned attorneys alike, this CLE course will offer a basic overview to the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform legal tasks. Participants will be given the knowledge and perspective needed to successfully integrate AI into their work successfully,...

  • $34

    Ethical Considerations in Representing Multiple and Corporate Clients

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    The foundation of any attorney-client relationship is knowing who the client is, but this isn’t always clear to non-lawyers. It’s crucial for clients to understand whom we represent, the nuances of organizational and joint representation, and the boundaries of attorney-client communication, includi...

  • $34

    Reel Ethics: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Through Film and TV Scenarios

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    Join us for an engaging and interactive CLE course that delves into various ethical scenarios through the lens of popular movies and television shows. By analyzing ethical dilemmas faced by fictional lawyers, you'll learn how to navigate similar issues in your practice. We'll present real-life exam...

  • $55

    Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    General Credits: 2.3

    Many people mistakenly believe that marijuana and cannabis products, including CBD, pose no risks. This is not the case. Both legal professionals and the general public often overlook the potential for marijuana to cause personal harm. As evidence of marijuana-related injuries grows, it is impor...

  • $34

    Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    Over the past decade, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation, has seen a significant rise in use. Despite this, many legal professionals remain unfamiliar with the nuances of the process. In this course, Judge Scheinkman will explore the critical role of ethical considerations...

  • $55

    Defending DWAI Drug Cases

    General Credits: 2.2

    Recently there has been a marked increase in prosecutors’ unwillingness to offer standard reductions in DWAI drug cases. The result of this is more cases, more hearings and more trials with prosecutors using specific types of evidence. This CLE course will offer tools and strategies for NY crim...

  • $55

    The Highs and Lows of Cannabis Land Use Regulations

    General Credits: 1.5

    Weed is now legal in 21 states, with more than 155 million Americans able to legally possess marijuana. However, it remains classified as a Schedule I drug on the Controlled Substances Act, which is the same category as heroin, meaning it can disqualify someone from entering the U.S. military or fo...

  • $29

    Legal Issues for Growing Cannabis at Home

    General Credits: 1.2

    The Marijuana Regulation and Tax Act legalized cannabis in New York. Cannabis advocates successfully fought for the inclusion of home cultivation in the new law against the lobbying of the New York Medical Cannabis Industry and other trade groups. Since then, the cannabis industry has expanded...

  • $29

    New Marijuana Legislation & Vehicular Search & Seizures: Lingering Odor Of Marijuana as Probable Cause & Residue

    General Credits: 1.1

    The New NYS Marijuana Legislation, also known as the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, offers tools for criminal defense attorneys under the new search and seizure protections allowing probable cause to conduct a search of a vehicle as a result of an alleged marijuana odor. This CLE course...

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from your home, office, or smartphone!
Only $349
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