In-House Counsel Non-Resident Bundle - New Jersey CLE

NJ rule 201:8(a) states that attorneys who reside in, work in, and are licensed in a mandatory CLE jurisdiction that does not require Live CLE are also exempt from Live CLE for NJ. This Bundle contains all 24 hours of NJ approved on-demand courses with 5 hours of Ethics and Professionalism which includes 2 hours of Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias.

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New Jersey CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a New Jersey Accredited CLE Provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
  • 5½ Ethics
  • 2.4 Diversity/Inclusion
United Crest
Only $349
Save $369
Courses priced individually at $718
  • 5½ Ethics
  • 2.4 Diversity/Inclusion

In-House Counsel Non-Resident Bundle Includes:

  • $34

    Diversity & Inclusion: Recognizing the Damaging Effects of Implicit Bias in the Workplace

    Diversity/Inclusion Credits: 1.1

    Implicit bias, increasingly studied and discussed, involves subconscious associations our minds create linking various concepts and ideas. These biases arise from our experiences, cultural backgrounds, societal norms, media influences, and other factors. This CLE program explores the nature of...

  • $34

    Implicit Bias and DEI Today: Challenges & Opportunities

    Diversity/Inclusion Credits: 1.3

    Implicit biases, stemming from natural brain processes, influence everyone, including lawyers. Understanding these biases is crucial to anticipating and preventing legal risks. In this CLE course, Professor Bruce Adelson will draw from his research at Georgetown University School of Medicine and...

  • $29

    Navigating Legal Challenges and Issues in Telecommuting and Remote Work

    General Credits: 1.2

    Organizations often implement telecommuting to assist employees with family responsibilities, health concerns, and disabilities, as well as to reduce commuting costs and offer flexible schedules. However, these well-intentioned plans can sometimes lead to complex legal issues. How do you defend aga...

  • $29

    Pregnancy in the Workplace: Understanding the New Laws on Accommodations for Pregnancy and Lactation

    General Credits: 1

    Think you know your legal obligations for handling a pregnant employee? Think again. The rules are changing rapidly, making it hard to keep up. This CLE course will address key questions, including whether you need to accommodate a pregnant employee since normal pregnancy isn't a "disability" under...

  • $29

    FLSA: New OT Rule: What You Need to Know

    General Credits: 1.1

    This CLE program covers the key provisions of the proposed FLSA Overtime Rule, helping you prepare for compliance and avoid lawsuits and fines. Topics include: Changes introduced by the new DOL rule Proper classification of employees as exempt or non-exempt The new salary level threshold Effect...

  • $55

    Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Federal IP Cases

    General Credits: 1.8

    Intellectual property litigation can be a daunting field, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. This CLE course is designed to guide you through the fast-paced world of IP litigation and teach you how to navigate its complexities effectively. While many believe that filing a lawsuit is simple—tha...

  • $29

    Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision

    General Credits: 1.1

    Employers must accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but understanding how to comply can be challenging. The recent Groff Supreme Court decision has redefined what constitutes an "undue burden" under Title VII. This course w...

  • $29

    Corporate Transparency Act: Critical Terms and Concepts

    General Credits: 1.2

    The Corporate Transparency Act, which requires beneficial owners of nearly every entity to report to FinCEN unless a specific statutory exception applies, went into effect January 1, 2024. According to this act, newly formed entities will have only 90 days to register, while existing entities will...

  • $29

    Written on the Wind: A Bird’s Eye View of Data, Cloud, CRM, and Duty of Care

    General Credits: 1.1

    This CLE course offers a fresh perspective on technology by starting with its historical development and foundational concepts to ensure a shared understanding among participants. While artificial intelligence and cybersecurity often dominate discussions, we will explore technology from a broader v...

  • $55

    The ADA and Employment Discrimination

    General Credits: 2.5

    Title One of the Americans with Disabilities Act imposes certain requirements on employers. This comprehensive CLE course will explain in detail how discrimination is defined, as well as the conditions requiring accommodation, and the types of accommodations a business is and is not obligated to pr...

  • $55

    Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    General Credits: 1.8

    Intellectual Property (IP) is a valuable asset for an organization. This informative CLE course will explain how to identify and utilize an IP to further business goals. The course will explain the types of IP’s that exist, the associated costs with obtaining and maintaining the various types o...

  • $65

    ABA Model Rules Of Professional Conduct and AI Ethics: Key Highlights of the New Challenges Facing Attorney Compliance

    Ethics Credits: 1.8

    In this CLE session, we will explore the significant ethical considerations that arise when practicing law in tandem with AI, which often operates without the structured ethical foundation that governs human professionals. This CLE is tailored specifically for lawyers, beginning with a straightf...

  • $55

    Providing Expert Counsel in the Network Marketing and MLM Industry

    General Credits: 1.5

    Network Marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), is a significant sector within the direct selling industry, contributing over $100 billion to the U.S. economy and $200 billion globally. This industry is experiencing a growth rate of more than 6% annually, with nearly half of its activ...

  • $29

    The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    General Credits: 1.1

    Designed for both novice and seasoned attorneys alike, this CLE course will offer a basic overview to the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform legal tasks. Participants will be given the knowledge and perspective needed to successfully integrate AI into their work successfully,...

  • $65

    The Ethics of Witness Preparation: Does ABA Ethics Rules Change the Dynamics for Preparing Witnesses?

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    Led by a team of highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, this informative CLE course will address the impact of new ABA Formal Opinion 508, “The Ethics of Witness Preparation,”. The course will present the impact of the opinion on counsel’s approach to working with witnesses, including...

  • $29

    Visas and "Green Card" Options for Research Scientists

    General Credits: 1.1

    This CLE course will guide you through the various visa and "green card" (permanent residence) options available to Research Scientists. Choosing the right option for your client depends on several factors, including sponsorship status, level of success, ability to provide compelling evidence of ac...

  • $34

    Lawyers and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Could Go Wrong: Ethical and Other Concerns

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    Explore the transformative impact of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) on the legal profession in this comprehensive CLE program. As GAI continues to revolutionize the field, its applications in litigation and broader legal services are becoming indispensable. This course delves into the...

  • $34

    Legal Ethics for Inside and Outside Counsel

    Ethics Credits: 1.1

    This CLE course prepares attorneys—whether in-house or external counsel—to deliver competent, timely, and cost-effective legal advice and services to companies and their affiliates. Success in this role requires a thorough understanding of the company’s mission, operations, culture, and objecti...

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from your home, office, or smartphone!
Only $349
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