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New York CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Accredited NYS CLE Provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Police Misconduct: Litigation Under 42 USC §1983

    Police conduct remains a hot topic. This CLE course will focus primarily on claims of excessive force and wrongful arrest as well as other topics related to federal litigation of police misconduct. The course will address major doctrinal issues as well as claims under the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments against both government entities and individuals. The course will explain the qualified immunity defense and offer pointers for both plaintiff and defense counsels using exhibits to illust... More Info

    2.5Prof Practice
  • Representing the Founders and Initial Investors in a Startup Technology Company

    The start-up phase of a technology company requires the assembly of a management team, the development and testing of products and services, marketing strategies and intellectual property research. Most importantly, it is when the initial capital is raised. This entertaining CLE presentation whose fast-pace mirrors the frenetic energy of start-ups will present the most common corporate, securities and tax law issues that are involved when representing start-up founders or early-stage i... More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • Can We Get Back to Business? The FDCPA and The Post-Covid World

    As businesses begin to open their doors after the COVID shutdown, cash-flow, collections and receivables are once again at the forefront of people’s minds. How should business address receivables in consumer transactions? How did COVID impact the collection of receivables and what does the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FCPA) require? Is there a difference between commercial and consumer collections? This CLE course will review the FDCPA, explain the new rulings and case... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Comic Book Contract Negotiation And Drafting

    An engaging CLE course designed to address the provisions common to comic book agreements and client interview exercises, participants will engage in mock negotiations while learning to spot common problems. The course, which is facilitated by experienced comic book industry attorneys, will also offer a hands-on guide to drafting and editing agreements. More Info

    2.5Prof Practice
  • Transfer Pricing for Multinationals: Practical Insights for Attorneys

    Amongst the many challenging tax issues facing multinational companies today, transfer pricing is by far the most contentious and the most expensive. Faced with the competing requirements of the IRS and international tax authorities, many companies are struggling to navigate the issue. This informative CLE course will explain how attorneys can practically and properly identify and assess client global transfer pricing issues. The course will review the requirements of Section 6662 docu... More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • Representing Comic Book Creator Clients

    The comic industry has seen some serious shifts in the last two years. This informative CLE course will present the fundamentals of representation in the comic book industry and explain new areas of litigation and transactional work. New distribution models, NFT’s and other developments and their impact on the industry will be explored along with topics of inclusion and diversity essential to successful representation. More Info

    3.5Prof Practice
  • Labor & Employment Update From A-Z: American Disabilities Act (ADA) to Zoom Calls and Everything in Between

    Offering an overview of the many recent updates and developments in employment and labor laws, both in New York State and Federal, this informative CLE course will cover COVID issues such as vaccination policies as well as the New York State Sick Leave Law, the New York Heroes Act, updates in wage and hour laws, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, discrimination and much more. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Cross Examination of the Arresting Officer and DRE in a DWAI Drugs Case

    Navigating DWAI drug cases and effectively representing clients requires knowledge and strategy. This CLE course will use practical examples to explain the various methods of cross-examining an arresting officer. Drawing on the knowledge of a former drug recognition expert, the course will then pivot to the cross-examination of the DRE including a discussion of protocol and how to determine the correct drug category to apply. The course will conclude with a discussion on how to uncover... More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know

    Patent law is one of the lesser known areas of law, in particular from a procedural standpoint. Special licensing and exclusive exams, as well as an undergraduate degree in science or engineering, dictate who can practice patent law and only practitioners will have real in-depth knowledge. With only about 40,000 active practitioners in the US, course work in the field is extremely limited. Regardless, it isn’t uncommon for an attorney with little or no background in patent prosecution... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Ethical Considerations for Counseling IRC Section 1031 Exchanges

    With a focus on the Rules of Professional Conduct as they relate to 1031 Exchanges, this CLE course will address scope of representation, competency, issues related to conflict of interest and selection considerations of the Qualified Intermediary. Related case studies will be presented throughout. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
Decorative Arc

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