North Carolina CLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses

This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for North Carolina. Please make your selection below of North Carolina CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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North Carolina CLE
Accreditation Info

National Academy of Continuing Legal Education is a Sponsor (5258) of CLE courses, approved by the North Carolina State Bar Board of Continuing Legal Education. Attorneys may earn all required NC CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Pause, Breathe, Lead: Mindfulness for the Modern Lawyer

    This CLE program introduces attorneys to the concept of mindfulness and its “attitudinal foundations.” Participants will examine evidence-based research showing how mindfulness can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and enhance presence in the moment. The session includes a guided mindfulness meditation, followed by an opportunity for attendees to reflect on and share their experiences. Additionally, participants will learn practical, informal mindfulness techniques that can be applied... More Info

  • Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation

    This CLE course explores the ethical challenges that attorneys may face when providing legal services on a pro bono basis. Grounded in the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the course focuses on key rules relevant to typical pro bono scenarios, offering guidance on how attorneys can identify and navigate potential ethical pitfalls while striving to effectively represent their clients and promote access to justice. The course also highlights variations from the Model Rules specific to Mi... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Reel Ethics: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Through Film and TV Scenarios

    Join us for an engaging and interactive CLE course that delves into various ethical scenarios through the lens of popular movies and television shows. By analyzing ethical dilemmas faced by fictional lawyers, you'll learn how to navigate similar issues in your practice. We'll present real-life examples, solutions, and possible outcomes, all within a mock format focused on the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. This course will equip you with the skills to evaluate and handle ethical... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Digital Frontier

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is swiftly reshaping the legal industry, introducing new possibilities and posing significant challenges. Join our CLE course to gain a deep understanding of AI’s transformative impact on legal practice and learn how to integrate these advancements while maintaining legal and ethical standards. This CLE course is designed for both newcomers to AI and experienced professionals looking to deepen their understanding. It will equip you with the essential knowled... More Info

  • The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    Designed for both novice and seasoned attorneys alike, this CLE course will offer a basic overview to the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform legal tasks. Participants will be given the knowledge and perspective needed to successfully integrate AI into their work successfully, ensuring their practice remains competitive and relevant. The course begins with a breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and explains each one’s practical legal applications. The course... More Info

  • Mindfulness for Attorneys: Emotional Wellness & Well-Being

    This thought-provoking CLE will explore mental well-being within the legal profession as we spotlight personal narratives of burnout, recovery, and the challenges associated with mental health. Rooted in authentic experiences, this program provides tangible strategies to navigate stress and attain a harmonious work-life equilibrium. Delve into the early indicators of burnout, acquiring effective techniques to preserve mental health amidst high-pressure environments. Uncover tools that... More Info

  • Legal Research in the AI Era

    AI has been with us since as far back as 1951. Since that time, the advances in AI pertaining to legal research have been noticeable, but typically small. That was true until November 2022, when the large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, was released. Since then, products have been released at a record-breaking pace, all of them using the foundation of ChatGPT. Even Westlaw and Lexis incorporated AI-assisted research features in their newest release. This informative CLE course will expl... More Info

  • Tell it Straight, Keep it Straight, Drink it Straight - Practicing Ethics in the Personal Injury Practice

    This informative CLE course will address the application of ABA Model Rules 1.4, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.15 in personal injury law. The course will emphasize clear communication with clients, the importance of safeguarding client information and property and managing conflicts of interest. Tips and strategies for effectively balancing these ethical responsibilities, particularly in scenarios that involve complex relationships between drivers and passengers, and how to manage insurance settlem... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Nuts and Bolts of Ethics: No Nonsense

    Ethical values may change with the times, but the concept of ethics in business has been around for a long time. This CLE course will explore the origins of ethics and how ethical obligations continue to impact what is considered honorable behavior amongst attorneys today. The course will address the 5 C’s – Competence, Communication, Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest and Candor) of the Ethical Guidelines of Virgina. The impact of each of these on an attorney’s ability to practice... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • The Ten Worst Ethics Nightmares You Can Have

    Legal ethics are a dangerous area – one mistake can derail your career. This CLE course will present a rapid analysis of the 10 disastrous legal ethics errors you can. The ABA Model Rules of Professional Responsibility are often a solid guide for clarity in the ethical expectations of the legal profession, nothing is more impactful than real-life scenarios. While these errors are not totally inclusive of the challenges facing practitioners today, those actively engaged in the practice... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
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