North Dakota CLE - On-Demand Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for North Dakota. Please make your selection below of North Dakota CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
North Dakota CLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Navigating E-Discovery and Its Emerging Trends
E-Discovery is a dynamic, evolving area that was greatly impacted by COVID-19. This CLE course will review emerging trends in e-discovery as well as offer practical strategies in managing issues such as inadvertent or intentional destruction of electronic data. The course will address the expanding volume of data and the growing sophistication of analytical tools, AI and Technology Assisted Review. More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Cutting Through the Noise: A Primer on Title VII Protections, Sexual Harassment, Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
With incidents of sexual harassment and racial discrimination on the rise, there is a great deal of misunderstanding and misinformation. This CLE course will clarify many misconceptions about the legal aspects of these issues and offer important information about the legal responsibilities of workplace practices. The course is meant as a primer for new attorneys as well as for those without a lot of experience in employment law. The course will cover basic protections against discrimin... More Info
$291.25General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
From NFTs to Andy Warhol to New Legislation: Current Developments in Copyright Law
Presented by seasoned intellectual property attorneys, this CLE course will address NFT’s as they relate to copyright law. This CLE course will explain what NFT’s do with reference to the Warhol case in the Supreme Court and how it impacts fair use. The course will also address the potential circuit split in embedding cases, copyright termination, and what are the likely outcomes in various case law and upcoming legislation. More Info
$551.5General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Building a Successful Solo Mergers and Acquisitions Practice
This informative CLE course will present the various tools that all successful merger and acquisition practices should have. The course will review the use of flowcharts and checklists as well as offer practice tips, client management strategies and software recommendations. More Info
$291.25General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
An Attempt To Make Sense Of The Nonsensical: Patent-Eligibility (35 U.S.C. § 101)
Patent-eligible inventions are typically a complex topic, one that 35 U.S.C. § 101 seems to make simple. Yet the US Supreme Court created a subjective two-part test as well as judicial exceptions, which complicated matters significantly. Struggling to apply the two-part test consistently, courts have continued to use the test for the purpose of invalidating patent claims at the motion to dismiss state, without a requirement for the challenger to present evidence of invalidity.... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Considerations for Multistate Referral Rules and Fees
Presented by a former Morris County Assistant Prosecutor, this CLE course will present rules and best practices for Attorney Referral fees and the ethics surrounding them in New Jersey as well as state-by-state throughout the country. More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The New Infrastructure Bill and Your Need to Understand Design-Build and Engineer-Procure-Construct Projects
This CLE course will offer insight regarding the issues that attorneys should consider when drafting construction contracts. The course will review: Drafting Mechanics Liens Delay Damages Termination Liquidated vs. Actual Damages Material Escalation Costs Change Orders Insurance Bonds Dispute Resolution More Info
$291.25General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Ethics and Art of Settlement at Mediation
Mediation has many benefits both for attorneys and for their clients. This informative CLE course will present the ways in which attorneys may benefit from the mediation process including in presentation, psychology, and strategies that will better your chances of success. The course will also offer a detailed review of the mediation process and the importance of ethical behavior to your success. More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
An Introduction to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Basics
This CLE course will provide an introductory overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. The course will offer a comprehensive review of the basics of preparing a petition, the client intake and evaluation process, the importance of asset investigation and the various pitfalls to watch out for. Common issues that arise both before and during the process will also be discussed. More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts
This CLE course will offer insight regarding the issues that attorneys should consider when drafting construction contracts. The course will review: Drafting Mechanics Liens Delay Damages Termination Liquidated vs. Actual Damages Material Escalation Costs Change Orders Insurance Bonds Dispute Resolution More Info
$551.5General Credits