Ohio CLE - Personal Injury Courses

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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a self-study established sponsor (sponsor number 14232) by the Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Personal Injury Courses

  • What Attorneys Need to Know About The Current State of Vaccination Mandates

    As we enter the 3rd year of the pandemic, the issue of vaccine mandates are becoming more controversial. This CLE course will explain the various rules being implemented and where they stand with regards to court challenges and various state efforts to counter them. The course will cover the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard and the OSHA proposed rule as well as arguments being litigated against it. Rules issues by the Center for Medicare and Medicare Services as well as for federal c... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    One of the most consistently evolving areas of jurisprudence, class action litigation also has the highest stakes of any field of litigation and the broad guidelines of Rule 23 results in a wide array of both practical and academic debates. This CLE course will address recent development in five major areas of the law as they relate to class litigation. These theoretical and practical presentations of Article III jurisprudence, arbitration, administrative feasibility, post-Rule 23(e) c... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    Maritime law is a wide and complex subject area. This CLE course will assist non-maritime lawyers grasp the legal issues so as to properly advise clients. The course will assess property damage cases, such as when a towboat hits a pier, and personal injury cases, such as when someone was standing on the pier when the tugboat hit, within the context of maritime law. The course will address underlying theories related to comparative fault, liability, personification of the vessel and in rem liab... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    Suits by passengers against cruise lines have risen dramatically recently as many are related to damages from the COVID-19 pandemic. This CLE course will examine these cases as well as ship-owner liability to crews under the general principles governing Maritime Law and the Jones Act. The course will pay particular attention to claims for emotional distress in circumstances where passengers were exposed to the virus and then quarantined regardless of the fact that they had not contract... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Securing Social Security Disability Benefits

    As technology advances, everyone must adjust and that includes attorneys. With the Social Security Administration shifting services to the internet, including those that enable securing benefits, attorneys are now able to represent clients across the country. This CLE course will review the current process for securing Social Security benefits and explore what makes a successful case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Uses of an Economist to Prove and Rebut Proof of Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Case or Wrongful Death Case

    This practice-oriented CLE course, designed especially for attorneys litigating death and/or personal injury cases, offers practical information on the retention of an economist. The course is applicable regardless of jurisdiction or whether an attorney is for the defendant or plaintiff, and will address finding and retaining economists, the information, factual or otherwise, that an economist will require, work product and direct examination. Comprehensive in scope, the course will pr... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Handling Liens in Personal Injury Cases

    Statutory liens are part of every personal injury case. Known as “leeches” in the industry, these are often state-specific. This CLE course, designed for practiced as well as new attorneys, will approach the issue from a general standpoint and will focus primarily on those typically encountered in standard practice. The course will address ERISA, Medicaid, and Medicare and will offer a topical outline as well as reference to the continually updated manuals that are most helpful... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Crossing State and International Lines for Discovery and Enforcement of Judgments

    Crossing jurisdictional boundaries for the purpose of discovery during litigation as well as the enforcement of judgements that may therefore arise, has existed since the rise of modern commerce. This CLE course will present a historical overview of the development of the crossing of jurisdictional boundaries as it has evolved in the Western world in order to prepare attorneys to diplomatically navigate their cases today. The course will also offer practical resources for pract... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Winning Dog Bite Cases for Plaintiffs and Defense Tactics

    Surprisingly, dog bite cases are more common than one would think. This CLE course will offer tips and strategies for successfully litigating dog bite cases. The course, presented by a former prosecutor turned personal trial attorney, will explain the different types of dog bite victims, with a special focus on child victims and address the potential pitfalls one might face in these cases. The issue of presenting damages, preserving evidence will be presented. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Criminal Dog Bite Cases for Law Enforcement, Animal Control, Prosecutors and Judges

    Dog bite cases might not seem common, but they cause disruptions to public safety. Dog bites can happen to anyone and they can have tragic consequences. Presented by a former prosecutor with years of experience in the area, this CLE course will explain the role of public safety and animal control officers as well as law enforcement and prosecutors in ensuring the safety of the community from both reckless owners and stray dogs. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Understanding Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

    Nursing home cases can be incredibly complex and with today’s aging demographics, they are increasingly common. This important CLE course will help you identify and evaluate nursing home cases, understand what rules apply to these cases (including federal and state regulations and laws), and the primary differences from "normal" personal injury cases. The course will also offers tips and strategies to present these cases persuasively at trial. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Care and Feeding of the Class Action Plaintiff

    If you are an attorney who does not have the experience to take a leadership role in a class action litigation, you may find yourself representing a plaintiff who will seek to serve as representative. Given that class actions differ greatly from individual client litigation, it’s critical to be able to advise clients about the process and prepare them for what lays ahead. This CLE course will explain the responsibilities of representatives and present effective techniques for interacti... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Not to Lose Your Case at a Plaintiff’s Deposition

    Defending a plaintiff in a deposition opens up a complex set of potential pitfalls. This CLE course will present a defense lawyer’s perspective on the potential weaknesses and issues that might arise at a deposition. The course will help the participants recognize and overcome these potential issues. Preparation for and deposition of witnesses to achieve goals will be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Employment Law Since #MeToo

    The beginning of the #MeToo movement can ostensibly be traced to when the New York Times published a bombshell expose that revealed decades of abuse and sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein, a previously untouchable Hollywood mogul. The article, entitled Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades, quotes a partner of the instructors' firm. Five years later, the #MeToo movement, a name inspired by sexual assault survivor and activist Tarana Burke, who years earlier h... More Info

    2General Credits
  • When One Door Closes: A Primer on Automatic Door Cases for the Premises Liability Practitioner

    Doors are a seemingly innocuous element of our day-to-day lives. Yet surprisingly, they cause frequent damage to patrons of businesses, residences and medical complexes. The liability issues that may result from the simple installation of a door are numerous and attorneys cannot afford to be lulled into a belief that store operators or building owners don’t bear responsibility. This CLE course, designed for personal injury attorneys as well as others, will offer a detailed, introductor... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The New Wave of Benzene Litigation: Class Actions

    Traditionally, the plaintiffs in benzene personal injury litigation have alleged that their use of paints, solvents, varnishes, and other petroleum-based products caused them to develop blood cancers. When in 2021, benzene was found in deodorants, sunscreens, and other personal care products, consumer class action cases were filed in federal district courts in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, California, and Ore... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Making the Most of Mock Trials

    Mock trials are similar to dress rehearsals – useful but not necessarily predictive. They are very useful in determining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s case, but just because a mock trial is successful doesn’t mean the court case will be. Designed for seasoned litigators as well as novice, small firm practitioners, this CLE course will explain how to utilize mock trials as learning tools for gathering insight, practicing strategy and obtaining a view of how yo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Located a missing person is sometimes required of attorneys in most areas of practice, though more often for those practicing trust and estates, malpractice, debt collection, personal injury, and real estate law. Typically, with enough information, creativity and resources, attorneys can locate individuals without the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This informative CLE course, developed by a seasoned investigative attorney, will help lawyers develop basic people sea... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Since the legalization of marijuana, its potency has risen and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[1] It is the THC in marijuana which results in the “high,” and which can lead to addiction, violence, crime, mental illness, traffic deaths, and many other health and social problems. Many maintain that voters were not properly informed of these dangers when marijuana was legalized and that the current use and these levels causes harm that, had the public been aware, might have... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell

    Truck accident litigation is an important and complex area of law. This CLE course will provide a complete overview of the issue including those covered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, liabilities, statutory employment, and potential defenses in accidents that involve: Trucking company conduct Driver conduct Loading and unloading Intermodal transportation Underride collisions Forklift operations Driver fatigue FAAAA preemption Commercial motor vehicle insurance L... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Representing the Personal Injury Plaintiff: How The Sausage is Made

    Filled with practical information on how to best represent a plaintiff in a personal injury case, this CLE course will help you present the process to clients in terms they can understand and offer tips and strategies for avoiding potential pitfalls. The course will provide detailed instructions on how to make the financial aspects of a case work in your client’s favor, setting client expectations and how to actually get damage compensation from insurance companies. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • A Basic Overview of Tennessee Workers' Compensation Law

    Offering a comprehensive overview of the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act, this informative CLE course will help attorneys navigate the many complexities of filing a worker’s compensation claim in the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and the Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation. The course will present information relevant to applicable affirmative defenses as well as how to determine the eventual outcome of a case that is brought before the Tennessee Court of Workers’... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Interplay Between Working and SSA Disability

    How does the Social Security Disability Program resolve benefit eligibility with those who continue to work? Can you retain your benefits even if you continue working? Presented by Freddie Effinger, attorney and owner of Effinger Law, LLC and practitioner with over 13 years’ experience in disability law work, this CLE course explains these issues as well as the “Ticket to Work” program and its impact on those who seek to test their ability to work without losing their disability benef... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Social Security Disability 101: What Attorneys Need to Know From Beginning to End

    Social Security Disability Practice contains within it a complex web of processes, challenges and analysis in order to successfully secure benefits for disabled individuals. This CLE course will present a comprehensive overview of the area, including an in-depth examination of the process, the various issues that may arise and how to present effective solutions. The course will offer critical insights into managing the complexities of Social Security Disability, and providing the skill... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching a Solution

    Civil injury and insurance cases can be complicated to negotiate. This CLE course, presented by highly experienced settlement attorneys and negotiators, will outline the 10 most crucial points for successful negotiations. They will also explain the main reasons why settlements aren’t reached. Presenters will conclude with tips and strategies for improving your negotiating skills, and when and how to begin the process. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How to Find the “Smoking Gun” to Win Your Case

    Even the most complex cases have that one detail, the “smoking gun” that will tip the case to a win. This CLE course will explain how to find that detail and use it to your client’s advantage. Using tried and true tips and strategies to discover what will make the difference between a resounding win and a loss, the course will focus on examples from the presenter’s trip and fall and slip and fall premises cases, auto collisions, staircase accidents, med mal and product liability cases,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Negotiating the Serious and Catastrophic Injury Case

    This CLE course, presented by highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, will address the negotiation and preparation for catastrophic injury cases. The cases presented will require sophisticated, organized preparation and must address essential questions such as how to utilize medical personnel who worked on the case, their purpose in negotiating the case and the other experts needed to address the damages claim. The course will also present negotiations for future d... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Medical Malpractice: Complex, High Stakes Medical Negligence Litigation

    This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of medical negligence lawsuits. The course will include a profile of medical negligence victims from around the country and pinpoint the disparity in care afforded to different groups. By examining the core of medical negligence issues, this course will provide a basis for advocacy for a fair justice system that safeguards patient care and safety. More Info

    1General Credit
  • PFAS: The Forever Chemicals

    PFA’s were developed in the 1950’s for use as waterproofing materials, fire-suppression chemicals, non-stick coating, and other products. Technically known as Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, these have now been found in both food and water supplies around the world and have been linked to a variety of cancers as well as non-cancerous illnesses. This CLE course will explain these substances and the new federal and state regulations that have been enacted. The course will review the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Some Lessons From The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Collision Case

    A trial about a ski accident would not normally make the news, but when one party is Gwyneth Paltrow, every minute of the trial is cause for a media frenzy. At the end of March, 2023, the case of Gwyneth Paltrow v Terry Sanderson went to trial to determine who was at fault in a ski crash at Deer Valley ski resort in Utah. The case seemed to be a simple incident of a collision course on a ski slope in which Mr. Sanderson alleged that Ms. Paltrow skied into his back, knocking him down,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Pitfalls In The SSA Disability Process: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

    Navigating the Social Security Disability process provides a unique opportunity for your client to articulate their narrative in the pursuit of disability benefits. Despite the potential for this journey to be disorderly, exasperating, and occasionally unexpected, this CLE course equips you with practical insights to effectively manage challenges that may arise. Explore strategies for addressing instances where clients inadvertently compromise their case through statements in medical r... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Tell it Straight, Keep it Straight, Drink it Straight - Practicing Ethics in the Personal Injury Practice

    This informative CLE course will address the application of ABA Model Rules 1.4, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.15 in personal injury law. The course will emphasize clear communication with clients, the importance of safeguarding client information and property and managing conflicts of interest. Tips and strategies for effectively balancing these ethical responsibilities, particularly in scenarios that involve complex relationships between drivers and passengers, and how to manage insurance settlem... More Info

    1Attorney Conduct
  • Winning Strategies for Soft Tissue Injuries

    This CLE course will offer strategies for successful outcomes in jury trials for soft tissue injuries in car crashes. This course will focus on tried-and-true methods to winning compensation for clients on soft tissue sprain/strain types of injuries in crash cases. The strategies will be presented in a step-by-step manner, beginning with Voire Dire and ending with closing arguments. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting

    This CLE course explores the Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS), a key document in Mass Tort litigation that functions as a customized set of written questions in place of standard interrogatories. In Mass Tort cases, parties negotiate the questions that appear in the PFS. Defendants aim to include detailed questions covering basic claimant information—like date of birth and marital status—as well as case-specific details such as the type and date of injury, and the claimant's medical history.... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    Many people mistakenly believe that marijuana and cannabis products, including CBD, pose no risks. This is not the case. Both legal professionals and the general public often overlook the potential for marijuana to cause personal harm. As evidence of marijuana-related injuries grows, it is important for lawyers to recognize possible liability issues. Defense lawyers within the cannabis sector have started alerting their clients about impending personal injury lawsuits. This CLE i... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Making Them Pay: Collecting Judgments in Personal Injury Cases in Excess of Available Insurance

    Winning a significant civil case is a major achievement, but when the judgment surpasses the available insurance coverage, it can lead to complex challenges. Personal injury attorneys must grasp the essentials of collection law to ensure they can effectively convert a judgment into actual payment, maximizing the financial outcome for both their clients and themselves. This CLE course covers practical strategies for enhancing your ability to collect on judgments, including both straight... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value

    Step into the arena of outcome-focused litigation strategies. Unlike traditional litigation, this approach is centered on achieving specific results through legal action. It begins with a well-defined goal, particularly regarding value and settlement objectives. This method also requires a keen awareness of the tactics needed to exert the right pressure on the opposing party to secure the desired outcome. By harnessing automation, we amplify our ability to drive these strategies toward... More Info

    4General Credits
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