Oregon MCLE - Corporate Law Courses

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Oregon MCLE
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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, offering courses fully approved for MCLE by the Oregon State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Corporate Law Courses

  • The Regulation of Private and Foreign Funds in the Age of Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrency has transformed the way we think about investing. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the regulatory system as it applies to private and foreign investment funds and how it has been dramatically altered by the rise in cryptocurrency. The course will open with a historical overview of applicable regulation including the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Company Act, the Investment Advisers Act, the Dodd-Frank Ac... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Corporate Philanthropy: Where to Start and How to Get it Right

    Philanthropic initiatives by companies have become almost expected in recent years. Corporate Social Responsibility has made it almost impossible to avoid. But how can a company give back? This CLE course will present the different program options available to companies, taking into account compliance issues, program consistency with a company brand and strategies to avoid legal liability. This CLE course will offer an interactive overview useful for both CSR and corporate foundation m... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Oh Brave Commercial New World: The New Reality of Name, Image, and Likeness in Collegiate Athletics

    This CLE course serves to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding the recently enacted laws that permits college athletes to earn money from the use of their Name, Image & Likeness (NIL) without risking their college eligibility. While there are some restrictions, the response of the NCAA in lifting their rules, even in states where the law wasn’t passed, enabled collegiate athletes, previously barred from endorsements or other earnings, to pursue opportunities much the way professional athl... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • A Search for Perfection: Fundamentals of UCC Article 9

    The complexity of Article 9 of the UCC’s technical rules for secured transactions can be a challenge. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the major concepts that attorneys need to know about Article 9. The course offers a practical approach which outlines the fundamental issues from defining secured transactions to potential remedies for default. The course will also review the various perfections of security interests and priority issues and rules. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Recent Trademark Decisions Practitioners Should Know About

    There have been many fascinating trademark decisions from the Federal Courts as well as the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. These decisions are required knowledge for trademark practitioners. This CLE course will present these decisions as well as the myriad issues visited from protective orders and color marks to standing, initial interest confusion, territoriality and more. The course will also review a variety of decisions including: Brooklyn Brewery Corp. v. Brooklyn Bre... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advanced 1031 Exchange Topics: Reverse and Improvement Transactions

    With a specific focus on Rev. Proc. 2000-37 – Reverse Exchanges, this CLE course will look closely at some of the more advanced aspects of 1031 Exchanges. The course will present different types of “parking” transactions including those related to improvement exchanges. Various strategies for consideration as they relate to partnership issues, which is often the result of 1031 Exchanges, will be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Basics of Patents: Are You Protected? Fundamentals of US Patents and Inventorship

    Intellectual property comprises an increasing proportion of a company’s value. As a result, protection of intellectual property is of great importance to company owners as well as stockholders. This CLE course will offer a basic overview of patent law and inventor-ship in the US, and explain the ins-and-outs of patent claims, requirements to be identified as an inventor and disclosure issues in a patent claim. The course will also explain how patent claims are used in the marke... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cyber Security Compliance Trifecta: Recent Revisions to Three Important Security & Privacy Standards

    Both large and small companies have been faced with increasing cybersecurity compliance concerns. This informative CLE course will review the standards and requirements revisions published recently, which have broad implications for cybersecurity compliance. These include the Spec. Pub 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations), released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the PCI-DSS 4.0 published by the Payment Card Indu... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will offer insight regarding the issues that attorneys should consider when drafting construction contracts. The course will review: Drafting Mechanics Liens Delay Damages Termination Liquidated vs. Actual Damages Material Escalation Costs Change Orders Insurance Bonds Dispute Resolution More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Metaverse Law: Intro to ARVR, Issues, IP Ownerships, Monetization, Cyber Currency, and Licensing

    This CLE course will address the incredible breadth of tech law in the Metaverse, which still remains largely unregulated. The course will offer a review of the basic terminology – using terms everyone can understand – as well as how regulatory and statutory laws may apply to the Metaverse, how it polices itself and how it is monetized. The course will also delve into blockchain and security, intellectual property, cryptocurrency and other related issues with regards to funding... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Antitrust Merger Enforcement: Significant Regulatory Developments and Issues Explored

    Designed to offer attorneys an in-depth understanding of the current state of US antitrust regulations and the role of antitrust agencies in reviewing and challenging mergers, this CLE course will present a comprehensive overview of the merger control process in the US, priorities of the antitrust agency priorities, highlights of recent merger challenges and forthcoming revisions to the US merger guidelines. The course will begin with an exploration of the core aspects of the US merge... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Navigating Partnership Disputes and High-Impact Partner Departures

    Breakups can be challenging, and although they may not be as severe as divorces, managing conflicts between partners and dealing with the departure of a significant collaborator can be tough. In this informative CLE, we will explore effective strategies for handling disputes and separations, covering important aspects such as the responsibilities of a firm towards an attorney and vice versa, communication techniques, ethical considerations, and privacy concerns. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Commercial Pace, The New Kid On The Block: The Legal Framework For A New Form Of Commercial Real Estate Financing

    The Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing (C-PACE) is a new tool for property owners and developers which offers low interest and longer terms with a super-priority lien. It functions like a muni bond but can still be placed in a capital stack. This CLE course will explain the basics of the C-PACE is enabled and describe its legal structure, status and how it can be put to work for your clients from developers, banks, local governments or private owners. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    Intellectual Property (IP) is a valuable asset for an organization. This informative CLE course will explain how to identify and utilize an IP to further business goals. The course will explain the types of IP’s that exist, the associated costs with obtaining and maintaining the various types of IP's, costs of IP acquisition, negotiation strategies, licensing, enforcement issues and defensive actions when faced with another’s IP. The course aims to impart wisdom in the IP space as well... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Corporate Transparency Act: Critical Terms and Concepts

    The Corporate Transparency Act, which requires beneficial owners of nearly every entity to report to FinCEN unless a specific statutory exception applies, went into effect January 1, 2024. According to this act, newly formed entities will have only 90 days to register, while existing entities will have one year to comply. This CLE course will offer an introduction to the CTA, and its impact on the practice of attorneys who form, transfer, operate, or otherwise works with legal entities... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Corporate Transparency Act: Lessons from Round One of Implementation

    Pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act ("CTA"), many legal entities, both foreign and domestic, operating in the United States, have contemplated whether to file beneficial ownership information ("BOI") reports with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ("FinCEN"). This CLE course, presented by an interdisciplinary panel of specialists, will address the commercial practicalities of compliance with the CTA as well as the complexities. While the reporting requirements will only in... More Info

    1General Credit
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