Oregon MCLE - Litigation Courses

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Oregon MCLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, offering courses fully approved for MCLE by the Oregon State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • NFT's: A Survey of Intellectual Property Issues

    NFT’s have become a valued investment and a hot topic. Since an NFT of Beeple’s collage sold at Christie’s for $69 million, everyone is trying to get in on the action from investors to celebrities. This CLE course will discuss the actual current state of NFT’s and Web culture, the evolving community and the intellectual property issues that are rapidly emerging as a result. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    With the emergence of blockchain technology, the Internet of Value has replaced the Internet of Information and the Internet of Things. It has thoroughly transformed our economic system with cryptocurrency being the hottest topic in financial news. The ethical issues involved however, have barely been discussed. This CLE course will address the opportunities as well as the risks for lawyers in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The course will offer an overview as well as... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Reverse Mortgages: Stay In Your House For The Rest Of Your Life? Not So Fast!

    Reverse mortgage holders often file foreclosure actions without any basis for doing so. This CLE course will present a detailed overview of the determinations, which are at times very problematic, of reverse mortgage servicers of non-occupancy by borrowers. The course will also offer guidance to attorneys who need to litigate these actions on their clients’ behalf. Valuable insight into the effective handling of the entire process of such cases will be reviewed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Remove The "Stress" From Removal Defense: Practice Before The Federal Immigration Courts

    Immigration law is increasingly dynamic and the policies and procedures of the court are similarly volatile, making practicing before federal immigration courts (EOIR) incredibly stressful. This CLE course will review the major procedural transformation in the court since COVID-19 and explain how to successfully navigate all aspects of the proceedings. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Securing Social Security Disability Benefits

    As technology advances, everyone must adjust and that includes attorneys. With the Social Security Administration shifting services to the internet, including those that enable securing benefits, attorneys are now able to represent clients across the country. This CLE course will review the current process for securing Social Security benefits and explore what makes a successful case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Understanding The Collateral Consequences of a DWI Conviction and Properly Advising Your Client

    Navigating a DWI conviction can be complicated. This CLE course will assist attorneys in navigating DWI law to successfully represent clients. The course will address the potential consequences to a motorist with an out-of-state DWI as well as the importance of completing alcohol education programs. Enrollment processes and the impact of refusals and administrative suspensions as well as travel restrictions as a result of offenses will be reviewed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will offer insight regarding the issues that attorneys should consider when drafting construction contracts. The course will review: Drafting Mechanics Liens Delay Damages Termination Liquidated vs. Actual Damages Material Escalation Costs Change Orders Insurance Bonds Dispute Resolution More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Defending DWAI Drug Cases

    Recently there has been a marked increase in prosecutors’ unwillingness to offer standard reductions in DWAI drug cases. The result of this is more cases, more hearings and more trials with prosecutors using specific types of evidence. This CLE course will offer tools and strategies for NY criminal defense attorneys to understand and attack this evidence. The course will address blood test results and how they can be used to undermine the People’s case. The course will also dis... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Valuable Data Through the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

    How prepared are you to bring a civil action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? This CLE will offer an assessment of how to prepare to bring a civil action, the statute’s scope and its legal requirements. The course will also review the Supreme Court’s recent interpretation of this stature in Van Buren v. US as well as alternative causes of action you can take to protect your data from company insiders. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Statutory Interpretation: Do the Words “because of… sex” Include “Sexual Orientation” and “Transgender Identity”?

    The statement “…because of sex”, one that now appears on anti-discrimination forms, disclosures and even advertisements, are an essential aspect of employment discrimination. This CLE course will address this term within the context of discrimination and present prior United States Supreme Court litigation such as Hopkins and Oncale which raises the question of whether sexual orientation and transgender identity were included in the statutory definition of sex. The course will... More Info

    4Access Justice
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