Oregon MCLE - Litigation Courses

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Oregon MCLE
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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, offering courses fully approved for MCLE by the Oregon State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • The New Wave of Benzene Litigation: Class Actions

    Traditionally, the plaintiffs in benzene personal injury litigation have alleged that their use of paints, solvents, varnishes, and other petroleum-based products caused them to develop blood cancers. When in 2021, benzene was found in deodorants, sunscreens, and other personal care products, consumer class action cases were filed in federal district courts in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, California, and Ore... More Info

    1General Credit
  • To Prosecute or Not To Prosecute? Analyzing Ethical Rules Telling Prosecutors When and How They Can Do Their Job

    Whether and how to prosecute a case is not an open and shut issue. This CLE course will present prosecutors with the rules which limit the possibility of prosecuting certain cases as well as the guidelines for how they can and should be prosecuted. But this course does not only apply to prosecutors, as defense attorneys can use this information to attempt to dissuade prosecutors to drop cases or try them in a specific way. The course will explain and analyze these rules and gui... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Introduction to Paper Discovery and Depositions

    The success of a case hinges on many things. Having a discovery plan at the outset, and the ability to implement that plan, is vital both to your success and your ability to increase the overall recovery amount. A workable plan also helps to reduce the stress and resources on your practice when dealing with document dumps and massive discovery demands. This CLE course will explain how to use "paper discovery" efficiently and economically in Civil and Special Civil matters. It is inte... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Making the Most of Mock Trials

    Mock trials are similar to dress rehearsals – useful but not necessarily predictive. They are very useful in determining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s case, but just because a mock trial is successful doesn’t mean the court case will be. Designed for seasoned litigators as well as novice, small firm practitioners, this CLE course will explain how to utilize mock trials as learning tools for gathering insight, practicing strategy and obtaining a view of how yo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breathalyzer Tests: To Blow or Not To Blow, That is The Question

    Refusing a breathalyzer test seems incriminating, but might be within a client’s rights. This CLE course will address Test Refusals – To Blow or Not to Blow, a program designed to systematically assist lawyers in handling phone calls from individuals under arrest for DWI. The course will not only explain how to answer the question, but also how to do so in a way that doesn’t incriminate the client. The course will also explain how to represent someone who is accused of refusing to subm... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Art of Negotiation

    The 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis just passed, and as one of the most examined crises in American history, it’s still a hotly debated topic. While it unfolded, it held the attention of the entire world. The ending seemed positive, but was that the result of careful mediation and wise, informed decision making, or was it just luck? This riveting CLE course will examine the negotiations that transpired during the crisis, the various actors and their decisions and how they... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Located a missing person is sometimes required of attorneys in most areas of practice, though more often for those practicing trust and estates, malpractice, debt collection, personal injury, and real estate law. Typically, with enough information, creativity and resources, attorneys can locate individuals without the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This informative CLE course, developed by a seasoned investigative attorney, will help lawyers develop basic people sea... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Did That Witness Show Up? Hearsay and Confrontation Clause Restrictions and Exceptions in Criminal Prosecutions

    It seems unlikely that a witness to the court would simply not show up, yet it happens often and not everyone knows how to address such an issue. All criminal practitioners, from prosecutors and defense attorneys to judges themselves. Must know how to handle these absences. The area is covered by two types of law which regulate how these cases should be addressed. This CLE course will explain and analyze these rules and how attorneys can use them to advance their cases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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