Oregon MCLE - Litigation Courses

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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, offering courses fully approved for MCLE by the Oregon State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Litigation Courses

  • Oh Brave Commercial New World: The New Reality of Name, Image, and Likeness in Collegiate Athletics

    This CLE course serves to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding the recently enacted laws that permits college athletes to earn money from the use of their Name, Image & Likeness (NIL) without risking their college eligibility. While there are some restrictions, the response of the NCAA in lifting their rules, even in states where the law wasn’t passed, enabled collegiate athletes, previously barred from endorsements or other earnings, to pursue opportunities much the way professional athl... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Fundamentals of Orthopedics for Lawyers: Anatomy, Injuries, and Common Procedures

    Orthopedic procedures are common in legal proceedings involving an injury. This may take the form of a defective product in a knee implant, pedicle screw or biologic such as Norian. This CLE course will present procedural considerations in such a case as well as review relevant case law, anatomy and an explanation of common orthopedic surgical procedures attorneys should be familiar with. More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Ethical Guide to Expert Witness Reports & Testimony

    Litigating construction lawsuits are adversarial processes at their core. Yet the American Bar Association has nevertheless established Model Rules of Professional Conduct, offering guidance for lawyers’ conduct in the course of “seek[ing] a result advantageous to its client but consistent with requirements of honest dealings with others.” The ethical standards outlined apply both to the interaction between a counsel and the representation of their client as well as to the retention an... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethics of Legal Writing

    Ethical issues can befall even the most experienced attorneys. This CLE course will examine five of the more common ethical pitfalls in writing, including plagiarism, frivolous writing, failure to cite adverse authority, incivility in legal writing, and ghostwriting. The course will explain how to avoid crossing the line between ethical and unethical writing with the goal of helping attorneys evaluate their writing for appropriate advocacy. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • A Search for Perfection: Fundamentals of UCC Article 9

    The complexity of Article 9 of the UCC’s technical rules for secured transactions can be a challenge. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the major concepts that attorneys need to know about Article 9. The course offers a practical approach which outlines the fundamental issues from defining secured transactions to potential remedies for default. The course will also review the various perfections of security interests and priority issues and rules. More Info

    1General Credit
  • E-Discovery’s Emerging Ethical Challenges

    With the growing need to produce and examine ESI, attorneys must become technologically proficient. This informative CLE course will explore the challenges inherent in preserving and gathering ESI, managing a client’s use of social media and the many ethical issues that may arise as well as strategies to avoid them. The course will also address the ABA Model Rule 1.1 and the attorney obligation it contains. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Lost in Translation The Pitfalls of Obtaining Testimony Across Boundaries of Language, Culture and Class

    Obtaining testimony relies on one’s ability to interpret information, and then accurately convey it to others. It is more art than science and much can get lost in translation, even when all parties are speaking the same language. This CLE course will explain the limitations and potential pitfalls that witness testimony may encounter in our judicial system and will highlight the most important strategies to ensure a successful outcome. More Info

    3.75General Credits
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    Maritime law is a wide and complex subject area. This CLE course will assist non-maritime lawyers grasp the legal issues so as to properly advise clients. The course will assess property damage cases, such as when a towboat hits a pier, and personal injury cases, such as when someone was standing on the pier when the tugboat hit, within the context of maritime law. The course will address underlying theories related to comparative fault, liability, personification of the vessel and in rem liab... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Offering immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) empowers these leaders to delete, modify or censor material they may deem objectionable. The act also gives them the freedom to ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion, thereby making them the gatekeepers of the discourse on platforms that provide most of the world’s information. This CLE course will address the constitutionality of granti... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Are You Up To It? Handling High Conflict Custody and Divorce Matters

    Preparation is a key element to the success of divorce and custody cases. This CLE course will focus on cases on the extreme end of the spectrum from collaborative to adversarial. The more adversarial the case, the more specialized skills are required for case management, locating and retaining experts to advance a client’s objective and manage their expectations, case-related costs, cooperation and other key elements of case building. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • NFT's: A Survey of Intellectual Property Issues

    NFT’s have become a valued investment and a hot topic. Since an NFT of Beeple’s collage sold at Christie’s for $69 million, everyone is trying to get in on the action from investors to celebrities. This CLE course will discuss the actual current state of NFT’s and Web culture, the evolving community and the intellectual property issues that are rapidly emerging as a result. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    With the emergence of blockchain technology, the Internet of Value has replaced the Internet of Information and the Internet of Things. It has thoroughly transformed our economic system with cryptocurrency being the hottest topic in financial news. The ethical issues involved however, have barely been discussed. This CLE course will address the opportunities as well as the risks for lawyers in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The course will offer an overview as well as... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Reverse Mortgages: Stay In Your House For The Rest Of Your Life? Not So Fast!

    Reverse mortgage holders often file foreclosure actions without any basis for doing so. This CLE course will present a detailed overview of the determinations, which are at times very problematic, of reverse mortgage servicers of non-occupancy by borrowers. The course will also offer guidance to attorneys who need to litigate these actions on their clients’ behalf. Valuable insight into the effective handling of the entire process of such cases will be reviewed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Remove The "Stress" From Removal Defense: Practice Before The Federal Immigration Courts

    Immigration law is increasingly dynamic and the policies and procedures of the court are similarly volatile, making practicing before federal immigration courts (EOIR) incredibly stressful. This CLE course will review the major procedural transformation in the court since COVID-19 and explain how to successfully navigate all aspects of the proceedings. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Securing Social Security Disability Benefits

    As technology advances, everyone must adjust and that includes attorneys. With the Social Security Administration shifting services to the internet, including those that enable securing benefits, attorneys are now able to represent clients across the country. This CLE course will review the current process for securing Social Security benefits and explore what makes a successful case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Understanding The Collateral Consequences of a DWI Conviction and Properly Advising Your Client

    Navigating a DWI conviction can be complicated. This CLE course will assist attorneys in navigating DWI law to successfully represent clients. The course will address the potential consequences to a motorist with an out-of-state DWI as well as the importance of completing alcohol education programs. Enrollment processes and the impact of refusals and administrative suspensions as well as travel restrictions as a result of offenses will be reviewed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will offer insight regarding the issues that attorneys should consider when drafting construction contracts. The course will review: Drafting Mechanics Liens Delay Damages Termination Liquidated vs. Actual Damages Material Escalation Costs Change Orders Insurance Bonds Dispute Resolution More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Defending DWAI Drug Cases

    Recently there has been a marked increase in prosecutors’ unwillingness to offer standard reductions in DWAI drug cases. The result of this is more cases, more hearings and more trials with prosecutors using specific types of evidence. This CLE course will offer tools and strategies for NY criminal defense attorneys to understand and attack this evidence. The course will address blood test results and how they can be used to undermine the People’s case. The course will also dis... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Valuable Data Through the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

    How prepared are you to bring a civil action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? This CLE will offer an assessment of how to prepare to bring a civil action, the statute’s scope and its legal requirements. The course will also review the Supreme Court’s recent interpretation of this stature in Van Buren v. US as well as alternative causes of action you can take to protect your data from company insiders. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Statutory Interpretation: Do the Words “because of… sex” Include “Sexual Orientation” and “Transgender Identity”?

    The statement “…because of sex”, one that now appears on anti-discrimination forms, disclosures and even advertisements, are an essential aspect of employment discrimination. This CLE course will address this term within the context of discrimination and present prior United States Supreme Court litigation such as Hopkins and Oncale which raises the question of whether sexual orientation and transgender identity were included in the statutory definition of sex. The course will... More Info

    4Access Justice
  • Current Trends in Asylum Cases: The Asylum Officer Rule

    Recently, new rules implemented by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice offers the ability to quickly grant asylum to applicant subject to expedited removal and eligible for asylum while promptly removing those who are not. These new rules are an attempt to streamline the asylum process and remove some of the load from the overburdened immigration courts. This CLE course will review this new mechanism with a specific focus on the due process rights of those... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This fascinating CLE course will look at jury selection from the historical lens of diversity and race. The course will examine how the “all white juries” of the past resulted in infamous miscarriages of justice and how the Supreme Court has addressed the racial discrimination in jury selection going all the way back to the 1880’s. The course will take a particular look at New York State courts and how they have recently addressed this issues and then zoom out to look at what other sta... More Info

    1.25Access Justice
  • Effective Mediation: What the Mediator Needs to Know to Resolve Your Case

    It might be surprising, but over 95% of civil cases settle before trial. This CLE course will explain this pre-trial resolution statistic as a result of the effectiveness of mediation. Designed to assist both new and seasoned attorneys in streamlining oral and written presentations for mediation and getting crucial information in front of a mediator. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Employment Law Since #MeToo

    The beginning of the #MeToo movement can ostensibly be traced to when the New York Times published a bombshell expose that revealed decades of abuse and sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein, a previously untouchable Hollywood mogul. The article, entitled Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades, quotes a partner of the instructors' firm. Five years later, the #MeToo movement, a name inspired by sexual assault survivor and activist Tarana Burke, who years earlier h... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Know What Evidence You Have and How to Use That Evidence at Trial

    Attorneys must go beyond simply uncovering evidence that proves or disproves a case. They must consider how the facts and the law work together and ensure that the evidence they uncover is admitted so that it may impact the outcome of a case. Regardless of whether it is a civil or criminal trial being tried in front of a judge or a jury, when it comes to the presentation of evidence, preparation is key. This CLE course will offer tips and strategies for preparing for evidence presentat... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Criminal Defense Appeals

    Presented from the perspective of a criminal defense attorney, this comprehensive CLE course will focus on appeals to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeal. Utilizing a practical approach, the course will dramatically increase an attorney’s chance of success by offering tips and strategies for framing issues, the use of key phrases, presenting procedural history and statements of fact as well as other key elements. The course will also address the importance of oral arguments an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Force Majeure: Constant Contingency In Turbulent Times

    It seems that every day there is a new emergency, from global to local. Pandemics, war, government overhaul, riot, global warming – all of these touch upon the always present but little regarded Force Majeure clause in contracts. This informative CLE course will address Force Majeure from the practical view of contractual verbiage or absence, qualifying events, transactional contests and effects. The course will also address the impact of common law as well as court decisions and statu... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Challenging the Impermissible Use of Race in Jury Selection

    The issue of the impermissible use of race when exercising preemptory challenges was perfectly highlighted in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019 ruling in the case of Curtis Flowers. This CLE course will offer criminal defense attorneys with tools and strategies they can utilize to combat this type of unethical tactic. More Info

    1Access Justice
  • Legal Ethics: Lawyer and Client Relationship

    This CLE course will familiarize private practice attorneys with tips and strategies to avoid unintentionally committing UPL violations. This applies particularly to those who perform transactional work and/or are telecommuting from a state or states that is outside where they are admitted to practice. Addressing the contours of what constitutes the unauthorized practice of law (UPL), this CLE course, based partially on an article I had written, will open with a walk through of LegalZ... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Liberty’s Last Champion: The Validity of "Science" Evidence and Court Practice

    Our legal system asserts that it provides justice before the law, but not everyone would agree that the system is designed to ensure it. Civil and criminal cases bring about some difficult issues and science, along with some common sense, can often provide solutions. One example of this is DNA, a tool which can guard against false conclusions, but that can also be misleading. Our ability to differentiate between good, reliable science and junk science is key to this. This CLE course... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The New Wave of Benzene Litigation: Class Actions

    Traditionally, the plaintiffs in benzene personal injury litigation have alleged that their use of paints, solvents, varnishes, and other petroleum-based products caused them to develop blood cancers. When in 2021, benzene was found in deodorants, sunscreens, and other personal care products, consumer class action cases were filed in federal district courts in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, California, and Ore... More Info

    1General Credit
  • To Prosecute or Not To Prosecute? Analyzing Ethical Rules Telling Prosecutors When and How They Can Do Their Job

    Whether and how to prosecute a case is not an open and shut issue. This CLE course will present prosecutors with the rules which limit the possibility of prosecuting certain cases as well as the guidelines for how they can and should be prosecuted. But this course does not only apply to prosecutors, as defense attorneys can use this information to attempt to dissuade prosecutors to drop cases or try them in a specific way. The course will explain and analyze these rules and gui... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Introduction to Paper Discovery and Depositions

    The success of a case hinges on many things. Having a discovery plan at the outset, and the ability to implement that plan, is vital both to your success and your ability to increase the overall recovery amount. A workable plan also helps to reduce the stress and resources on your practice when dealing with document dumps and massive discovery demands. This CLE course will explain how to use "paper discovery" efficiently and economically in Civil and Special Civil matters. It is inte... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Making the Most of Mock Trials

    Mock trials are similar to dress rehearsals – useful but not necessarily predictive. They are very useful in determining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s case, but just because a mock trial is successful doesn’t mean the court case will be. Designed for seasoned litigators as well as novice, small firm practitioners, this CLE course will explain how to utilize mock trials as learning tools for gathering insight, practicing strategy and obtaining a view of how yo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breathalyzer Tests: To Blow or Not To Blow, That is The Question

    Refusing a breathalyzer test seems incriminating, but might be within a client’s rights. This CLE course will address Test Refusals – To Blow or Not to Blow, a program designed to systematically assist lawyers in handling phone calls from individuals under arrest for DWI. The course will not only explain how to answer the question, but also how to do so in a way that doesn’t incriminate the client. The course will also explain how to represent someone who is accused of refusing to subm... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Art of Negotiation

    The 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis just passed, and as one of the most examined crises in American history, it’s still a hotly debated topic. While it unfolded, it held the attention of the entire world. The ending seemed positive, but was that the result of careful mediation and wise, informed decision making, or was it just luck? This riveting CLE course will examine the negotiations that transpired during the crisis, the various actors and their decisions and how they... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Located a missing person is sometimes required of attorneys in most areas of practice, though more often for those practicing trust and estates, malpractice, debt collection, personal injury, and real estate law. Typically, with enough information, creativity and resources, attorneys can locate individuals without the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This informative CLE course, developed by a seasoned investigative attorney, will help lawyers develop basic people sea... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Did That Witness Show Up? Hearsay and Confrontation Clause Restrictions and Exceptions in Criminal Prosecutions

    It seems unlikely that a witness to the court would simply not show up, yet it happens often and not everyone knows how to address such an issue. All criminal practitioners, from prosecutors and defense attorneys to judges themselves. Must know how to handle these absences. The area is covered by two types of law which regulate how these cases should be addressed. This CLE course will explain and analyze these rules and how attorneys can use them to advance their cases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Following the Money: A Primer on Fraudulent Transfer Litigation for the Uninitiated

    Debt collection can be simple and straightforward, or difficult and even dirty when a debtor decides to make things complicated. Debtors facing lawsuits may attempt to shield themselves by giving assets to family or friends, leaving nothing for a creditor to take. This CLE course will offer tactics for combating what’s considered fraudulent transfers by the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) and the avoidance actions that can be taken. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Is There Any Evidence For This Evidence: What Experienced Trial Lawyers Must Know About The Evidence Code

    Offering a comprehensive overview as well as practical applications for the Evidence Code under Federal Rules of Evidence this CLE course will address issues of: Scope (preliminary questions, application of rules, admissibility limitations, etc.) Judicial Notice (when courts can assume the veracity of commonly known things) Relevance (what kinds of evidence are deemed relevant and admissible or when relevant evidence may nonetheless not be shown to a jury, etc.) Presumptions (regarding... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Since the legalization of marijuana, its potency has risen and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[1] It is the THC in marijuana which results in the “high,” and which can lead to addiction, violence, crime, mental illness, traffic deaths, and many other health and social problems. Many maintain that voters were not properly informed of these dangers when marijuana was legalized and that the current use and these levels causes harm that, had the public been aware, might have... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Advance Depositions: Strategies for Taking Depositions in Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    With a focus on the perspective of the plaintiff/insured, this CLE course will present effective techniques for taking depositions in insurance bad faith cases. Presented by esteemed and experienced attorneys, the course will address who to take depositions from and when to take them, as well as questions for key witnesses, what to be asked in advance and what should wait for trial. The course will also explain how to set up insurance company witnesses for cross-examination. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Pre-Trial Preparation for Success at Trial

    Trial preparation is essential for the success of your case. This CLE course will help attorneys prepare for trials using tried and tested methods for information gathering and storing. The course will explain how to employ information in the classroom to help secure a verdict in your client’s favor. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Veterans Update: What's New from Congress, The Courts and The VA

    The US has been at war for the past three decades. From Kuwait and the former Yugoslavia to Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, the physical and mental toll on our armed forces has been extraordinary. This CLE course, presented by Commander John Wells, USN (Ret), Chairman of Military-Veterans Advocacy will explain the origin and purpose of the Department of Veteran Affairs, and try to simplify the seemingly endless regulations and procedural issues and potential pitfalls involved in their ope... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Do you suspect someone is violating your trademark? What about your copyright or patent? Are you interested in safeguarding your invention through a patent? Is it a priority for your business to clear and register your trademark and copyright? Are you considering a licensing agreement as either a licensor or a licensee? Do you require assistance with your talent agreement? Are you interested in learning how to maximize the value of your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Drafting the Bullet Proof Civil RICO Complaint

    Prosecuting civil actions in Federal Court in situations where defendants engaged in criminal or even quasi-criminal behavior can be aided through Civil RICO complaints. Yet many federal judges are wary of Civil RICO cases and respond by creating OSC hearings or check lists to make sure that RICO claims are both legitimate and that they are pled properly. This CLE course will explain how to establish a ROCI complaint that holds up under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Discovery, Evidence, and Motion Practice Under Section 1983 Police Liability

    A successful police misconduct practice under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 has three main issues at its core: 1) Discovery: This includes what law enforcement files are kept, a checklist of which ones should be requested by the plaintiff (including incident reports and investigations, officer personnel files, and Monell custom and policy related files) 2) Evidence: including 15 evidentiary issues, the admissibility of previous contact the plaintiff had with the police, prior officer discip... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Ethics in Debt Collection Law

    This CLE course will explain the ethical and liability traps that attorneys are subject to for those collecting and prosecuting consumer debts under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This course will explain the most common rules of professional responsibility that typically result in liability under the FDCPA. Presented by defense counsel with over 30 years of experience defending law firms against FDCPA allegations, the course will present the best approaches to avoidin... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Equity & Inclusion Confusion: Discrimination and Other Trending Employment Law Topics for Non-Employment Lawyers

    Employment law is an important area of the legal system even for non-employment lawyers. This comprehensive CLE course will address the uniquely challenging issue of employee vs. independent contractor and the implications of how workers are classified. The course will summarize the various federal laws, including Title VII, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act and the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which govern... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Sexual Harassment, “Me Too” Allegations, and Settlement Agreements: A Necessary Perspective for Counsel

    This interactive CLE course will present the various issues surrounding sexual harassment, and employee training that counsel is required to advise their clients on. The course will delineate what constitutes sexual harassment under federal law and what companies need to regulate as well as the how to assess the potential costs and risks of litigation as well as the merits of a specific case. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Employment Law Issues in Telework Environments

    The phenomenon of remote work didn’t begin with COVID-19, but the virus did bring it into the foreground as a key battleground between employers and employees. Today, as employees fight to work from home either full-time or hybrid, employers are stuck between retaining talent and the extent to which they are willing to offer flexible solutions. This CLE course will explain the employment law issues that arise for employers for remote workers, both full-time and hybrid. The course will... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Avoiding Liability Under The FDCPA

    The purpose of this CLE program is to provide attorneys with an overview of the essential aspects of compliance with respect to a third-party debt collector's use of telephone and written communication for debt collection. In recent times, the debt collection industry has experienced heightened regulatory scrutiny and increased enforcement actions by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Additionally, there has been renewed interest from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and... More Info

    2General Credits
  • ChatGPT and Related Products: The Legal Ramifications

    The rise in capability of Artificial Intelligence products has drastically altered the legal industry. This CLE course will explain the consequences of this trend with a discussion of current AI products, such as ChatGPT and how they operate. The course will then move forward to its impact on several legal issues including patents, copyright, trade secrets, contracts, and confidential information as well as an exploration of best practices in AI. More Info

    1General Credit
  • ON STRIKE! The Law of Labor Conflict

    The rise of union organizing and strikes across industries is occurring against a backdrop of changes in recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board as well as an evolution in the workplace. While federal laws have remained stagnant, there is no question that traditional union activity is changing. This CLE course will examine the basic provisions of the National Labor Relations Act as well as its amendments which relate to labor strikes, boycotts, picketing and other protes... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    Intellectual Property (IP) is a valuable asset for an organization. This informative CLE course will explain how to identify and utilize an IP to further business goals. The course will explain the types of IP’s that exist, the associated costs with obtaining and maintaining the various types of IP's, costs of IP acquisition, negotiation strategies, licensing, enforcement issues and defensive actions when faced with another’s IP. The course aims to impart wisdom in the IP space as well... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Representing Patent Owners and Inventors in Litigation: Challenges, Insights and Strategies

    The monopoly power of a patent is powerful, giving patent owners and inventors an important role in our society. This CLE course will offer both inside and outside counsel the tools and information to help inventors and patent owners understand their responsibilities as well as the risks and practices associated with asserting patent rights in litigation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Survival Of The Fit in Criminal Lit

    Success in litigation is a matter of experience and action. This CLE course will reveal the keys to successful litigation. Led by a seasoned attorney with over 40 years of experience, the course will offer practical insights, actionable steps and strategies to help you navigate criminal litigation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Federal Civil Procedure: Practicing Tips for Federal Litigation

    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure seem overwhelming. This CLE course will arm you with the knowledge you need to navigate federal civil litigation and walk into a federal courtroom with confidence. Whether your experience is limited, or you just need to brush up, this CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the critical stages of FRCP including removal and jurisdiction, discovery, pleadings, evidentiary and pre-trial issues. The course will offer strategic insight into the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • PFAS: The Forever Chemicals

    PFA’s were developed in the 1950’s for use as waterproofing materials, fire-suppression chemicals, non-stick coating, and other products. Technically known as Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, these have now been found in both food and water supplies around the world and have been linked to a variety of cancers as well as non-cancerous illnesses. This CLE course will explain these substances and the new federal and state regulations that have been enacted. The course will review the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Some Lessons From The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Collision Case

    A trial about a ski accident would not normally make the news, but when one party is Gwyneth Paltrow, every minute of the trial is cause for a media frenzy. At the end of March, 2023, the case of Gwyneth Paltrow v Terry Sanderson went to trial to determine who was at fault in a ski crash at Deer Valley ski resort in Utah. The case seemed to be a simple incident of a collision course on a ski slope in which Mr. Sanderson alleged that Ms. Paltrow skied into his back, knocking him down,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • You Can Handle the Truth! An Introduction to the Military Justice System for Civilian Practitioners

    Anyone who has seen A Few Good Men has been intrigued by the concepts of military justice. This innovative CLE course, geared toward civilian practitioners who are interested in military courts or want to expand into military defense, will offer a comprehensive overview of the military justice system. The course will present an overview of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (“UCMJ”), the cultural differences between the civilian and military systems, the rights of the accused in th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Another Bite of The Apple: How To Use The New Sentencing Guidelines Amendment To Help Your Client Get Out of Prison

    The First Step Act, enacted in 2018, is considered by many to be the greatest criminal justice reform acts in recent memory. The Act resulted in changes to federal criminal law that could potentially offer your client significant relief through resentencing and early release. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive overview of the First Step Act and its impact on the US sentencing guidelines. The course will also present motions that can be filed pursuant to the First Step Act and... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Legal Research in the AI Era

    AI has been with us since as far back as 1951. Since that time, the advances in AI pertaining to legal research have been noticeable, but typically small. That was true until November 2022, when the large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, was released. Since then, products have been released at a record-breaking pace, all of them using the foundation of ChatGPT. Even Westlaw and Lexis incorporated AI-assisted research features in their newest release. This informative CLE course will expl... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How To Write a Persuasive Motion

    There’s an art to drafting legal motions. This one-hour CLE course will help practicing attorneys looking to enhance their advocacy skills by offering tools for constructing engaging factual narratives, structuring compelling arguments, and navigating the stages of motion practice. The course will also explain how to master citation formats, address ethical issues and other topics critical to effective motion writing. Useful for both seasoned and novice attorneys, this course offers va... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Protecting Your Trademark In The Face of EU’s, GPDR and U.S. Privacy Laws- Case Study and Practical Tips

    This CLE course will explore the growing challenges in identifying trademark infringers on the internet, highlighting the common hurdles faced during the process. It will cover essential knowledge for obtaining relief from trademark violations online. The course will address GDPR and U.S. privacy laws, discussing the difficulties these regulations create in tracking down online-only infringers. Additionally, it will delve into the strategies and practical aspects of securing legal reme... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Capital Punishment: The Myth of Innocence

    The issue of capital punishment has been a persistent and controversial element in the criminal codes of nearly every U.S. state since the nation's founding. This CLE course explores the multifaceted debates surrounding the death penalty, focusing on its fairness, administration, and inherent ethical concerns. Over the past 70 years, the controversy has centered on three primary issues: Can the death penalty be administered in a manner consistent with fair and constitutional procedures,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
Decorative Arc

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