Pennsylvania CLE - On-Demand Courses
Pennsylvania CLE
Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Pennsylvania Accredited CLE Provider (Provider ID 6208). To view our full accreditation details please .
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
What Every Family Law Attorney Needs To Know About Debt Collection And Bankruptcy
Family law includes a variety of different factors, including the multitude of issues families face when a single household splits into two. Whether with regards to debt, bankruptcy or the specific solvency of different family members, these issues are required knowledge for Family Law practitioners. This CLE course will review each of these potential problems to enable attorneys to advise their clients in making informed decisions. More Info
$551.5General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Emerging Post Pandemic Cybersecurity Issues for Lawyers
Cybersecurity is an absolute necessity for law firms today. In the post-pandemic world, with attorneys working remotely and from a variety of devices and networks, the ethical and professional obligations with regards to competency, supervision and confidentiality are further amplified. Creating a defensible cybersecurity protocol means taking into account the process (technology) as well as the policies, such as incident response, business continuity, disaster recovery, work-from-home... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Trademark Modernization Act: Understanding the USPTO's Final Rulemaking
This CLE course will focus on the ability of USPTO and brand owners to initiate new ex parte reexamination and expungement proceedings. These proceedings, were authorized by the Trademark Modernization Act. The course will explain these proceedings as well as the USPTO’s final rulemaking and the impact it will have on brand owners. The course will cover procedural issues, best practices to brands responding to these proceedings, consideration for those implementing proceedings, changes... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Defining Antitrust Markets in Platform Industries
Designed to update generalists, anti-trust practitioners and inside counsel on the lower courts’ interpretation and application of Ohio v. American Express as it relates to defining antitrust markets involving platforms, this informative CLE course offers a brief but high level overview of antitrust law in the US. Taking into account the impact of the Supreme Court decision in this landmark case and the degree to which platforms have occupied the antitrust spotlight, the course will review the... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Key Considerations of Intellectual Property Litigation
Covering the key aspects of Intellectual Property litigation, with a special focus on the 3 primary areas including patents, trademarks and copyright, this CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview as well as a discussion of pre-suit investigation and considerations. The course will cover filing a lawsuit, unique features of IP litigation, damages, settlements, and resolutions. Recent cases and relevant statutes that impact IP litigation will also be addressed. More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Anatomy of a Criminal Law Case
This CLE course will present the basics of criminal law from a practical standpoint beginning with the initial phone call all the way through to the courthouse. The course will explain every part of the process from dealings with clients and their families to ADA’s, court staff and juries. Fee negotiations, pleas, cooperation agreements, Supreme Court procedures and motion practice will all be addressed. More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Introduction to Chapter 11, Subchapter V: An Accessible and Affordable Option for Small Businesses
Between stimulus payments and eviction moratoriums, bankruptcy filings have reached record lows. This assistance, however, provided on a federal and state level in response to COVID-19, will not last forever. When these expire, small businesses looking for a new means of support can turn to Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy code, which this informative and timely CLE course will present. The course will offer a step-by-step guide for plan approval as well as commercial lease... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Return to Office: Employment Tax Considerations
The post-COVID world has companies completely re-imagining workplaces, whether actual or virtual. This CLE course will explain various fringe benefits of a distributed or hybrid workforce, including employment tax benefits and those being offered real-time to motivate workers to return to offices or remain in place. The course will cover guidance from the IRS and various states on how to manage the complexities of these tax issued both in regards to reporting and withholding for employ... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Matrix Resurrected: Employment Non-Competes Across State Lines
Offering a comprehensive overview of US law concerning restrictive covenants, covenants not to compete, solicitation agreements and other non-compete terms in employment agreements in various state jurisdictions, the CLE course will look at the statutory, judicial and other frameworks states use to address these issues. The course will offer practical advice for those who review non-compete provisions in employment agreements or for the purpose of negotiating and drafting such agreem... More Info
$291General Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Understanding Asset Protection
Learn how to protect yourself from the effects of lawsuits through personal asset protection. This CLE course will offer an in-depth guide for protecting your personal wealth including a basic history, exemption status under federal and state law, risk analysis and definitions. The course will also delve into protections for different types of assets such as physical and real asset, liquid, domestic, offshore and others. Protection tools such as Limited Liability Companies, Family Limi... More Info
$551.5General Credits