Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Return to Office: Employment Tax Considerations

    The post-COVID world has companies completely re-imagining workplaces, whether actual or virtual. This CLE course will explain various fringe benefits of a distributed or hybrid workforce, including employment tax benefits and those being offered real-time to motivate workers to return to offices or remain in place. The course will cover guidance from the IRS and various states on how to manage the complexities of these tax issued both in regards to reporting and withholding for employ... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • The Matrix Resurrected: Employment Non-Competes Across State Lines

    Offering a comprehensive overview of US law concerning restrictive covenants, covenants not to compete, solicitation agreements and other non-compete terms in employment agreements in various state jurisdictions, the CLE course will look at the statutory, judicial and other frameworks states use to address these issues. The course will offer practical advice for those who review non-compete provisions in employment agreements or for the purpose of negotiating and drafting such agreem... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Understanding Asset Protection

    Learn how to protect yourself from the effects of lawsuits through personal asset protection. This CLE course will offer an in-depth guide for protecting your personal wealth including a basic history, exemption status under federal and state law, risk analysis and definitions. The course will also delve into protections for different types of assets such as physical and real asset, liquid, domestic, offshore and others. Protection tools such as Limited Liability Companies, Family Limi... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • A Hundred Little Things: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases, Focusing on Technology, Ethics and COVID Amendments

    This advanced CLE course is designed for a variety of lawyers. It will focus on the use of Google sheets and AirTable as well as the ethical issues related to such tools. Using a Prime Time TV sublease to dissect ethical issues, the course will delve into a variety of ways clients might be impacted by COVID with regards to leases and CRE long term, business and restaurant advisors, work from home issues and curbside eating and delivery. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Ethics of Cannabis Law

    The cannabis industry is complex and dynamic, as are the ethical considerations surrounding representation, starting with the legal issues and ethics of representing cannabis clients. This CLE course will present a variety of legal scenarios that often arise as well as the current status of the federal and state stance on marijuana and the prospect for reform. The course will address the strategies currently being employed to mitigate risk and how the courts have attempted to reconcile... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • New Age Forensics: A Tactical Guide To Cross Examining Experts

    Nearly every case to come to trial today includes new age forensics and expert witnesses. Given the fear of most attorneys, both criminal and civil, to cross examine and expert in his or her field, a comprehensive guide is critical to doing so. This CLE course will offer a tactical guide to cross examining expert witnesses, offering tips and strategies to punch holes in an expert’s credentials and credibility. Presenting common sense, tried and tested techniques, these approaches can b... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • How The New Proposed Tax Bill Can Impact Your Retirement Account

    The recent tax proposal released by the House Ways & Means Committee has a huge impact on retirement accounts. This informative CLE course will provide details to key provisions of the proposal including the $10m retirement account cap, the elimination of Backdoor Roth IRA and of Mega Backdoor Roth IRA’s. Other provisions to be discussed include: Asset holding prohibitions Investment using IRA’s in entities for which you are an owner Statute of limitations extensions And more More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Business Interruption Coverage Post-Covid: Property and Business Interruption Claims and Forensic Accounting

    Income losses from COVID-19 are a continued problem in industries throughout the US. Many, whether private organizations or public entities, have employed their Business Interruption insurance policy to offset the loss. This CLE course will present the current state of insurance claims for such interruptions and explain how to prepare, present and support a lost income claim. The course, presented by experienced professionals in the field of business interruption insurance, wil... More Info

    1General Credit
  • George Floyd Case: The Evidence, Arguments, Verdict and Sentence in the Criminal Case Against Derek Chauvin

    The charges and evidence supporting the conviction of Derek Chauvin, the former police officer charged in the killing of George Floyd evolved from manslaughter to murder. This case, wherein the police officer placed his knee on the victim’s neck, commanded national attention and was one of the events that spurred the Black Lives Matter movement. This CLE course will review the charges – third degree murder, second degree murder and second degree manslaughter and the evidence that creat... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Policing under Section 1983: The Year in Review

    Policing in America has experienced a huge upheaval as well as advanced scrutiny over the past year. This CLE course will help you stay on top of new developments including residential searches under Caniglia v. Strom, intent to restrain as a seizure under Torres v. Madrid, and residential arrests under Lange v. California. The course will offer an overview on the top ten ways that policing in the post-George Floyd/Breonna Taylor may impact your practice and address issues such as qual... More Info

    1.6General Credits
Decorative Arc

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