An Introduction to Mental Health Law

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Puerto Rico CLE
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About This Course

While the study of Mental Health Law is a field in itself, the legal ramifications have significance in a variety of areas. Mental Health law is pertinent to executing Wills, Trusts, and Advance Directives for health care decision making. Matrimonial and family law attorneys must face clients’ potential mental health issues, substance abuse, psychological disorders and developmental disabilities. Criminal attorneys must defend or prosecute those with mental health issues and/or substance abuse. Entertainment lawyers represent countless celebrities who suffer from mental health and substance abuse issues and who must address these concerns proactively and with an eye towards their image and that is just the tip of the iceberg. In New York State, issues such as voluntary and involuntary admission and retention, Mental Health Warrants, refusal of treatment and overriding this refusal, the guardianship statute, and addressing capacity determinations and functional limitations in individuals who need someone to make personal needs and property management decisions for them are all covered by a variety of statutes. This CLE course will review the appropriate statutes, legal actions, and challenges in the Mental Health arena and its impact on the law.
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