Puerto Rico CLE - Business Law Courses

This is a listing of Business Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • A Behind the Scenes Look at the Decision by the Supreme Court of NJ on Fraud in a Medical Malpractice Policy

    Hear from the attorney who successfully represented the Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association of Rhode Island in their appeal before the New Jersey Supreme Court in the famous DeMarco vs. Stoddard case which effectively established that a medial malpractice policy procured via fraud can and should be rescinded ab initio. As a result of this decision, the insurer has no obligation to defend or indemnify the doctor. The landslide decision was the result of extensive examination o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Use of Subpoenas in Arbitration

    This CLE course will explain the process for using subpoenas in arbitration and how to avoid or overcome the limits and difficulties which may be encountered when using them. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • ABC's of Selling or Buying a Privately Owned Business

    Whether you’re a seasoned M&A or a general attorney, the general practices of small company sale transactions may be relevant in a wide variety of cases. This CLE course will explain the three major stages of the process of buying or selling privately held businesses include issues related to pre-contract considerations, the actual sales contract and closing and post-closing concerns. More Info

    2.2General Credits
  • Regulatory, Contract, and Licensing Issues in the Hospitality Industry

    Tourism is big business in a city like New York, where even the residents are reliant on the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants, clubs and tours are all an inherent part of what makes New York City unique and business operators require up-to-date, accurate and reliable information to keep their businesses compliant with the city’s always evolving laws. This CLE program focuses particularly on restaurants and the challenges they face in opening a new space. The course offers a detailed ove... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Copyright Reversion 101, 201 and 601: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Issues on Termination of Grants and Licenses

    Copyright termination is far more complex than one might imagine. This comprehensive CLE course will present everything you need to know about copyright termination and the various issues which may be raised by the US copyright law provisions which govern the termination of copyright interest grants. In this course, Frankfurt Kurnit Intellectual Property Litigation Partner Ned Rosenthal presents the basics of copyright termination followed by a discussion of the often complicated issues that ari... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Considerations of Litigation Funding

    Litigation funding, also known as legal funding, provides much needed assistance to accident victims. And yet, critics of the practice claim that it raises extensive ethical issues, and directly impacts the attorney client relationship and issues of privilege. This CLE course will explain litigation funding specifically as it applies to personal injury attorneys and their clients. The course will review the merits of assisting clients, analyze the secondary market that such funding creates, and... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • E-Discovery Case Law: Sanction Cases You Need to Know

    This CLE course will explain e-discovery sanctions and how to protect your company from them. The course will present three noteworthy sanction cases and how they could have been prevented. Trends in e-discovery sanction cases as well as tips and strategies from an experienced panel representing a variety of legal roles will all be included. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know about New E-Discovery Technology

    Document review often accounts for more than 80% of total e-discovery costs. This CLE course will explain how to dramatically reduce costs and the new e-discovery technology that enables you to quickly identify critical documents, streamline activities and minimize data that requires outside review. The course explains why focusing on the left side of the EDRM will lead to cost saving on the right side during document review and the specific e-discovery technology capabilities that can be utiliz... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Structure Employment Agreements and Employee Equity Offerings to Avoid Section 409A Tax Traps

    Almost any agreement, arrangement or program for the deferral of compensation for employees or service providers is effected by Section 409A of the tax code. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive overview of Section 409A and its primary provisions. The course will also explain the framework for structuring a stock option as well as ensure compliance for phantom equity plans and agreements related to employment and severance. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Arbitrator Impartiality in Tripartite Arbitration: A Comparison of Jewish and Secular Law

    The typical arbitration panel consists of three arbitrators—one chosen by each party who then choose the third. Much like panels orchestrated by Jewish Law going back thousands of years, party-appointed panels are the norm. But can a panel of which two-thirds has been chosen by a specific party truly be considered neutral? Viewing the issue from a comparative law perspective, this CLE course will explore the unique set of ethics surrounding tri-partite arbitration and the nuances of how the agre... More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
Decorative Arc

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