Puerto Rico CLE - COVID 19 Topics Courses
This is a listing of COVID 19 Topics CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .
Home is Where The License Is: Ethical Considerations for Lawyer Relocation During and After the Pandemic
COVID-19 motivated many lawyers to relocate, work remotely, and avoid perceived risk. This CLE course will assess the legal and ethical ramifications of relocation, particularly to states beyond where you might be licensed. The course will address authorization to practice, jurisdiction and choice of rules. More Info
$341.1Ethics Credits -
Emerging Post Pandemic Cybersecurity Issues for Lawyers
Cybersecurity is an absolute necessity for law firms today. In the post-pandemic world, with attorneys working remotely and from a variety of devices and networks, the ethical and professional obligations with regards to competency, supervision and confidentiality are further amplified. Creating a defensible cybersecurity protocol means taking into account the process (technology) as well as the policies, such as incident response, business continuity, disaster recovery, work-from-home... More Info
$291General Credit -
Introduction to Chapter 11, Subchapter V: An Accessible and Affordable Option for Small Businesses
Between stimulus payments and eviction moratoriums, bankruptcy filings have reached record lows. This assistance, however, provided on a federal and state level in response to COVID-19, will not last forever. When these expire, small businesses looking for a new means of support can turn to Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy code, which this informative and timely CLE course will present. The course will offer a step-by-step guide for plan approval as well as commercial lease... More Info
$551.6General Credits -
A Hundred Little Things: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases, Focusing on Technology, Ethics and COVID Amendments
This advanced CLE course is designed for a variety of lawyers. It will focus on the use of Google sheets and AirTable as well as the ethical issues related to such tools. Using a Prime Time TV sublease to dissect ethical issues, the course will delve into a variety of ways clients might be impacted by COVID with regards to leases and CRE long term, business and restaurant advisors, work from home issues and curbside eating and delivery. More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Business Interruption Coverage Post-Covid: Property and Business Interruption Claims and Forensic Accounting
Income losses from COVID-19 are a continued problem in industries throughout the US. Many, whether private organizations or public entities, have employed their Business Interruption insurance policy to offset the loss. This CLE course will present the current state of insurance claims for such interruptions and explain how to prepare, present and support a lost income claim. The course, presented by experienced professionals in the field of business interruption insurance, wil... More Info
$291General Credit -
Labor & Employment Update From A-Z: American Disabilities Act (ADA) to Zoom Calls and Everything in Between
Offering an overview of the many recent updates and developments in employment and labor laws, both in New York State and Federal, this informative CLE course will cover COVID issues such as vaccination policies as well as the New York State Sick Leave Law, the New York Heroes Act, updates in wage and hour laws, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, discrimination and much more. More Info
$291.1General Credits -
How Covid-19 Legislation has Impacted Commercial Landlord-Tenant Litigation
Commercial landlord-tenant litigation has been greatly impacted by COVID-19 legislation, dramatically altering the commercial landlord-tenant practice. This CLE course will explain the key legislation and executive orders which had an impact on the ability of a landlord to collect rent, the tenant’s ability to delay rent payments and the guarantor’s ability to eschew personal responsibility. The course will offer practical considerations and suggestions in light of the new chan... More Info
$552.1General Credits -
Remote Legal Work in the Post-Pandemic Age
COVID-19 has taught us that remote work can be successful. Even for lawyers. Yet the professional responsibility rules that attorneys must abide by, can make remote work complicated. This CLE course will address the disconnect between practicing law remotely and the legal and ethical guidelines that dictate attorney behavior. The course will raise hypothetical situations to address the main issues including working remotely across state lines, in-state requirements and virtual offices... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction
Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders are on the rise, leading to an increase in impairment in the legal profession. According to the statistics, 1 in 3 attorneys will need mental health services at some point in their careers. Yet there are other addictions, such as gambling, which is lesser known but can be just as damaging. The US Supreme Court Case of Murphy vs. NCAA upheld the legality of gambling across the country and in almost no time, Pennsylvania had on-line... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
COVID-19 Fraud and Recent Trends in False Claims Act Litigation
A qui tam action, or whistleblower, who reports on a healthcare company/individual who commits fraud, waste or abuse against the government may create a financial windfall to those who have such information. This financial relief falls under the federal and state False Claims Act (FCA). In California there is also a statue which allows relief when fraud, waste or abuse are committed against California private insurance companies. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of w... More Info
$291General Credit