Puerto Rico CLE - Employment Law Courses

This is a listing of Employment Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • How Leadership Can Create Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession

    While bias, discrimination and harassment in the workplace has come under fire in the past few years, there still remains a degree of insidious behavior that can have an adverse effect on the workplace environment. Particularly for vulnerable employees, the climate of a workplace can directly impact employee performance and satisfaction. This CLE course will provide leaders and managers with the tools to examine their workplace and the interpersonal relationships within it and offer tips and str... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession

    Gender discrimination and gender diversity has perhaps never been more center-stage. This CLE course will take an attorneys view of the issue and discuss them in terms of the legal profession. The course will explain pay equity in law firms, sexual harassment issues and how diversity can be improved in law firms. Practical, effective steps by individuals and organizations can take to increase diversity and avoid inappropriate sexual conduct in light of the lessons we’ve learned in the #MeToo and... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Americans with Disabilities Act: Accessibility Issues for Businesses

    Even after years of legislation and nation-wide public awareness, people with disabilities still often find themselves in situations where accessibility was not taken into account. This has resulted in thousands of lawsuits in federal court in the last year, many of them in New York, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) alleging inaccessibility in public buildings. This riveting CLE will be presenting by a panel of speakers who will address the rise in this type of litigation and prov... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • FMLA Checklist: Step-By-Step Compliance

    Compliance with FMLA can be a complex process that can trip up even the most seasoned HR professional. This CLE course will present an in-depth checklist, including step-by-step procedures, to ensure an understanding of compliance obligations, how to meet and administer them in the workplace. The course will provide a fully comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements of the FMLA as they relate to leaves of absences and benefits including leave eligibility, definitions of key terms such... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Multi-State Employers: Drafting Employee Handbooks Compliant in all States

    Multi-state employers face tremendous challenges in creating employee handbooks. With laws that vary by state, organizations doing business across the country must ensure compliance with all state laws as well as federal laws regarding workplace compliance. This CLE course will focus on drafting employee handbooks that protect businesses in every state they operate. The course will highlight the most common legal pitfalls as well as critical policies and disclaimers to include and those that can... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Copyright Infringement: How to Defend Lawsuits and Protect Assets

    Providing a comprehensive overview of copyright infringement, this CLE course will discuss the importance of registration, unsure defense and fair use as well as actual damages and profits. The course will review liability for employee action, the avoidance of liability and the use of independent contractors. Addressing both theoretical and practical implications, the course will discuss the protection of assets in the event of infringement, ownership entity structures for copyrights, collecti... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Business Immigration Law: New Rules and New Challenges in Recruiting Global Talent

    A slew of new rules and regulations over the past year in recruiting and retaining global talent has put constraints on an increasingly competitive hiring market. This CLE course will explain how to understand the new market and anticipate the year ahead with regard to the recruitment environment. The course will explain the recent laws, executive orders and USCIS policy shifts that may have a defining impact of work visa, H-1B visas, business-related travel and overseas enforcement. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Marijuana Matters in the Workplace: Cannabis & Employment Law

    Marijuana in the workplace is just one of the challenges facing the legalization of cannabis. This course will review the statistics of workplace marijuana use and the various contradictory rules regarding federal and state employee protections. Employer obligations for the use of medical marijuana as well as strategies for employment policies, will all be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Labor and Employment Law Update: The Day of the $29.00 Hamburger is Coming!

    Labor law is an ever-evolving field. This CLE course will provide you with all the recent updates and developments, both New York State and federal, on a variety of labor and employment issues such as New York State unemployment law, workers compensation, employee misclassification, and the New York Paid Family Leave Act. The course will also review the difference between employees and independent contractors and the Freelance Isn’t Free Act. Requires benefits, wage and hour updates, salary thre... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Current Developments in Employment Law: FMLA, DBL, WC, ADA, NYPFL - How Does All This Work

    Balancing work and family has become a hot-button issue in recent years, with more and more employees demanding that businesses recognize and provide for families whether they are dealing with medical issues, military service or a newborn child. Many of these rights are detailed in the Paid Family Leave Act and it is incumbent upon employers and employees to understand their rights and obligations. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive review of both as well as eligibility requirements... More Info

    2General Credits
Decorative Arc

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