Puerto Rico CLE - Employment Law Courses
This is a listing of Employment Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .
Labor & Employment Update From A-Z: American Disabilities Act (ADA) to Zoom Calls and Everything in Between
Offering an overview of the many recent updates and developments in employment and labor laws, both in New York State and Federal, this informative CLE course will cover COVID issues such as vaccination policies as well as the New York State Sick Leave Law, the New York Heroes Act, updates in wage and hour laws, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, discrimination and much more. More Info
$291.1General Credits -
COVID-19 Fraud and Recent Trends in False Claims Act Litigation
A qui tam action, or whistleblower, who reports on a healthcare company/individual who commits fraud, waste or abuse against the government may create a financial windfall to those who have such information. This financial relief falls under the federal and state False Claims Act (FCA). In California there is also a statue which allows relief when fraud, waste or abuse are committed against California private insurance companies. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of w... More Info
$291General Credit -
Update on ERISA: Governed Disability, Life and Health Benefit Claims
ERISA laws seem to be constantly evolving as is their relevance to the scope of their relationship to disability, life and health benefits as resolved by the courts. This CLE course will address the multitude of issues from benefit denials to pre-litigation appeals to the most recent rulings on the scope and standard of judicial review in ERISA claims. The course will also offer insight on developments in litigation involving hot topics in medical treatment, accidental death, disabilit... More Info
$291General Credit -
Total Disability: Everything You Need To Know
This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of Workers Compensation from the perspective of attorneys for the claimants. The course will leave you better able to handle injury issues whether they happen in or out of the workplace and will address strategies to take on even large insurance companies when representing your client and offering more effective advise throughout the Workers Compensation process. More Info
$552General Credits -
Employment Agreements: Protection for All Involved
Employment agreements join the parties, where one or both are individuals, over short or long time periods. In order to be effective, these agreements must be regarded as advancing and protecting the self-interests of both parties. They must include the conditions of employment, responsibilities of each party, compensation, benefits and standards as well as factors that would trigger early termination. This CLE course will present how these agreements should be built, the inclusion of... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
Employee Manual: A Key Risk Management, Legal Compliance and HR Management Tool
Employee Manuals, even if no one reads them, are essential to protecting your business and your interests. This CLE course will explain how to draft an Employee Manual to accomplish its three main goals: 1-to communicate policies related to Human Resources 2- manage the risk of litigation by or on behalf of employees 3-ensure compliance with federal, state and local employment policies The course will review all aspects of an Employee Manual and the vocabulary that ensures you are... More Info
$552.5General Credits -
The Second Most Powerful Civil Statute: A Must Watch for Civil Litigators
A first-of-its-kind statute dedicated to the protection of W-2 employees, the New York City’s Freelance Isn’t Free Act went above and beyond in protecting freelance workers from late and non-payment. With powerful civil remedies in place such as negative presumption against hiring parties, double damages, and attorney fees, to name a few, NYC is leading the way in freelance worker protection and other states are following. This CLE course will provide commercial litigators with everyth... More Info
$551.6General Credits -
ADA Website Compliance: Is Your Website Lawsuit Proof?
Section 508 of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) stipulates a variety of issues pertinent to Website ADA Compliance. This CLE course will explain these issues and the significance and impact of increased accessibility and how that relates to the ADA. With data innovation giving new significance to the notion of equal access for all from the perspective of accessibility for those with disabilities as well as the untapped market they embody, this course will offer the data, resour... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
The Business Uses of Life Insurance
Offering a complete overview on life insurance, this CLE course will cover insurable interest, common riders and term vs. permanent. The topic of underwriting and the various types of insurance companies as well as buy/sell agreements, key persons, group whole life, retirement and executive bonus plans and whole life insurance as a business asset will all be discussed. More Info
$291General Credit -
Whistleblower Litigation: Tips for Avoiding Traps for the Unwary
This CLE course will offer an initial introduction to whistleblowing laws, followed by an in-depth discussion of the various traps that the unwary might fall into. Designed for those who are seeking to or considering representing whistleblowers, the course will review issues of divorce, bankruptcy, severance agreements, public disclosure issues, FOI requests, the management of parallel employment litigation, counterclaims and co-relator issues among others. More Info
$291General Credit