Puerto Rico CLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses

This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Ethical Issues Concerning Retainer Agreements, Website Management, and Termination Letters

    This comprehensive CLE course will present the many issues involved in engaging clients through Engagement Letters. The course will address how to create effective Engagement Letters as well as developing and maintaining firm websites for the purpose of minimizing potential representation risks as well as for determining when termination of the Attorney/Client relationship is necessary. The course will introduce participants to the appropriate forms and strategies when facing a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This fascinating CLE course will look at jury selection from the historical lens of diversity and race. The course will examine how the “all white juries” of the past resulted in infamous miscarriages of justice and how the Supreme Court has addressed the racial discrimination in jury selection going all the way back to the 1880’s. The course will take a particular look at New York State courts and how they have recently addressed this issues and then zoom out to look at what other sta... More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
  • Handling Current Legal Ethical Issues

    Remote work became the norm during COVID-19 and with it many practical issues arose, particularly for attorneys. This CLE course will address some of those issues particularly with regards to discussing personal legal matters with work employees. The course will present examples of attorneys acting as overzealous advocates for their clients and how that can result in lawyers crossing ethical boundaries. More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
  • In the Beginning... and Before: Ethical Considerations at the Outset of Representation

    This two part CLE course will address the professional responsibilities that attorneys have prior to representing clients. The course will begin with solicitation and barratry including practices such as ambulance chasing as well as conduct, consequences, enforcement and other rules of professional conduct. Part two of the lecture will address the importance of engagement letters, what’s included in them and how they can and should reduce the risk of malpractice claims. More Info

    1.1Ethics Credits
  • Implicit Bias: “I’m Not Like You…Except That I Am”

    Presented by a trial lawyer, mediator and life coach, this informative CLE course will address why human beings tend to judge and categorize other humans and demystify their perceived need to do so. The course will then dovetail with the topic of bias and prejudice elimination and how that fits into the perceived need and will facilitate how to reframe those common “caveman-like” reactions. The course will take a light-hearted tone and respect all opinions and perspectives. The... More Info

    1.1Ethics Credits
  • Legal Ethics in Tax Practice

    Tax law comes with its own unique challenges and characteristics. It is distinguished from other areas both by the technical aspects of the discipline as well as the ethical standards involved. Beyond ethics codes governing individual states and the ABA Model Rules, tax lawyers are also subject to IRS Circular 230 and must navigate the Internal Revenue Code’s myriad penalties. When it comes to opinion practice, tax attorneys often look to relevant Treasury Regulations which provides a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Considerations for Multistate Referral Rules and Fees

    Presented by a former Morris County Assistant Prosecutor, this CLE course will present rules and best practices for Attorney Referral fees and the ethics surrounding them in New Jersey as well as state-by-state throughout the country. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Ethics and Art of Settlement at Mediation

    Mediation has many benefits both for attorneys and for their clients. This informative CLE course will present the ways in which attorneys may benefit from the mediation process including in presentation, psychology, and strategies that will better your chances of success. The course will also offer a detailed review of the mediation process and the importance of ethical behavior to your success. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency

    The ethical use of social media to build your referral network is fraught with pitfalls. Whether referring to advertising, solicitation or attorney communication, the Rules of Professional Conduct must be used to ensure you do not cross any ethical lines. This CLE course will cover these rules as they relate to internet marketing and advertising and will highlight where the ethical standards have fallen behind of advancing technology. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising

    Marketing yourself as a lawyer can create confusing ethical dilemmas. This CLE course will address the correct balance of advertising, social media and video and client engagement used to grow your practice. The course will differentiate between advertisements and solicitations and explain the importance of the distinction. The issues of trade names and compliance with the latest rules will be addressed. More Info

    2Ethics Credits
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