Puerto Rico CLE - Family Law Courses

This is a listing of Family Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Pitfalls To Avoid When Real Estate and Matrimonial Issues Collide

    Matrimonial law requires attorneys to possess a wide breadth of knowledge since it intersects with many other areas of laws including immigration, contracts, criminal law, property, insurance, trusts, estates and taxes. The place where matrimonial and real estate law overlap is particularly complex and fascinating. Divorcing couples typically jointly own at least one piece of property, usually the marital residence, though some couples may own many properties. From rental properties,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Matrimonial Law: Four Topics Attorneys Need to Know

    The four key elements of matrimonial law – divorce, support, custody and special relief – will all be discussed in this introductory CLE course. The course will explain the most important considerations as well as areas of potential complication. The course will place special focus on the need to consider “pertinent negative” which may be the foundation for the successful handling and result of a case. Primarily concerned with how to develop and proceed effectively in matrimoni... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys

    An exciting, comprehensive, story-based CLE, this course will focus on Oregon’s somewhat elusive education requirements for child and elder abuse reporting. The course, while not blockbuster movie material, will offer real-life examples of what child and elder abuse looks like and offer a complete walk through of an attorney’s responsibility in reporting such incidents. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Estate Planning: Common Issues; Practical Answers

    Practitioners across all disciplines are no strangers to complaints about grantor trusts, and it's likely that such grievances will continue to arise. Grantor trusts have become a cornerstone of most contemporary estate plans. One of the many "benefits" of grantor trusts is that the individual who establishes the trust, known as the settlor, is responsible for paying income tax on any income earned within the trust. This is an excellent strategy for accelerating the growth of trust assets and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Rules and Principles of The Division of Real Estate Between Married and Unmarried Partners

    Divorce is difficult – both emotionally and financially. Separating lives that were once united is complicated from every respect and the division of assets is one of the most combative issues couples face. This CLE course will focus on the division of real estate and the importance of prenuptial and mid-marriage agreements in protecting a spouse’s interest in a property, particularly when a down payment was provided by a family member. The course will explain the various pitfa... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation

    Imagine your client, with full knowledge and faculties, has executed a deed signing away his property with the “understanding” that he would eventually get it back. Would the statute of frauds bar relief? Interesting question. This CLE course will address all the Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation. Presented by the author of "Litigating Constructive Trusts" which addresses the main issues relevant to constructive trust cases, the course will address the issue from an offen... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • The Secure ACT: Five Key Considerations

    This CLE course will explain the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement) and its impact on the nation’s retirement system. The course will address the five main focus areas of the SECURE Act and how, as an attorney, the law may affect your financial plan. The course will cover topics such as the new age requirements for RMD’s and age limitations on traditional IRA’s, distribution options for beneficiaries, flexibility and options with regards to 529 p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Discovery in Surrogates Court: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Surrogate Court practice can be overwhelming for even the seasoned attorney. This CLE course, designed for both experienced state planners looking to up their game and those new to the practice, will offer a comprehensive review of the laws, rules and procedures related to litigating issues in Surrogate’s Court. The course will address these issues from the viewpoints of both the petitioner and the respondent and will present practical tips that will increase efficiency and help guide... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

    New York has utilized New Jersey’s equitable distribution law as the basis for their laws instituting and applying equitable distribution in all divorces. This CLE course will address the current applicable statutory as well as recent case law on the topic and offer strategies to best argue for your client’s financial situation. The course will discuss child support and spousal maintenance taking into account current statutes and guidelines and recent applicable cases. The cour... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Intermittent FMLA: Understanding an Employer's Obligations

    The difficult part of the already complex FMLA is understanding intermittent and reduced schedule leave. This informative CLE course will offer tips and strategies to understand the basics of taking intermittent and reduced-schedule FMLA leave and how to ensure compliance with the law. The course will offer a deeper understanding of the FMLA and how to violations of the FMLA and legal liability. The course will present: Scheduling FMLA leave Multiple methods for determining the 12-m... More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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