Puerto Rico CLE - Family Law Courses

This is a listing of Family Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • How to Conduct a Comprehensive Client Consultation and Intake for your Matrimonial or Family Law Client

    How to turn a prospective client into an actual one? This CLE course will explain everything you need to know about how to conduct an initial consultation to ensure you win that client. This interactive presentation will explain what to ask and how to answer to stand out from the crowd and simultaneously gather information to improve your representation. Specifically geared toward family law, perhaps the most emotionally charged area of law, the course will address issues related to divorce,... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Nuts and Bolts of Family Immigration Petitions

    The family based petition may seem quite complicated but this CLE course will provide you with a simple approach that will streamline the process and make it accessible. The course will cover issues of sponsorship and how various categories of sponsorship may apply to the process. The issue of cost, timing, use of forms and how they may impact individual eligibility will all be addressed. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Family Based Immigration

    Obtaining permanent resident status in the US can be tricky. One of the ways to achieve it is through a family member – either a citizen or green card holder. The process requires filing a family visa petition followed by an application. This CLE course will explain the process from beginning to end and present the various legal and factual issues within each step. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Family Law Basics

    Domestic relations cases are always tricky. This CLE course will present the basic issues that face attorneys in these types of cases as well as the importance of encouraging counsel between parties. The long term ramifications, both financial and otherwise, of divorce and the resulting single parent homes, will be addressed as a means to provide the language to discuss these issues with clients. Tactical strategies for navigating family law matters will also be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Make Sure Both Sides of the Story are Heard: Breaking Down a Domestic Violence Criminal Case

    Designed to provide you with the basics of a domestic violence case, this CLE course will explain all the components of such cases and how crimes are categorized as DV cases. The course will explain the position of domestic violence prosecutors and law enforcement as well as the stages these cases typically go through. Specific case scenarios will be presented. More Info

    1.4General Credits
  • Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys

    The elusive education requirements in Oregon for reporting child and elder abuse will be revealed in this anecdote based CLE. The course will present real life examples of the impact of child and elder abuse as well as reporting responsibilities for attorneys. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention

    The issue of pre-nuptial agreements in Jewish marriages is typically meant as prevention of agunahs (where a husband’s unwillingness to participate in the divorce process traps women in marriages against their will). This CLE course will present the detailed discussions of the Beth Din of America agreement process as well as the newer documents created by other rabbinical courts. The course will also explain the case law that has emerged as a result of the Beth Din of America’s enforcement of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Prepare a Matrimonial Case for Trial Step by Step

    Trial preparation often begins with the first interview. Matrimonial trials are no different where preparation begins with an initial intake form, a Statement of Net Worth and a detailed Preliminary Conference Order. This CLE course will offer a step-by-step review of the proper preparation procedures including discovery, subpoenas, a detailed Trial Notebook and overall coordination of trial strategy. The course will explain the key elements of proper preparation to ensure the best results. More Info

    2.7General Credits
  • Counterclaiming for Custody and Addressing Problems with Discovery

    The difference between the previous and current law regarding counterclaims for custody is critical information for practicing attorneys. This CLE course will explain the change and review how to address discovery violations, non-compliance with discovery by opposing counsel and the collection of attorney fees. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Divorce Actions in New Jersey

    Designed for novice attorneys as well as seasoned ones unfamiliar with family law, this CLE course will offer an introduction and overview on the divorce process in New Jersey. The course will address both procedural and substantive issues that may arise during a divorce action as well as the use of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques. More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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