Puerto Rico CLE - Family Law Courses

This is a listing of Family Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
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United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Family Law Courses

  • Alimony and Spousal Maintenance: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE presentation offers a comprehensive exploration of spousal support analysis across jurisdictions, providing family law practitioners with both legal and financial expertise. The program begins with an in-depth review of the legal framework, highlighting the distinctions between alimony, support, and maintenance. Participants will examine the differing approaches in New York and New Jersey, gaining a clear understanding of how maintenance contrasts with child support, its connec... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employment Accommodations for Women with Children in the Workplace

    This CLE course provides an in-depth look at key legal protections for parents, particularly those who are pregnant or have young children, in the workplace. It covers a range of protections related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parental care needs. Participants will explore laws that safeguard against gender-based discrimination, especially in areas like pay equity. The course also offers an overview of essential employment law principles for litigating these cases, both withi... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Essential Estate Documents: Don't Delay Until It's Too Late

    This CLE program tackles a widespread issue: the tendency to delay or overlook critical documents essential for life's inevitable events—death, incapacity, or providing for those who will need to take over. In this one-hour course, we'll explore the fundamental documents and recommended language, discuss their role and timing, and highlight commonly overlooked considerations. The course will focus on three key documents: the Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Protecting Your Family Home Through Trusts

    As seniors age, they may face urgent needs for long-term nursing home care without having sufficient private funds or long-term care insurance to cover the costs. Often, their primary asset is their home, leading to the misconception that selling it and using the proceeds for care is the only solution. This CLE course will explore strategies to preserve this valuable asset for the Medicaid applicant and their loved ones. We will delve into the benefits of exempt transfers and the use o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Pregnancy in the Workplace: Understanding the New Laws on Accommodations for Pregnancy and Lactation

    Think you know your legal obligations for handling a pregnant employee? Think again. The rules are changing rapidly, making it hard to keep up. This CLE course will address key questions, including whether you need to accommodate a pregnant employee since normal pregnancy isn't a "disability" under ADA/ADAAA. We'll explore what laws apply when an employee requests more frequent breaks due to pregnancy, your obligations under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and state and municipal law... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Family Based Immigration and Naturalization

    This comprehensive CLE course will offer a complete overview of Family-Based Green Card and Non-Immigrant Dependent visas. The course will review the eligibility issues, filing processes, time-frames, qualifying relationships, and work and travel issues that arise while waiting for the green card for certain applicants. The course will also present the pros and cons of filing Adjustment of Status and Consular Processing, as well as other issues such as Conditional Permanent Residence,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations

    Defending sex abuse allegations is complex and difficult. This CLE course will explain the many issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners who find themselves in this role. The course will take us through ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond Covering a wide range of topics, the course will address issues such as: Jurisdiction Statute of Limitations Mediation & Arbitration Clarificatio... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Starting Strong: Estate Planning Strategies for Premarital and Newlywed Couples

    This CLE program equips attorneys with vital insights for effectively navigating the intricate intersection of love, marriage, and estate matters. The course explores essential topics, including prenuptial agreements, collaborative estate planning, tax implications, and considerations for legacy planning. Attorneys will acquire practical tools to facilitate effective communication among clients regarding their estates, assist in the management of shared assets, and contribute to planni... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Business Valuation for Attorneys

    There is a valuation process that takes place with every client, and determining the value of a client’s business or business interest is often critical to meeting their needs and can impact the outcome of their case. Valuation is therefore crucial to a variety of legal issues such as divorce, estate planning, partnership disputes, sales and other transactions. This CLE course will offer a review of the potential needs and basic tenets of valuations. The course will explain the options... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • How to Prepare for Long-Term Care Costs

    The demographics of aging has an impact on many areas of law, including insurance law. This CLE course will discuss the impact on wealth transfer as well as other issues that arise from using long-term care insurance to provide for aging individuals. The course will address the various tax opportunities available to business owners who seek to protect themselves and their families by leveraging their businesses. The course will also cover Medicaid planning and other products that addre... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Pitfalls To Avoid When Real Estate and Matrimonial Issues Collide

    Matrimonial law requires attorneys to possess a wide breadth of knowledge since it intersects with many other areas of laws including immigration, contracts, criminal law, property, insurance, trusts, estates and taxes. The place where matrimonial and real estate law overlap is particularly complex and fascinating. Divorcing couples typically jointly own at least one piece of property, usually the marital residence, though some couples may own many properties. From rental properties,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Matrimonial Law: Four Topics Attorneys Need to Know

    The four key elements of matrimonial law – divorce, support, custody and special relief – will all be discussed in this introductory CLE course. The course will explain the most important considerations as well as areas of potential complication. The course will place special focus on the need to consider “pertinent negative” which may be the foundation for the successful handling and result of a case. Primarily concerned with how to develop and proceed effectively in matrimoni... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys

    An exciting, comprehensive, story-based CLE, this course will focus on Oregon’s somewhat elusive education requirements for child and elder abuse reporting. The course, while not blockbuster movie material, will offer real-life examples of what child and elder abuse looks like and offer a complete walk through of an attorney’s responsibility in reporting such incidents. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Estate Planning: Common Issues; Practical Answers

    Practitioners across all disciplines are no strangers to complaints about grantor trusts, and it's likely that such grievances will continue to arise. Grantor trusts have become a cornerstone of most contemporary estate plans. One of the many "benefits" of grantor trusts is that the individual who establishes the trust, known as the settlor, is responsible for paying income tax on any income earned within the trust. This is an excellent strategy for accelerating the growth of trust assets and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Rules and Principles of The Division of Real Estate Between Married and Unmarried Partners

    Divorce is difficult – both emotionally and financially. Separating lives that were once united is complicated from every respect and the division of assets is one of the most combative issues couples face. This CLE course will focus on the division of real estate and the importance of prenuptial and mid-marriage agreements in protecting a spouse’s interest in a property, particularly when a down payment was provided by a family member. The course will explain the various pitfa... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation

    Imagine your client, with full knowledge and faculties, has executed a deed signing away his property with the “understanding” that he would eventually get it back. Would the statute of frauds bar relief? Interesting question. This CLE course will address all the Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation. Presented by the author of "Litigating Constructive Trusts" which addresses the main issues relevant to constructive trust cases, the course will address the issue from an offen... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • The Secure ACT: Five Key Considerations

    This CLE course will explain the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement) and its impact on the nation’s retirement system. The course will address the five main focus areas of the SECURE Act and how, as an attorney, the law may affect your financial plan. The course will cover topics such as the new age requirements for RMD’s and age limitations on traditional IRA’s, distribution options for beneficiaries, flexibility and options with regards to 529 p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Discovery in Surrogates Court: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Surrogate Court practice can be overwhelming for even the seasoned attorney. This CLE course, designed for both experienced state planners looking to up their game and those new to the practice, will offer a comprehensive review of the laws, rules and procedures related to litigating issues in Surrogate’s Court. The course will address these issues from the viewpoints of both the petitioner and the respondent and will present practical tips that will increase efficiency and help guide... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

    New York has utilized New Jersey’s equitable distribution law as the basis for their laws instituting and applying equitable distribution in all divorces. This CLE course will address the current applicable statutory as well as recent case law on the topic and offer strategies to best argue for your client’s financial situation. The course will discuss child support and spousal maintenance taking into account current statutes and guidelines and recent applicable cases. The cour... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Intermittent FMLA: Understanding an Employer's Obligations

    The difficult part of the already complex FMLA is understanding intermittent and reduced schedule leave. This informative CLE course will offer tips and strategies to understand the basics of taking intermittent and reduced-schedule FMLA leave and how to ensure compliance with the law. The course will offer a deeper understanding of the FMLA and how to violations of the FMLA and legal liability. The course will present: Scheduling FMLA leave Multiple methods for determining the 12-m... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Managing FMLA Leaves of Absence

    This comprehensive CLE course will offer an in-depth understanding of leave of absences with regards to FMLA compliance. A legalistic and complex set of laws, this CLE course will offer a step-by-step guide to understanding the requirements set forth in the FMLA relating to leave of absences. The course will also present a detailed plan of action for when employees are out on a leave of absence to ensure legal compliance. The course will also tips and strategies to: Understand w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Understanding Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

    Nursing home cases can be incredibly complex and with today’s aging demographics, they are increasingly common. This important CLE course will help you identify and evaluate nursing home cases, understand what rules apply to these cases (including federal and state regulations and laws), and the primary differences from "normal" personal injury cases. The course will also offers tips and strategies to present these cases persuasively at trial. More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Custody Decisions: When God and Culture Have a Say

    Custody matters are always tricky. Adding issues of culture and religion into the equation only complicates matters. This CLE course will offer an analysis of custody cases characterized by issues of culture and religion and how these differences are exhibited by the two parents. The course will review both case law and psychological protocols typically used to understand the factors that a court will likely consider and the importance it will attribute in handling these issues. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Love and Legislation Makes a Family: The Child Parent Act 1 Year In

    Until recently, New York had one of the most antiquated surrogacy laws in the nation. The laws included a ban on enforceable compensated surrogacy arrangements which imposed harsh penalties on anyone who participated in compensated surrogacy. This remained until the recent passage of the Child Parent Security Act (CPSA) is fairly comprehensive, yet does not cover situations where the surrogate supplies the egg. The CPSA addresses parentage of children born through third party reproduc... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Recent Important Civil Cases of The Virginia Supreme Court For All Civil Litigators

    Covering a broad range of topics and legal areas, this course will present 44 written summaries of recent opinions by the Virginia Supreme Court. The cases cover a wide scope including wrongful death, torts, civil rights to contracts, economic loss rule, family law, civil procedure, causes of action, evidence, affirmative defense including immunity and resjudicata/collateral estoppel. The summaries include alerts that attorneys should take into consideration from the various issues rai... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Split-Dollar Life Insurance Planning After the Levine Case

    In Marion Levine v. Commr. 158 T.C., a resounding victory was recently given to a taxpayer who pursued what many view as an aggressive spit-dollar life insurance plan for the purpose of minimizing estate taxes. This CLE course will explain the case and split-dollar planning as well as review prior cases that were decided against other taxpayers who used similar techniques. The course will explain what the taxpayer did right in the Levine case, the mistakes made in prior cases and how a... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Are You Up To It? Handling High Conflict Custody and Divorce Matters

    Preparation is a key element to the success of divorce and custody cases. This CLE course will focus on cases on the extreme end of the spectrum from collaborative to adversarial. The more adversarial the case, the more specialized skills are required for case management, locating and retaining experts to advance a client’s objective and manage their expectations, case-related costs, cooperation and other key elements of case building. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Guardianships Across Jurisdictions: Basic Considerations For the Attorney Practitioner

    The guardianship process is notoriously lengthy and complicated. The Uniform Laws Commission (ULC) put forward a set of rules aimed to make guardianship easier for attorneys to understand. The rules, in whole or in part, have since been adopted by 46 states. This CLE course will offer an overview of the practical application of the new ULA rules. The ULA updated the provisions to include inter alia, property management protections, provision with regards to minors subjected to guardian... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Spy Torts: When the Other Side Overreaches

    This informative CLE course will present the common law and statutory causes of action related to privacy invasion. This may include wiretapping, trap and trace methods, tracking devices and video or other surveillance. The course will also focus on the case law related to invasion of privacy and its impact on claims in civil litigation, employment and family law. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Interplay Between Ethics, Estates, Fiduciaries and Guardianships

    There are many ethical questions that arise when dealing with Estate and Elder Law. This CLE course will explore the fiduciary duties and who is owed duties as well as who is eligible to serve as a fiduciary. The limits of their duties and responsibilities, some of which trace back centuries or more also include obligations of loyalty, fair dealing, good faith and honesty. The course will attempt to utilize a practical approach to the role of the fiduciary and include real-world examp... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • What Every Family Law Attorney Needs To Know About Debt Collection And Bankruptcy

    Family law includes a variety of different factors, including the multitude of issues families face when a single household splits into two. Whether with regards to debt, bankruptcy or the specific solvency of different family members, these issues are required knowledge for Family Law practitioners. This CLE course will review each of these potential problems to enable attorneys to advise their clients in making informed decisions. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Anatomy of a Criminal Law Case

    This CLE course will present the basics of criminal law from a practical standpoint beginning with the initial phone call all the way through to the courthouse. The course will explain every part of the process from dealings with clients and their families to ADA’s, court staff and juries. Fee negotiations, pleas, cooperation agreements, Supreme Court procedures and motion practice will all be addressed. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know

    Patent law is one of the lesser known areas of law, in particular from a procedural standpoint. Special licensing and exclusive exams, as well as an undergraduate degree in science or engineering, dictate who can practice patent law and only practitioners will have real in-depth knowledge. With only about 40,000 active practitioners in the US, course work in the field is extremely limited. Regardless, it isn’t uncommon for an attorney with little or no background in patent prosecution... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Humanity Of The Mediation Process

    In mediation, the goal is for the mediator, a third-party neutral to guide parties in dispute to a resolution, what’s known as a win-win. The process is meant to maintain the dignity and humanity of the parties and successful mediation comes to a mutually agreeable resolution without unnecessary conflict. Nevertheless, there are some traits that people apply to mediators who engage in this process. This CLE course, which has been divided into four distinct process categories, offers a... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    Recently new Power of Attorney laws came into effect. In this comprehensive CLE course, Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. of Forspan Klear LLP will explain the primary changes to the POA form and how to plan in accordance with these new changes. The course will review key items to include when preparing new Power of Attorney forms. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Art and Law of Surveillance

    Surveillance is always a controversial topic, particularly in the area of civil litigation, family law and investigations. This CLE course will offer an examination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Social Media Ethical Rules, Video Surveillance, the Stored Communications Act, Facial and License Plate Recognition Technology, and GPS Tracking Statues. The course will present both the legal issues as well as the practicality of surveillance techniques and how to present findi... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Stepping Up: Representing Parents with Minor Children

    This CLE course is designed to introduce practical considerations for an increase in advocacy amongst parents facing incarceration or parents who are incarcerated in criminal or dependency cases. The course will include a short video recording and polls to encourage participation and reflection on the issue with the primary focus being meaningful engagement of parents with their parents in their defense as well as in court. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptocurrency, How to Find and Track it in Divorce Litigation

    Cryptocurrency is changing the financial landscape in many ways. One of those is the issue of hiding assets from divorce court. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin can be purchased with cash, held electronically without any third party interference and transferred anonymously. This CLE course will offer attorneys a general understanding of cryptocurrency and how it operates. The course will explain how it is held by an owner and offer strategies for gathering information on a spouse’s tran... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Children Aren’t Widgets: Child Custody and Child Support in New York

    This CLE course will offer a comprehensive review of New York laws and statutes related to child custody and child support. The course will include an explanation of terms such as sole custody, joint custody and shared custody and will also present negotiation technique, tips and strategies for conducting a child custody or child support case. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Whistleblower Litigation: Tips for Avoiding Traps for the Unwary

    This CLE course will offer an initial introduction to whistleblowing laws, followed by an in-depth discussion of the various traps that the unwary might fall into. Designed for those who are seeking to or considering representing whistleblowers, the course will review issues of divorce, bankruptcy, severance agreements, public disclosure issues, FOI requests, the management of parallel employment litigation, counterclaims and co-relator issues among others. More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Conduct a Comprehensive Client Consultation and Intake for your Matrimonial or Family Law Client

    How to turn a prospective client into an actual one? This CLE course will explain everything you need to know about how to conduct an initial consultation to ensure you win that client. This interactive presentation will explain what to ask and how to answer to stand out from the crowd and simultaneously gather information to improve your representation. Specifically geared toward family law, perhaps the most emotionally charged area of law, the course will address issues related to divorce,... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Nuts and Bolts of Family Immigration Petitions

    The family based petition may seem quite complicated but this CLE course will provide you with a simple approach that will streamline the process and make it accessible. The course will cover issues of sponsorship and how various categories of sponsorship may apply to the process. The issue of cost, timing, use of forms and how they may impact individual eligibility will all be addressed. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Family Based Immigration

    Obtaining permanent resident status in the US can be tricky. One of the ways to achieve it is through a family member – either a citizen or green card holder. The process requires filing a family visa petition followed by an application. This CLE course will explain the process from beginning to end and present the various legal and factual issues within each step. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Family Law Basics

    Domestic relations cases are always tricky. This CLE course will present the basic issues that face attorneys in these types of cases as well as the importance of encouraging counsel between parties. The long term ramifications, both financial and otherwise, of divorce and the resulting single parent homes, will be addressed as a means to provide the language to discuss these issues with clients. Tactical strategies for navigating family law matters will also be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Make Sure Both Sides of the Story are Heard: Breaking Down a Domestic Violence Criminal Case

    Designed to provide you with the basics of a domestic violence case, this CLE course will explain all the components of such cases and how crimes are categorized as DV cases. The course will explain the position of domestic violence prosecutors and law enforcement as well as the stages these cases typically go through. Specific case scenarios will be presented. More Info

    1.4General Credits
  • Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys

    The elusive education requirements in Oregon for reporting child and elder abuse will be revealed in this anecdote based CLE. The course will present real life examples of the impact of child and elder abuse as well as reporting responsibilities for attorneys. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention

    The issue of pre-nuptial agreements in Jewish marriages is typically meant as prevention of agunahs (where a husband’s unwillingness to participate in the divorce process traps women in marriages against their will). This CLE course will present the detailed discussions of the Beth Din of America agreement process as well as the newer documents created by other rabbinical courts. The course will also explain the case law that has emerged as a result of the Beth Din of America’s enforcement of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Prepare a Matrimonial Case for Trial Step by Step

    Trial preparation often begins with the first interview. Matrimonial trials are no different where preparation begins with an initial intake form, a Statement of Net Worth and a detailed Preliminary Conference Order. This CLE course will offer a step-by-step review of the proper preparation procedures including discovery, subpoenas, a detailed Trial Notebook and overall coordination of trial strategy. The course will explain the key elements of proper preparation to ensure the best results. More Info

    2.7General Credits
  • Counterclaiming for Custody and Addressing Problems with Discovery

    The difference between the previous and current law regarding counterclaims for custody is critical information for practicing attorneys. This CLE course will explain the change and review how to address discovery violations, non-compliance with discovery by opposing counsel and the collection of attorney fees. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Divorce Actions in New Jersey

    Designed for novice attorneys as well as seasoned ones unfamiliar with family law, this CLE course will offer an introduction and overview on the divorce process in New Jersey. The course will address both procedural and substantive issues that may arise during a divorce action as well as the use of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Intersection of Elder Law and Estate Planning

    Elder law, a complex group of interconnected areas of laws, impacts individuals and families as well as the critical decisions they must make regarding assets, retirement, estate planning, trusts, and more. Presented by attorney Aaron Futterman, this informative CLE course will explain the impact of elder law in consideration of legal issues of matrimony, trusts, real estate, personal injury, social security, taxes, and debtor/credit law. Medicare, Medicaid, guardianship, veterans’ benefits as... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Strategies for Successful Mediations and Negotiations

    The mediation process involves looking at a case from a variety of angles, understanding the ultimate goal and employing the necessary strategy in order to achieve it. The nature of the dispute and relative bargaining positions of the parties are key elements to how that strategy is devised. This CLE course will explain the position v. interests stance of mediation and how the terms BATNA and Re-Framing may play into the strategies that are employed. Additional strategies, such as those with t... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Elder Law for Family Law Attorneys

    It’s impossible to say whether there is any correlation between the rise in the elder population and the rise in divorces, and yet, more and more seniors are filing for divorce. This CLE course will help family law attorneys prepare for the unique set of issues that may arise in divorce settlements among seniors and how elder law may impact the proceedings. The course will explain elder law as well as Medicaid, SSI and the impact of a support award on benefit eligibility all within the context... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Spousal Abuse Petitions for I-360 and I-751 Cases

    There are vast complexities in evaluating psychosocial cases for spousal abuse, and the complications are made even more severe when they are in the context of immigration petitions. This timely and comprehensive CLE course, presented by attorney Mark Silver, will explain how these types of cases are evaluated from a clinical perspective as well as the potential challenges that the victim may face as married to an American citizen. Characteristics of abusers, typical cycles of abuse, understan... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Unique Divorce Issues Arising under Jewish Law

    The interplay between Jewish law as implemented by the Beth Din (rabbinical court) and secular law is a fascinating topic of study. This CLE course will explain the unique features of a Jewish divorce, the requirements of the ketuba (Jewish marriage agreement document) as well as its financial ramifications and the process of marriage dissolution through a Get (writ of divorce). The presentation will explain the requirements for divorce under Jewish law, including mutual participation of both... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Equitable and Not So Equitable Division of Real Estate in Divorce

    Real estate, unlike liquid assets, is not necessarily divided 50/50 in a divorce. The process of dividing and distributing real property between spouses is therefore quite complex, and fraught with peril. Who keeps the marital home? How are the proceeds of a sale divided? What factors are considered in determining whether a sale, buyout or deferred sale is equitable? All this and more will be discussed in the comprehensive CLE course on the various statutory factors considered in the division... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Matrimonial Law from A to Z

    As the rate of the divorce seems to be on an endless climb, the importance of understanding matrimonial law in becomes that much more imperative. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive and informative introduction to matrimonial law in New York State and will cover all issues of divorce, regardless of whether the parties meet residency requirements applicable to the signing of the Judgment of Divorce. Relating both the legal issues and practical strategy, the course will provide practical... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Breaking Up the Home Without Losing the House: Intersection of Foreclosure and Divorce

    Divorces and foreclosure cases often go hand-in-hand. With the recent changes to divorce law, compounded by the changes to child support that took effect, the impact on foreclosure is manifold. This CLE course will explain what every divorce attorney needs to know about foreclosure and what every consumer debtor practitioner needs to know about divorce. More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • New Jersey Will Drafting Basics

    This CLE course, designed to teach the basics in drafting a will for a New Jersey client, will explain the statutory requirements that form the basis for a valid will. The course will present the 7 specific clauses and provisions and address the typical concerns of clients. Materials such as wills for a single person, for couples with a without children both young and adult and for couples with children from a former marriage, will all be presented. More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • How to Conduct a Comprehensive Client Consultation and Intake for your Matrimonial or Family Law Client

    Client consultations are the idea venue to gain client trust as well as gather information that might be helpful at trial, particularly in the emotionally-charged atmosphere of family law. This CLE course, focused primarily on divorce, custody, child and spousal support and equitable distribution issues, will explore the issues related to representing clients dealing with these issues. The course will provide advice and guidelines for winning the client, identifying and resolving issues and deve... More Info

    1.8General Credits
  • Asset Protection and Estate Planning Under the New Tax Act

    The tax cut act created requirements in the area of transfer tax law and estate planning. This CLE course will explain those requirements and define the three critical steps necessary as well as pitfalls to avoid. The course will explain the use of irrevocable trusts to protect assets in case of divorce as well as asset protection planning, advanced trust and offshore structures and the protection of specific assets such as retirement, residences and others. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Building Blocks of Mediation

    Designed to provide a general overview of mediation theory by introducing basic terminology employed during the mediation process, this CLE course will effectively summarize the basic tenets of mediation theory. The course will also explain the work of the Ecclesiastical Court known as a Beit Din, which employs both mediation and arbitration techniques to resolve disputes. More Info

    2General Credits
  • School Discipline Basics for Attorneys

    Given the vast disparity in populations, income and wealth, and cultures across the US, it’s no wonder that school discipline is such a controversial issue. Both for general education students and those with disabilities (IEP’s and 504’s) add in parents, teachers, psychologists and social workers and discipline is an issue ripe for heated debate. This CLE course, designed for attorneys, educators, school board members and attorneys representing parents, persons with disabilities or those of othe... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Trusts: Planning and Drafting for Divorce

    Protection is the key element in designing trusts, which are perhaps one of the most powerful tools to minimize future risk to assets. But how do you best safeguard your client’s assets? What provisions should be used in drafting trusts to ensure success? How do you evaluate your client’s needs to determine the techniques that need to be implemented? This CLE course will look at the most common trust provisions as well as drafting techniques, sample language and planning considerations for th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Pre and Post-Nup Clauses to Address Trust Issues

    In the modern-day marriage, pre and post-nuptial agreements are practically a given. The most effective of these utilize an interdisciplinary approach, particularly where trusts are concerned. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive overview of the most common pre and post-nuptial agreements with special attention paid to trusts and the impact these agreements may have on them. The course will provide practical tips and strategies for planning and creating agreements, techniques for draftin... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Bankruptcy Law for Family Attorneys

    Designed as a beginners’ course on bankruptcy law, this CLE program will explain the law’s relationship to Family Law cases including the ethical issues that may confront Family Law attorneys. The course takes attorneys on a walk-through of the filing process, a detailed account of the petition for bankruptcy and how it might impact divorce cases. The course also provides strategies for the use of Bankruptcy law to benefit their clients, chapter 7 petition and a motion for the relief from auto... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Introduction to Family Law in New Jersey

    Designed to provide an initial overview of the practice of family law in New Jersey, this CLE course is a must for newly-admitted attorneys as well as those looking for more practical information on the practice. The course provides a detailed explanation of the structure and process and practice tips for cases of abuse and neglect, domestic violence, non-dissolution, divorce and child support. Strategies for client representation in all aspects of family law as well as necessary forms for a s... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • Finding Hidden Assets in a Matrimonial Case

    Designed to provide attorneys at all levels with critical information on discovery procedures and techniques, this CLE course will review the Civil Practice Laws and Rules as well as other applicable laws as they pertain to funding hidden assets and other aspects of discovery. Presented by Tully Rinckey PLLC Partner Mario Cometti, Esq. who will draw upon his experience as a former partner in a New York City law firm representing high net worth individuals in complex divorce proceedings the cours... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Probate and Estate Administration for the General Practitioner

    Did he leave a will? Are the parties amicable? Is it the fiduciary or someone affected by the fiduciary who is being represented? These are the three variables that typically arise after someone has passed away and in New York, all of these are handled in Surrogate’s Court. This CLE course will focus on the progress of such cases in Surrogate’s Court. The course will review the various departments of the court including administration, probate and accounting and how each one should be best a... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Ethical Considerations of Clergy Confidentiality

    The confidentiality afforded to those confiding in members of the clergy has far-reaching implications in defining the role and responsibility of priests, rabbis and clergy of all faiths. This CLE course, presented by Rabbi-lawyer Yona Reiss, will focus on the tensions between religious obligations and civil law statutes and the many ethical quandaries that may arise when clergy engage in conversations as spiritual counselors. Using source material and background information the course will expl... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Litigating International Child Kidnapping Cases Under the Hague Convention

    Offered for the purpose of educating attorneys who are interested in representing clients in federal and state court using the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and the implementing legislation, known as the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, this riveting CLE course explain the special rules that have been formed by the treaty to put the US in sync with fellow partners in dealing with issues related to international parental kidnapping. The course... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Drafting Prenuptial Agreements

    The demand for pre-nuptial agreements is rising along with the divorce rate and there are few couples in the full swing of divorce proceedings who don’t wish they had come to terms when the relationship was still amicable. As such, preparing for every possibility has become increasingly complicated. This CLE course will explain how to draft a prenuptial agreement that takes into account the full range of possibilities including assets, properties, estates, trusts and what to do in the instance o... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • ADHD, School Discipline & Criminal Prosecution

    Most educators will tell you that ADHD affects almost all of their students. The truth is far from it, but in the prison system, ADHD affects nearly 50% of inmates, often presenting with other mental health impairments such as learning disabilities and developmental delays. The impact on the prison system, from longer stays to higher costs in services, are astronomical and severely taxes the system as a whole. This CLE course will present the common symptoms and manifestations of the disorder as... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Ethical Issues in Making Capacity Decisions

    Substance abuse, alcohol abuse, old age and mental illness are just some of the factors that can contribute to an individual’s capacity to act in a legal environment. This designation is typically a medical determination and the aging population as well as prevalence of mental illness diagnoses and incidences of substance and alcohol abuse has drastically increased the application of capacity in legal cases. While capacity is widely known as an issue in criminal matters, this CLE course will rev... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Dividing Defined Benefit Pension Plans in Family Cases

    The division of a retirement plan account is a complex arrangement wherein a myriad of issues must be assessed and administered. This CLE course, presented by nationally renowned QDRO attorney Matthew Lundy and tax attorney expert Adam Lusthaus, will explain these plans and their benefits, and offer mediation strategies and optimal formulas for dividing the various types of plans. The course will also explain how to plan for military and federal employee pensions and the required paperwork and t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Five Most Common Challenges in Family Law

    This informative CLE course will present the most common situations related to domestic cases including relocation in custody battles, residence pending divorce, representing self-employed clients or those whose employment changes and obtaining interim relief pending custody matters. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Applying Mediation Principles to Family Law Issues

    After a long history of resistance, ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) has become so well-accepted in recent years that certain courts will require parties to resort to it before allowing their case to be tried. Mediation, a form of ADR used in civil disputes, family law issues, eldercare and other fields, is a growing field necessary for any attorney looking to begin a mediation practice or gain practical insight in the field. This CLE course, designed to teach the various skills and techniqu... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Fundamentals of Pennsylvania Family Law

    This CLE course will present the substantive and procedural requirements as they pertain to initiating and filing for divorce, asset division, custody and support. A discussion of the difference between the 3301 © and the 3301 (d) divorce, as well as practical considerations when filing for divorce and the ramifications as they relate to equitable distribution of marital assets, custody pleadings and grandparent rights, spousal support, alimony and child support will be explained. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Laws Of Arbitration As It Applies to Rabbinical Courts

    According to Jewish law, it is a requirement to settle legal disputes in the rabbinical, rather than secular courts. Known as a Beit Din, rabbinical courts are dictated by rules and procedures that most attorneys are unfamiliar with. This CLE course will explain how to navigate the rabbinical court system, how to craft arbitration agreements, the rules of marriage and divorce and the relationship between the rabbinical and secular court system in enforcing judgments. More Info

    1General Credit
  • When Brotherly Love Goes Wrong: Defending Against Constructive Trust Claims

    The first thing we learned in law school is that if you don't have a written contract for real estate, you cannot seek to enforce an agreement concerning that real estate. No contract, no sale. But there is an exception to the rule: a constructive trust. Unfortunately, constructive trust cases are often filed by family members with an axe to grind against other family members. An angry brother or sister can tie up your client's real property for years, based on nothing but a few conc... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Introduction to New Jersey Family Law Practice

    Every marriage is an agreement made between two parties. Yet while the determination to form a union can be legalized with no more than witnesses and a legal officiator, the dissolution of a marriage requires a laundry list of filings, motions and proceedings. Learn everything you need to know about the practice of divorce and Family Law in NJ in this comprehensive CLE course. In addition to explaining relevant documents and materials, the course will cover: Attorney/Client Relationsh... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Avoiding Malpractice when Dealing with Retirement Accounts

    A retirement account provides you with security and stability. But in a domestic relations case, failing to cover the specific benefits related to a retirement account in settlement or trial can be disastrous for the client and result in a malpractice claim for the attorney, This CLE course, presented by QDRO attorney Matthew L. Lundy, Esq. and appropriate for seasoned and new attorneys, explains some of the most important facets in dividing retirement accounts and how to properly address them... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Dividing Federal Civilian and Military Retirement Benefits in Family Cases

    Most family law attorneys know that a retirement account can be their best asset or their worse liability in a domestic relations case, depending on how they approach these highly complex assets. The failure to cover the specific benefits related to retirement account in settlement and/or trial can set a client up for dissatisfaction, or worse yet, set their attorney up for a malpractice claim. In this one-hour presentation, nationally-renowned QDRO attorney Matthew L. Lundy, Esq. t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Introduction to Mental Health Law

    While the study of Mental Health Law is a field in itself, the legal ramifications have significance in a variety of areas. Mental Health law is pertinent to executing Wills, Trusts, and Advance Directives for health care decision making. Matrimonial and family law attorneys must face clients’ potential mental health issues, substance abuse, psychological disorders and developmental disabilities. Criminal attorneys must defend or prosecute those with mental health issues and/or substance abuse.... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Ethical Issues Facing Practitioners in Family Law

    The intricacies of Family law go beyond legalities; they include emotional upheaval as well as ethical issues. Family law practitioners must know how to carefully navigate these issues. This CLE course, presented by experienced matrimonial and family law attorney Samuel J. Ferrara, will introduce hypothetical situations which represent the most common ethical dilemmas faced in this field. Ferrara takes you through a series of hypothetical's exploring the myriad ethical issues, such as certifica... More Info

    1.4Ethics Credits
Decorative Arc

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