Puerto Rico CLE - Government and Military Courses

This is a listing of Government and Military CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • The New Wave of Benzene Litigation: Class Actions

    Traditionally, the plaintiffs in benzene personal injury litigation have alleged that their use of paints, solvents, varnishes, and other petroleum-based products caused them to develop blood cancers. When in 2021, benzene was found in deodorants, sunscreens, and other personal care products, consumer class action cases were filed in federal district courts in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, California, and Ore... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • The Highs and Lows of Cannabis Land Use Regulations

    Weed is now legal in 21 states, with more than 155 million Americans able to legally possess marijuana. However, it remains classified as a Schedule I drug on the Controlled Substances Act, which is the same category as heroin, meaning it can disqualify someone from entering the U.S. military or for applying for a security clearance. Even those cannabis businesses operating in state-legal markets struggle to fund their start-up costs because they are restricted from opening bank accounts or ge... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • A Guide To Navigating The Maze Of New York City Zoning And Land Use

    Zoning and land-use are typically complex areas, and in New York City even more so. This CLE course will offer a detailed introduction to zoning and land use with a focus on New York City. The course will include discussions of the use, bulk and parking regulations of the Zoning Resolution, as well as present issues such as the transfer of "air rights", mandatory affordable housing, and continuation of non-conforming uses and discretionary approvals, including re-zoning special permits... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues for Growing Cannabis at Home

    The Marijuana Regulation and Tax Act legalized cannabis in New York. Cannabis advocates successfully fought for the inclusion of home cultivation in the new law against the lobbying of the New York Medical Cannabis Industry and other trade groups. Since then, the cannabis industry has expanded exponentially, and while home grow does not get the attention of more commercial methods, it is one of the industry’s fastest growing sectors. This CLE course will review the laws that... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Marijuana Legislation & Vehicular Search & Seizures: Lingering Odor Of Marijuana as Probable Cause & Residue

    The New NYS Marijuana Legislation, also known as the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, offers tools for criminal defense attorneys under the new search and seizure protections allowing probable cause to conduct a search of a vehicle as a result of an alleged marijuana odor. This CLE course will review the new legislation and the tools it offers, focusing primarily on the recent case of Police Department v. Xavier J. Williams; Joan R. Salzman, Administrative Law Judge, which applie... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Defending Motions to Dismiss and Objections to Discharge Under Chapter 7 United States Bankruptcy Code

    For most debtors, Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code offers a fresh start, relieving debtors of any legal obligation to repay debts listed in the schedule. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for a Chapter 7 discharge and not all debts are eligible for discharge. This CLE course will review and explain each statutory exception to discharge and offer strategies to successfully defend objections filed by creditors and the US Trustee. More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Complexities of Acquiring Control: Where the Fed’s Control Rule Meets Other Regulatory Definitions

    The Federal Reserve’s finalized revisions to determining one company’s control over another for purposes of the Bank Holding Company Act and the Home Owners’ Loan Act have been completed and though the final rule codified existing control standards, it simultaneously introduced new concepts and raised critical questions about the industry. Since these revisions, the industry has continued to grapple with how these revisions should be applied, particularly as it applies to contractual r... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Preventing Your Worst Tech Nightmare: Protecting Your Firm and Clients from Cybercriminals

    Cyberattacks are on the rise and everyone is at risk. This CLE course will present a comprehensive plan for preventing cyberattacks and protecting your firm’s technology. The course will cover everything from an attorney’s ethical obligations with regards to technological competence to the cybersecurity myths that can invite harm. You will receive practical, concrete strategies to secure your practice against cybercrime as well as the leadership skills to create a culture of security-f... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Challenging the Impermissible Use of Race in Jury Selection

    The issue of the impermissible use of race when exercising preemptory challenges was perfectly highlighted in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019 ruling in the case of Curtis Flowers. This CLE course will offer criminal defense attorneys with tools and strategies they can utilize to combat this type of unethical tactic. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing a Deponent and Deposing a Representative

    A representative appearing at deposition would seem to be a simple procedure. Yet, it is actually a complex process with many practical considerations to take into account under 30 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This CLE course will address how a deposition could be conducted and in what capacity a representative may testify. The course will present the privileges that may be asserted in a deposition and how they might differ from those that may be asserted in other types of... More Info

    1.1General Credits
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