Puerto Rico CLE - Intellectual Property Courses
This is a listing of Intellectual Property CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .
The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know
Patent law is one of the lesser known areas of law, in particular from a procedural standpoint. Special licensing and exclusive exams, as well as an undergraduate degree in science or engineering, dictate who can practice patent law and only practitioners will have real in-depth knowledge. With only about 40,000 active practitioners in the US, course work in the field is extremely limited. Regardless, it isn’t uncommon for an attorney with little or no background in patent prosecution... More Info
$291General Credit -
International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches
The legal issues surrounding cross-border joint ventures (JVs) can be somewhat complex. This CLE course will address all the basics such as purpose, management, governance and capital contributions. The course will also cover veto rights, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, minority protections and dispute resolution specifically within the context of international or cross-border ventures which means that cultural and foreign law issues, international taxation, profit repatri... More Info
$551.6General Credits -
Privacy Law & Policy: Keeping Clients Out of Regulators’ Crosshairs
Consumer-facing businesses are under growing compliance pressure with the evolving privacy laws such as California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other enhanced state data breach laws. This informative CLE course will offer a solid background on both current and emerging federal and state privacy gaps and explain how to advise clients on compliance-related issued. The course will present real-world events as well as enforcement actions and explain privacy requirements and challenges... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Legal Issues Relating to Artificial Intelligence and Inventions
Offering an introduction to the law of inventor-ship in nationwide patent-applications, this CLE course will explain the qualifications needed to be an inventor, the importance of properly naming inventors on applications and what happens when inventors are not properly named on documentation. The course will explain the fundamentals of “artificial intelligence” and how it applies as well as the status of a recent USPTO decision wherein an artificial intelligence was documented as the... More Info
$291General Credit -
A View from Congress: New Copyright and Trademark Laws
With the partisan politics and violence around the Capitol, it was easy to miss the passing by Congress of three new copyright and trademark laws that could seriously impact your business. These include the Trademark Modernization Act, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act, and the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act. In addition a draft bull for reforming the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is currently circulating in committee. This CLE course will expl... More Info
$291General Credit -
New York State Establishes Post-Mortem Right of Publicity and Other New Protections
New York State effectively extended its protections for the right of publicity in legislation signed by Governor Cuomo. This legislation not only established a right of publicity after death, which had never before existed in New York, it also extended protections against digitally created replicas of performers and unauthorized depictions of conduct considered explicit. This CLE course will cover these changes and others as they relate to New York’s Right of Publicity Law and explain... More Info
$291General Credit -
What Happens When Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Under State Law Meets Patent Rights
A few years ago, Denver decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms, beginning a far-reaching reform movement in psychedelic drugs. This wave placed pharmaceutical companies, who began to seek FDA approval of such drugs in direct opposition to activists who opposed commercialization. Oregon’s later legalization of psilocybin-assisted therapy clinics using products manufactured under state licenses only accelerated the spread and the conflict. This CLE course will explain the patent protections... More Info
$291General Credit -
Copyright, Fair Use, and Looking Toward the Future
An introduction to the basics of copyright law and to the affirmative defense of “fair use” which is often judicially expanding. This CLE course will explain the significance of the recently argued Supreme Court Google vs. Oracle case and its judicial interpretation of “fair use” and its impact. The course will also cover recent copyright regulations and the pending legislation on this issue. More Info
$291General Credit -
International Protection of Trademarks
In today’s tech-driven global economy, trademarks may be a company’s most important asset. By marketing products virtually, start-ups can quickly reach customers in foreign countries at a click. But how to ensure that a client’s trademarks are protected abroad? And how to do it cost-effectively? This CLE course will explain how to establish and maintain trademark rights globally through an understanding of global treaties. How to craft an effective strategy and enforce and defend tradem... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
Rise of the Media Giants: How the Laws and Technology Shaped Today’s Media
The laws that shape electronic media have created media behemoths. These competing media forces capitalize on the incredible advancements in technology and the laws that have both aided but also limited growth. This CLE course will focus on the radio and television industries and the impact of the 1934 Communications Act on these industries. Early regulation of communications and the emergence of cable to the arrival of the Internet and the subsequent deregulatory impact on the 1996 Telecommun... More Info
$552.5General Credits