Puerto Rico CLE - Litigation Courses

This is a listing of Litigation CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Bankruptcy Basics: Chapter 11 and Reorganization

    This informative CLE course will outline the various benefits to corporations, investors and debtors in filing for Chapter 11. The course will also explain different types of bankruptcies and explain how to reclassify secured debt into unsecured debt, the process for the free and clear sale of assets and the requirements for confirmation of Chapter 11. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Critical Events in a Medical Malpractice Case: From Initial Client Interview Through Trial

    The successful development of a Medical Malpractice claim begins even before a single form is filed. Attorneys must be on the look-out for cases that can be resolved, and learn to avoid those that cannot be settled. Everything from the initial interview through the trial must be carefully evaluated and orchestrated the selection of an expert, discovery matters, objections, direct and cross examination of witnesses, selection and presentation of evidence, hearsay, openings and closings. All of... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Assets Pass Upon Death

    There are numerous issues that may impact the transfer or passing of assets upon an individual’s death. This CLE course will review the various routes this may take either by contract via non-probate, titling of an account, the designation of a beneficiary, intestate succession or last will & testament. The course will provide an overview of the types of transfers and the various issues that may arise. The course will introduce the probate process and explain what an attorney and client may an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Winning Nursing Home Claims: A Practical Guide

    The combination of an aging population with a slew of examples of abuse by nursing homes has led to a steep rise in nursing home litigation. This CLE course will offer a step-by-step review of the proper techniques and strategies for litigating these cases including how to evaluate the claims, selecting parties to name as defendants and the critical role of experts. The course will also offer a complete overview of statutes such as the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA),... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Proving a Federal Social Security Disability Claim

    As with much of government protocol, submitting a federal social security disability claim is amazingly complex and it’s critical to understand the rules before trying to prove such a claim. This CLE course will review the entire process from beginning to end and explain how to evaluate the validity of a federal social security disability claim, burden of proof, the various types of acceptable evidence, and the importance of work history. The course will also review strategies for succ... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What to Reasonably Expect in the Coming Years from the Reasonable Expectations of the Insured Doctrine

    Amongst the most controversial legal theories of the past two centuries, the Reasonable Expectation of the Insured Doctrine has its advocates and its adversaries. A frequent topic of legal commentators, the REI Doctrine continues to defy clear definition and is not even universally understood. In fact, recent cases have rejected the very existence of the doctrine. This CLE course will delve right into the heart of the controversy with a thorough explanation of the REI Doctrine and a re... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Cross-Examination of a Hostile Witness

    Even the most practiced attorney can be undone by damaging testimony. That risk is particularly prevalent when faced with the examination of a hostile witness. But there is an art to the cross examination of hostile witnesses, and attorneys would do well to learn it. This CLE course, for seasoned attorneys and novices alike, will offer strategies for structuring and conducting the cross examination of hostile witnesses and for significantly reducing the risk of adverse testimony during cross.... More Info

    1.8General Credits
  • Handling the DWI Case in New York: DMV Regulations

    Aimed at the over 50,000 repeat offenders in New York, new regulations are cracking down on license revocations for DWI’s. These regulations include tightened restrictions including broader rules for lifetime revocations in the worst cases. This CLE course will explain these regulations in comparison to the former rules and explain the ramifications of various types of infractions. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Native Advertising and Brand Integration into Content: Navigating the Issues and Liabilities

    Anyone who reads the names on the average sports stadium today knows—advertising is everywhere. Media placement has gone beyond radio and TV spots and pervades every aspect of media from content to entertainment to websites. The pressure this creates on content providers to distinguish between advertising and editorial is intense and there are inherent risks for both publishers and brands. This CLE course will explain the developing trends in brand integration and sponsored content, th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Issues and Litigation Strategy Involving Preference Claims

    Reports of financial fraud by large corporations seem relentless and even the hint of deceit must be mitigated. One particularly hot issue is that of claims of preference in the payment of debts before declarations of bankruptcy. This essential CLE course will explain how to avoid the intimation of preference through a review of: Advising companies prior to bankruptcy Analyzing common defenses Exploring the effect of § 503(b)(9) (Administrative Claims), § 546(c)(1) (Expanded Recla... More Info

    1General Credit
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