Puerto Rico CLE - Trial Skills Courses

This is a listing of Trial Skills CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • An Attempt To Make Sense Of The Nonsensical: Patent-Eligibility (35 U.S.C. § 101)

    Patent-eligible inventions are typically a complex topic, one that 35 U.S.C. § 101 seems to make simple. Yet the US Supreme Court created a subjective two-part test as well as judicial exceptions, which complicated matters significantly. Struggling to apply the two-part test consistently, courts have continued to use the test for the purpose of invalidating patent claims at the motion to dismiss state, without a requirement for the challenger to present evidence of invalidity.... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Understanding The Collateral Consequences of a DWI Conviction and Properly Advising Your Client

    Navigating a DWI conviction can be complicated. This CLE course will assist attorneys in navigating DWI law to successfully represent clients. The course will address the potential consequences to a motorist with an out-of-state DWI as well as the importance of completing alcohol education programs. Enrollment processes and the impact of refusals and administrative suspensions as well as travel restrictions as a result of offenses will be reviewed. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Evolution Of An Eviction Moratorium: Landlord Tenant Strategies And Emergency Rental Assistance

    New York’s eviction moratorium has evolved dramatically since the outset of the pandemic. This CLE course will explain that evolution within the context of the court’s strategy in handling a huge backlog in evictions. The course will explain the success in moving forward with their congested calendar and the de facto stay that is being put in place for tenants who apply to the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). The course will present the expectations that applicants must have... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Statutory Interpretation: How To Use It To Your Clients’ Advantage

    Almost all litigated cases involve statutes. Whether the impact is direct or indirect, judges appreciate statutory interpretation analysis making it beneficial to provide. This CLE course will explain the rules of statutory interpretation, regardless of the seemingly complex Latin phrases which describe them, as well as the basic framework that federal and state courts use the interpret statutes. The course will explain the “plain meaning” vs. “ambiguity” rules, otherwise known as the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Securing Social Security Disability Benefits

    As technology advances, everyone must adjust and that includes attorneys. With the Social Security Administration shifting services to the internet, including those that enable securing benefits, attorneys are now able to represent clients across the country. This CLE course will review the current process for securing Social Security benefits and explore what makes a successful case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Reverse Mortgages: Stay In Your House For The Rest Of Your Life? Not So Fast!

    Reverse mortgage holders often file foreclosure actions without any basis for doing so. This CLE course will present a detailed overview of the determinations, which are at times very problematic, of reverse mortgage servicers of non-occupancy by borrowers. The course will also offer guidance to attorneys who need to litigate these actions on their clients’ behalf. Valuable insight into the effective handling of the entire process of such cases will be reviewed. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Recent Important Civil Cases of The Virginia Supreme Court For All Civil Litigators

    Covering a broad range of topics and legal areas, this course will present 44 written summaries of recent opinions by the Virginia Supreme Court. The cases cover a wide scope including wrongful death, torts, civil rights to contracts, economic loss rule, family law, civil procedure, causes of action, evidence, affirmative defense including immunity and resjudicata/collateral estoppel. The summaries include alerts that attorneys should take into consideration from the various issues rai... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    “The Art of the Possible” is often used to describe negotiations. This CLE course will be presented within the context of US presidential history to analyze both successful and failed negotiations and what we can learn from them. The course will cover basic principles of negotiation and the changes that resulted from World War II, negotiations surrounding the civil rights movements and war and peace on a national and international scale. The course will also address the role of America... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Defense Attorneys Can Effectively Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Win Criminal Cases

    Offering a comprehensive history and current state of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law, this CLE course will present the law’s benefits to your potential clients. The course will include an overview of motion hearings related to Stand Your Ground as well as examples of how the law was successfully implemented in a recent homicide case. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    Maritime law is a wide and complex subject area. This CLE course will assist non-maritime lawyers grasp the legal issues so as to properly advise clients. The course will assess property damage cases, such as when a towboat hits a pier, and personal injury cases, such as when someone was standing on the pier when the tugboat hit, within the context of maritime law. The course will address underlying theories related to comparative fault, liability, personification of the vessel and in rem liab... More Info

    2General Credits
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