Puerto Rico CLE - Trial Skills Courses
This is a listing of Trial Skills CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .
Making Adverse Witnesses a Free Expert Witness
The defendant’s testimony is the most effective way to prove the negligence of the defendant regarding his breach of a duty owed to the plaintiff. This informative CLE course will explain how to effectively question defendants to transform them into expert witnesses for the plaintiff. More Info
$551.7General Credits -
New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney
Recently new Power of Attorney laws came into effect. In this comprehensive CLE course, Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. of Forspan Klear LLP will explain the primary changes to the POA form and how to plan in accordance with these new changes. The course will review key items to include when preparing new Power of Attorney forms. More Info
$291General Credit -
Key Points for Success in Virtual Mediation
Remote work has turned the pace and progress of work upside down, This CLE course will explain how the remote communication process works and impacts strategy with regards to mediation. The course will address the dynamics of remote mediation and how it affects communication, privacy with regards to Zoom and how to make remote mediation work effectively regardless of location. The course will present the ways in which remote mediation improves the process and enhances the information b... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
Litigation Support Services Performed by Forensic Accountants
Complex accounting, valuation and other business issues can stymie even the most competent lawyers, judges and juries. Forensic accountants provide valuable services in these instances. Whether it is interpretive analysis, investigations or damages analysis, these accountants are the specialists. This CLE course will explain the many types of litigation support services, the impact of forensic accountants on all stages of the litigation process and case study support for the benefit of... More Info
$291General Credit -
Anatomy of a Dental Malpractice Action
This informative CLE course will present recent malpractice trends in the dental industry such as frequency, awards and other types of claims against dentists. The course will address issues such as standard of care, informed refusal and informed consent. The course will also delve into why patients tend to sue their dentists and will also survey tort reform, particularly the limits on non-economic and special damages. The course will also recommend effective early resolution strategie... More Info
$551.8General Credits -
Federal Court A-Z: Everything You Wanted to Know About Federal Court
Federal court litigation is complex, particularly for the inexperienced lawyer. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive introduction for the newly initiated as well as a helpful refresher for the more experienced practitioner. The course will focus on central topics applicable to litigating a case in federal court and with particular attention to tips and strategies throughout the process from first filing to final verdict. This course will bring humor and a simplified, streamline... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Ethical Considerations in Conducting Investigations
Litigation matters often require investigations by lawyers, typically of the opposing parties and the facts underlying the case. These investigations are often conducted by third parties who research public records, interview witnesses and conduct surveillance. These actions may even apply to a lawyer’s own clients or witnesses in order to corroborate or supplement testimony. The relevance of the information and the nuances of how such an investigation should be conducted is critical to this p... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
Are they Listening? Electronic Surveillance: The Basics of Wiretap Defense
It’s not all paranoia – law enforcement is often listening to your client’s communications and those communications will find their way in the case against your client. This CLE course will explain the statute covering federal electronic surveillance, which is required in order to understand how they are used in both state and federal electronic surveillance prosecutions. The course provides a basic understanding of the federal statute as well as ways to attack electronic surveillance... More Info
$291.1General Credits -
Preserving Trial Arguments for Appellate Review
The proper preservation of trial arguments and objections are critical in order for appellate courts to consider appellate review. This CLE course will explain the statutes requiring certain objections to be made at specific times as well as present case law which explains the risks involved in failing to challenge rulings, testimony, court actions, attorney and judicial conduct, verdict sheets and jury instructions in accordance with the prescribed process and within the correct time... More Info
$291.2General Credits -
Social Media on Trial: A Modern Tool for a Modern Lawyer
The legal industry’s use of social media varies greatly with viewing it simply as a marketing tool for the practice and others tapping into its vast potential. This CLE course will explain that potential and how it can be used more broadly and effectively for marketing as well as research on clients and cases and staying updated on legal trends. The course will offer strategies and resources you can use in every part of your practice. More Info
$291.3General Credits