Puerto Rico CLE - Trial Skills Courses

This is a listing of Trial Skills CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Preparing a Nursing Home Case for Trial

    The complexity involved in nursing home cases may surprise you. This CLE course will explain how to successfully prepare in the weeks leading up to a trial including requirements for admitting evidence, using demonstratives, case organization and how to effectively implement technology. The course will present a variety of strategic and logistic concerns. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Bringing Class Actions & Mass Claims to Resolution

    Moderated by UWWM mediator and special magistrate Jeffrey M. Fleming, this CLE presentation explains how to maintain ethical standards and civil discourse during mediations, specifically those that arise from class and mass actions. The course will be presented by Rodney Max, a principal with Upchurch Watson White and Max Mediation Group, and UWWM mediator Steven Jaffe. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Preparing & Presenting a Plaintiff for a Deposition

    Witness depositions are fraught with potential pitfalls and preparation is critical. This CLE course provides a comprehensive overview of tips and strategies for preparing and presenting a witness for deposition, particularly personal injury plaintiffs. Best practices for ensuring witness readiness for a successful outcome will be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Opening Arguments

    The most important factor in any trial may be the opening statement. Framing all that is to come, trial success virtually depends on it. This CLE course will help maximize the effectiveness of your opening argument and teach you case framing techniques such as risks, rules, right way, what happened here, harms/losses, attacking defense and damages. Case studies will be provided. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Nailing the 30 Min Consultation

    Getting something for nothing is rare. And yet, sometimes there are benefits to offering something for nothing. This CLE course will explain the benefits of providing free consultations to potential clients and the many strategies and potential pitfalls in doing so. The course will explain the advantages of consultations as a means to advance your business and your future attorney/client relationship. The course will explain how to plan and conduct the consultation to ensure success for you and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trial Strategy: How to Ask Questions

    Before an attorney determines how to tackle a case, there are a series of question he must ask himself. What is the case about? What would define a win? Perhaps even more important are the questions he must pose to witnesses. This CLE course will address these and other pressing questions that are critical to a successful outcome. Direct examination, cross examination and hostile witness declarations will also be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Deposition Whisperer: How to be the Alpha and Control the Room

    Hone your deposition skills in this CLE workshop designed to smooth client relationships and provide you with greater control over witness and adversary outcomes. Using the proven strategies presented in this CLE course, you will achieve an insight into how leading professional conduct depositions for more consistently positive outcomes. By drawing your attention to opportunities often wasted in discovery and learning to capitalize on them as well as integrating controlling law, practical and e... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Defending The Notorious: A View From the Trenches

    From John Gotti to O.J. Simpson, there is no shortage of high profile cases involving defendants the public loves to hate. And right there by their side, is the defense attorney no one can understand. How can they defend such obvious criminals? In this fascinating CLE course, acclaimed attorneys Ben Brafman, John Lauro and Jeffrey Schwartz will explain how to launch a defense of such notorious public figures. The course will explain how an attorney makes the determination to take on such a case... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Get Smart: Ethical Boundaries vis a vis Case Investigations and Evidence Collection in the Digital World

    The ethical boundaries of social media, with its constantly expanding and evolving landscape, is critical to an attorney’s knowledge base both in evidence collection and case investigations. This CLE course will review relevant issues including pretexting, wire taps, social media subpoenas and third-party discovery along with traditional investigations and the ethical considerations attorneys and law firms may face. More Info

    1.1Ethics Credits
  • Legal Writing 101: Writing for Young Lawyers

    Designed for young as well as newly admitted lawyers to the New Jersey State bar, this CLE course will offer an introduction to the rules governing the format, style and content for written submission to the state and federal courts of New Jersey. More Info

    1General Credit
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