Puerto Rico CLE - Trial Skills Courses

This is a listing of Trial Skills CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Puerto Rico CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Theory, History, Codes and Standards and Research Findings

    It seems that ever since the McDonald’s coffee case, wherein the company was sued for failure to warn a customer that her coffee was hot, product warning labels have gone to extremes. From their inception as aural and visual signs, such as the Stop, Look and Listen traffic signals, to the government-mandated warnings on products such as cigarettes, we have now reached a stage where every potential hazard from the likely to the absurd is spelled out on increasingly long warning labels. This CLE c... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Appellate Process at the New York State Appellate Division

    This CLE course presents an easy-to-follow approach with respect to perfecting appeals. From the new practitioner to the seasoned veteran, Eric J. Kuperman, Esq. brings practical appellate experience and tips to trial lawyers who need to appeal their cases. Topics included: I. Understand How and When to File Notice of Appeal II. Know What to Include in the Record on Appeal III. Grasp What to Include in the Brief IV. Present Oral Arguments More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Litigating a Failure to Warn Claim in a Products Liability and Personal Injury Case

    The failure to warn claim is standard in most product liability and/or personal injury lawsuits in the United States. As a result, a complex system and strategy of product warning and safety communications has developed. This CLE course, led by renowned author and internationally acclaimed expert Dr. Gerald Goldhaber, will review the development of these claims from the turn of the century until today, including recent codes, standards and regulations, government agencies that govern decisions,... More Info

    2.3General Credits
  • Cross-Examination of the Negative Defense Medical Examination

    Personal injury cases produce no shortage of experts, primarily medical experts, who are ready, trained and available to deliver testimony on the injuries of the plaintiff. Typically recruited by the medical insurance companies to perform an Insurance Medical Examination (IME), these medical experts, all of whom are paid for their testimonies, will submit that there were no damages suffered by the plaintiff and no sustained injuries. The medical experts enlisted are typically quite skilled, co... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Anatomy of a Car Accident Case

    There are more than 6 million car accidents per year in the United States and more than 300,000 in New York alone. An understanding of how to successfully navigate a car accident case, particularly in New York, is an essential part of an attorney’s repertoire. This CLE course will cover the issue from beginning to end, including meeting with the client, getting the necessary information to submit a Personal Injury Protection claim and initiating a lawsuit. The course is comprehensive, addressing... More Info

    2.2General Credits
  • Preserving Issues In The Trial Court

    A seasoned trial attorney is well-spoken, organized and quick-thinking. But beyond the ability to swiftly maneuver and strategize as testimony unfolds, attorneys must also be thinking ahead to the possibility of an appeal. In those instances, preserving issues at trial is the best weapon an attorney has. More importantly, failing to preserve issues will almost ensure a failed appeal. This in-depth CLE course will explain why issue preservation is so critical, the rules and regulations that requ... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breathing Life Into the Dreaded Justification Defense

    Most criminal defense attorneys have their tried and true strategies for obtaining an acquittal and though every case needs to be determined on its own merit, there are some defenses that are rock-solid, and others that are more of a gamble. But there aren’t too many who put forth the justification defense often. As it already implies the admission of a criminal act, defense attorneys are starting out with a handicap, which is why most attorneys would advise their client to plead out.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Jersey Civil Trial Preparation & Municipal Court Practice

    This two part CLE seminar on the basics of civil litigation and municipal court practice is the ideal introduction for the inexperienced New Jersey attorney, a necessary refresher for the veteran and much-needed primer for out-of state attorneys with pending civil or municipal court matters in the New Jersey system. Part one of the seminar will review: Structure of the New Jersey court system Procedures for submitting a civil case Pleadings Service of process Entry of default Defa... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • What’s Your Story? Defending a White Collar Client

    Compared to other types of criminal cases, white collar cases may appear overly complex and difficult to follow. Thus, defending a white collar case requires strategies to make the client’s and witnesses’ stories come to life. Every decision in a white collar case has crucial implications for success or failure. This CLE course will analyze those decisions with respect to: pre-trial presentations, pre-trial discovery, legal motion practice and appellate review, focus groups, jury selection, d... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Critical Events in a Medical Malpractice Case: From Initial Client Interview Through Trial

    The successful development of a Medical Malpractice claim begins even before a single form is filed. Attorneys must be on the look-out for cases that can be resolved, and learn to avoid those that cannot be settled. Everything from the initial interview through the trial must be carefully evaluated and orchestrated the selection of an expert, discovery matters, objections, direct and cross examination of witnesses, selection and presentation of evidence, hearsay, openings and closings. All of... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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