South Dakota CLE - Immigration Law Courses

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South Dakota CLE
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CLE is voluntary for South Dakota attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Nuts and Bolts of Family Immigration Petitions

    The family based petition may seem quite complicated but this CLE course will provide you with a simple approach that will streamline the process and make it accessible. The course will cover issues of sponsorship and how various categories of sponsorship may apply to the process. The issue of cost, timing, use of forms and how they may impact individual eligibility will all be addressed. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Green Cards, Visas, & Naturalization During Covid-19 - Oh, My!

    Employment-based green card and visa categories, as well as the recent Executive Orders issues by President Trump, are just some of the areas being impacted by COVID-19. This CLE course will cover this area with a focus on EB-1, EB-2 NIW and PERM-based green cards. Employment-based visas not impacted by the Executive orders, specifically E,O,P,R, TV and J-1 visas will be explained and the process for obtaining approved petitions will be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Appealing to the Board of Immigration Appeals

    Immigration Law seems to be changing on a constant basis and winning a case in immigration court has never been more of a challenge. This CLE course will offer strategies in how to appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and present motions to the board as well as standards of review and writing tips. The course will explain the importance of creating a proper record for appeal, lodging an appeal correctly and composing effective appellate briefs to the BIA. The course will pr... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Law for Criminal Defense Attorneys

    Non-citizens occupy a complicated part of the legal system. Representing non-citizens is even more complicated. This CLE course, presented by a seasoned immigration and criminal lawyer, will explain everything you need to know and when what you know is not enough. The course is designed for working criminal defense attorneys who don’t need too much introduction, but need to get the facts on non-citizen representation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Developments in Asylum Law

    Asylum law has undergone a slew of changes in the past few years. This CLE course will explain those changes with a focus on how they may apply to future asylum cases. The lecture will begin with an overview of the basic ideas behind asylum, its history and how new regulations will alter its operations. The course will then take a deeper look into how the new regulations may impact new asylum applicants, particularly those from Middle Eastern countries. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Immigration Court Practice, Litigation, and Procedure

    After 20 years in the field, having worked through 4 different presidential administrations, veteran of immigration law, deportation and removal defense litigation Rahul Manchanda of famed Wall Street law firm Manchanda Law Office PLLC is one of few individuals with the skills and knowledge to guide you through this legal area. In this CLE course he will take you inside the super sub-specialty of Immigration and Deportation defense litigation and trial in situations when opposing coun... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Creative Client Representation in Times of Change: How Changing Administrations Change Your Immigration Practice

    As presidential administrations change, it becomes more important to maintain a flexible immigration practice. As the political realities veer from one extreme to another, opportunities open and close on your foreign national clients. Whether as a result in changes in enforcement policies, judge and officer turnover or new AG decisions, a creative attorney needs to be on the ball to find avenues to help their current and potential clients. This CLE course will teach you everything you... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Crimmigration Essentials: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Offering a basic overview of Crimmigation, this CLE course offers guidelines on how to defend your non-citizen clients when charged with criminal offenses. The course offers a time-proven analysis which provides the bearings needed to protect your practice and your clients. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Lost in Translation The Pitfalls of Obtaining Testimony Across Boundaries of Language, Culture and Class

    Obtaining testimony relies on one’s ability to interpret information, and then accurately convey it to others. It is more art than science and much can get lost in translation, even when all parties are speaking the same language. This CLE course will explain the limitations and potential pitfalls that witness testimony may encounter in our judicial system and will highlight the most important strategies to ensure a successful outcome. More Info

    4General Credits
  • Remove The "Stress" From Removal Defense: Practice Before The Federal Immigration Courts

    Immigration law is increasingly dynamic and the policies and procedures of the court are similarly volatile, making practicing before federal immigration courts (EOIR) incredibly stressful. This CLE course will review the major procedural transformation in the court since COVID-19 and explain how to successfully navigate all aspects of the proceedings. More Info

    1.5General Credits
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