Cannabis Law Bundle - Tennessee CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Cannabis Law Bundle. This Bundle contains 15 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures - including 3 ethics credits. *The Tennessee Supreme Court has amended the Rule for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education to permanently remove limitations on distance-learning continuing legal education (“CLE”) credits. The Order was filed and effective on November 1, 2022.

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Tennessee CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a TN distance learning CLE provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
  • 6.6 Ethics
United Crest
Only $229
Save $255
Courses priced individually at $484
  • 6.6 Ethics

Cannabis Law Bundle Includes:

  • $55

    Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Digital Frontier

    General Credits: 2

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is swiftly reshaping the legal industry, introducing new possibilities and posing significant challenges. Join our CLE course to gain a deep understanding of AI’s transformative impact on legal practice and learn how to integrate these advancements while maintaining leg...

  • $55

    Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    General Credits: 2.03

    Many people mistakenly believe that marijuana and cannabis products, including CBD, pose no risks. This is not the case. Both legal professionals and the general public often overlook the potential for marijuana to cause personal harm. As evidence of marijuana-related injuries grows, it is impor...

  • $65

    ABA Model Rules Of Professional Conduct and AI Ethics: Key Highlights of the New Challenges Facing Attorney Compliance

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    In this CLE session, we will explore the significant ethical considerations that arise when practicing law in tandem with AI, which often operates without the structured ethical foundation that governs human professionals. This CLE is tailored specifically for lawyers, beginning with a straightf...

  • $34

    The Ethics Rules & Logistics Involved with Selling or Buying a Law Firm

    Ethics Credits: 1.02

    This CLE course will explore the intersection of the Professional Rules of Conduct with the sale and purchase of a law firm. Participants will gain insight into the three primary options for selling a law firm, along with the practical considerations and logistics involved in both buying and sellin...

  • $34

    Navigating Ethical Challenges: AI Adoption in Legal Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1

    AI tools are being used to accomplish an untold number of tasks in countless industries, and their use is only getting more widespread. This CLE course will focus on the responsible use of AI in the legal industry and how to ensure your use is aligned with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct....

  • $29

    State and Federal Taxation of Cannabis Businesses

    General Credits: 1.02

    This CLE course provides a comprehensive overview of federal income tax challenges for businesses operating in state-regulated cannabis industries. While some states permit the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of cannabis, federal law classifies cannabis as a Schedule I controlled substance, whic...

  • $34

    Reel Ethics: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Through Film and TV Scenarios

    Ethics Credits: 1

    Join us for an engaging and interactive CLE course that delves into various ethical scenarios through the lens of popular movies and television shows. By analyzing ethical dilemmas faced by fictional lawyers, you'll learn how to navigate similar issues in your practice. We'll present real-life exam...

  • $34

    Ethics of Practicing Across State Lines: Temporary and Virtual Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1.05

    Lawyers frequently engage in legal practice across jurisdictions where they aren't licensed, advising clients, handling calls and emails, drafting agreements, and even litigating cases. This evolving landscape has created numerous regulatory challenges as courts, bar associations, and ethics commit...

  • $34

    Prosecutors and Restitution: Navigating Ethical Challenges

    Ethics Credits: 1.03

    In numerous criminal cases, victims endure severe injuries and significant inconveniences due to a lengthy, confusing, and challenging legal process. The path to recovery—whether physical, legal, emotional, or personal—can be extremely difficult. Meanwhile, criminal defendants face their own array...

  • $55

    Mastering Depositions: How to Command the Room with Authority and Civility

    General Credits: 2.05

    This CLE program is designed to help attorneys sharpen their deposition skills, enabling them to better manage witnesses and opposing counsel while ensuring their clients feel at ease. By sharing effective strategies, the program provides valuable insights into how experienced litigators and succes...

  • $55

    In the Drone Zone: Legal Insights for Attorneys in Unmanned Aircraft Law

    General Credits: 1.55

    This CLE course offers attorneys a concise overview of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) and the legal and regulatory challenges they pose. Participants will explore drone technology, its diverse industry applications, and the key role of legal frameworks. The course covers federal FAA regulations...

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from your home, office, or smartphone!
Only $229
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