Intellectual Property Bundle - Tennessee CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Intellectual Property Bundle. This Bundle contains 15 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures - including 3 ethics credits. *The Tennessee Supreme Court has amended the Rule for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education to permanently remove limitations on distance-learning continuing legal education (“CLE”) credits. The Order was filed and effective on November 1, 2022.

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Tennessee CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a TN distance learning CLE provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
  • 3.6 Ethics
United Crest
Only $229
Save $209
Courses priced individually at $438
  • 3.6 Ethics

Intellectual Property Bundle Includes:

  • $29

    U.S. Trademark Essentials: A Step-by-Step Guide

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course offers a detailed, step-by-step guide to navigating the U.S. trademark application process from start to finish. We will cover everything from the advantages of securing a federal trademark registration to meeting the specific requirements set by the United States Patent and Tradema...

  • $29

    Fashion Law: What Every Attorney Needs to Know

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course examines the intersection of fashion and intellectual property law. Participants will explore how essential legal concepts—such as trademarks, copyrights, and patents—apply specifically to the fashion industry. Using real-world case studies and current legal trends, attendees wi...

  • $34

    Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution

    Ethics Credits: 1.02

    Over the past decade, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation, has seen a significant rise in use. Despite this, many legal professionals remain unfamiliar with the nuances of the process. In this course, Judge Scheinkman will explore the critical role of ethical considerations...

  • $29

    God, Gadgets, and the Law: Understanding Patents Through Faith-Based Inventions

    General Credits: 1.02

    This CLE program offers a unique exploration of the intersection between faith and innovation through the lens of patent law. Participants will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of patent law, the history of patents, and the process of securing patent rights. The course highlights intri...

  • $81

    From Pencils to Pixels: Advocating for Comic Book Creators in the Age of AI

    General Credits: 3.2

    This CLE course offers a comprehensive exploration of the comic book industry, addressing key trends and developments that shape its future. Participants will examine the evolution of digital comics, the growing significance of diverse representation, and the influence of AI on content creation and...

  • $55

    Artificial Intelligence & the Criminal Justice System

    General Credits: 1.67

    This CLE course examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on criminal law, highlighting its expanding role in law enforcement, the judicial process, and professional ethics. Participants will gain actionable strategies for addressing AI-generated evidence, navigating is...

  • $29

    Anatomy of a TTAB Action

    General Credits: 1.02

    This CLE course provides a comprehensive guide to navigating inter partes proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). While these proceedings share many procedural similarities with federal court litigation, they are generally less formal and c...

  • $34

    Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    Ethics Credits: 1.02

    This CLE course delves into the current cybersecurity risk landscape, focusing on the ABA Model Rules regarding competency. It addresses the impact of technology on the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing processes, and the oversight of law firm staff. The...

  • $55

    Drafting the Future: Comic Book Contract Negotiation and Drafting Practicum

    General Credits: 2.15

    This CLE course is designed for professionals looking to master contract negotiation and drafting within the comic book industry. Through hands-on exercises that mirror current industry practices, participants will explore legal complexities around AI-generated art, the evolving digital landscape,...

  • $34

    The Ethics Rules & Logistics Involved with Selling or Buying a Law Firm

    Ethics Credits: 1.02

    This CLE course will explore the intersection of the Professional Rules of Conduct with the sale and purchase of a law firm. Participants will gain insight into the three primary options for selling a law firm, along with the practical considerations and logistics involved in both buying and sellin...

  • $29

    Written on the Wind: A Bird’s Eye View of Data, Cloud, CRM, and Duty of Care

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course offers a fresh perspective on technology by starting with its historical development and foundational concepts to ensure a shared understanding among participants. While artificial intelligence and cybersecurity often dominate discussions, we will explore technology from a broader v...

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Only $229
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