Utah MCLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses
This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for Utah. Please make your selection below of Utah CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education and directly approved by the Utah State Board of Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .
Live WebinarTuesday, March 18, 202512:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern Time (EDT)
Live Webinar: Selective Ethics in Litigation from the Plaintiff's Perspective
Attorneys handling litigated matters must navigate a complex web of ethical rules while vigorously representing their clients. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive examination of the ethical limitations and responsibilities that shape legal advocacy, ensuring that counsel remains within professional and regulatory boundaries. Our panel of experts will share their perspectives on best practices for ethical decision-making, offering practical strategies to help attorneys avoid uni... More Info
$651.5Ethics Credits -
Live WebinarThursday, March 27, 20251:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time (EDT)
Live Webinar: Legal Ethics: Avoiding the Common Mistakes of Bad Lawyering
This CLE course delves into the common pitfalls and errors lawyers make that attract Bar scrutiny and can damage their reputations. Key topics include the duty to communicate significant developments in a case, managing client expectations regarding the scope of representation, safeguarding confidential client communications, and properly handling client funds. The course will explore rules specific to California as well as the ABA Model Rules, offering practical guidance and best practices to f... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
Live WebinarMonday, April 21, 202511:00 AM - 12:15 PM Eastern Time (EDT)
Live Webinar: Moving Forward with DEI Compliance
A full description of this course will be coming soon. Stay tuned! More Info
$341Prof. & Civility -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Considerations in Representing Multiple and Corporate Clients
The foundation of any attorney-client relationship is knowing who the client is, but this isn’t always clear to non-lawyers. It’s crucial for clients to understand whom we represent, the nuances of organizational and joint representation, and the boundaries of attorney-client communication, including actions that may waive confidentiality. Equally important for attorneys is the need to remain vigilant against unintended expansions of representation as a case evolves. In this CLE, we wi... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution
Over the past decade, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation, has seen a significant rise in use. Despite this, many legal professionals remain unfamiliar with the nuances of the process. In this course, Judge Scheinkman will explore the critical role of ethical considerations in settlement negotiations, emphasizing the necessity of good faith in mediation. Participants will gain insights into the ethical obligation of fair dealing and how its absence can undermine... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation
This CLE course explores the ethical challenges that attorneys may face when providing legal services on a pro bono basis. Grounded in the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the course focuses on key rules relevant to typical pro bono scenarios, offering guidance on how attorneys can identify and navigate potential ethical pitfalls while striving to effectively represent their clients and promote access to justice. The course also highlights variations from the Model Rules specific to Mi... More Info
$651.5Ethics Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Diversity & Inclusion: Recognizing the Damaging Effects of Implicit Bias in the Workplace
Implicit bias, increasingly studied and discussed, involves subconscious associations our minds create linking various concepts and ideas. These biases arise from our experiences, cultural backgrounds, societal norms, media influences, and other factors. This CLE program explores the nature of implicit bias and its influence on the legal profession and workplace. Participants will examine how these biases subtly affect behaviors and decisions and will learn practical strategies to miti... More Info
$341Prof. & Civility -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Implicit Bias and DEI Today: Challenges & Opportunities
Implicit biases, stemming from natural brain processes, influence everyone, including lawyers. Understanding these biases is crucial to anticipating and preventing legal risks. In this CLE course, Professor Bruce Adelson will draw from his research at Georgetown University School of Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law to explore the impact of microaggressions and bias in the legal profession. Using real court cases and EEOC complaints, he will illustrate how such beh... More Info
$341Prof. & Civility