Virginia MCLE - Ethics Credit Courses
This is a listing of Ethics Credit CLE Courses for Virginia. Please make your selection below of Virginia CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Virginia MCLE
Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an approved Virginia State Bar MCLE Accredited Sponsor. To view our full accreditation details please .
Live WebinarMonday, April 21, 202511:00 AM - 12:15 PM Eastern Time (EDT)
Live Webinar: Moving Forward with DEI Compliance
A full description of this course will be coming soon. Stay tuned! More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Selective Ethics in Litigation from the Plaintiff's Perspective
Attorneys handling litigated matters must navigate a complex web of ethical rules while vigorously representing their clients. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive examination of the ethical limitations and responsibilities that shape legal advocacy, ensuring that counsel remains within professional and regulatory boundaries. Our panel of experts will share their perspectives on best practices for ethical decision-making, offering practical strategies to help attorneys avoid uni... More Info
$651.5Ethics Credits -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Recognizing and Handling Conflicts of Interest
Effectively managing conflicts of interest is a crucial aspect of legal ethics, and this course will provide attorneys with the necessary tools to navigate these challenges. The session will cover key considerations for identifying and addressing conflicts, including methods for conflict screening and strategies for handling complex situations such as representing multiple clients, engaging in business transactions with clients, acting as a witness, and working with organizational clients or c... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Considerations Regarding Hourly Billing and More
This CLE program provides an in-depth exploration of essential billing practices tailored specifically for attorneys. Designed to equip legal professionals with a solid foundation in billing procedures, the course covers the critical rules and regulations governing billing in the legal industry. It also offers practical strategies for time-keeping to boost efficiency and accuracy. Led by a distinguished attorney with expertise in ethics and professional responsibility, the program delve... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls
This CLE course delves into the current cybersecurity risk landscape, focusing on the ABA Model Rules regarding competency. It addresses the impact of technology on the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing processes, and the oversight of law firm staff. The course combines critical aspects of cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, and ethics in the context of today's dynamic technological and threat landscape. It also highlights the influence... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Considerations in Representing Multiple and Corporate Clients
The foundation of any attorney-client relationship is knowing who the client is, but this isn’t always clear to non-lawyers. It’s crucial for clients to understand whom we represent, the nuances of organizational and joint representation, and the boundaries of attorney-client communication, including actions that may waive confidentiality. Equally important for attorneys is the need to remain vigilant against unintended expansions of representation as a case evolves. In this CLE, we wi... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Ethics of Collection: An Oxymoron or Reality
Are ethical concerns really a factor in debt collection? While debt collection might not always have a positive connotation, it plays a critical role in maintaining the financial stability of creditors. For individuals and businesses owed money, it can be crucial. There are specific ethical guidelines—primarily outlined in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) for consumer debt, and in the Rules of Professional Conduct for commercial collections and legal services—that attorne... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution
Over the past decade, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation, has seen a significant rise in use. Despite this, many legal professionals remain unfamiliar with the nuances of the process. In this course, Judge Scheinkman will explore the critical role of ethical considerations in settlement negotiations, emphasizing the necessity of good faith in mediation. Participants will gain insights into the ethical obligation of fair dealing and how its absence can undermine... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
The Ethics Rules & Logistics Involved with Selling or Buying a Law Firm
This CLE course will explore the intersection of the Professional Rules of Conduct with the sale and purchase of a law firm. Participants will gain insight into the three primary options for selling a law firm, along with the practical considerations and logistics involved in both buying and selling a legal practice. More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
On-DemandOnline & iOS/Android App
Ethics of Practicing Across State Lines: Temporary and Virtual Practice
Lawyers frequently engage in legal practice across jurisdictions where they aren't licensed, advising clients, handling calls and emails, drafting agreements, and even litigating cases. This evolving landscape has created numerous regulatory challenges as courts, bar associations, and ethics committees adapt to the realities of modern commerce. In this CLE course, we will use hypothetical scenarios to explore the rules governing cross-state legal practice, remote work, and virtual law... More Info
$341Ethics Credit