Washington DC CLE - COVID 19 Topics Courses

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Washington DC CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Washington DC attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • COVID-19: Business and Asset Protection

    The impact of COVID-19 is widespread and the resulting recession unavoidable. As with all recessions, this one has left the business world with declining sales, job losses, loan defaults, and rent declines. This fascinating CLE course will explain how to protect assets from plaintiffs, creditors, lenders and even the government and how to apply the lessons of the last financial crisis to today’s state of affairs. The course will present real-life stories that offer practical approaches to asse... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Who Keeps the Cash? How the CARES Act Impacts Retirement Fund Distributions and Bankruptcy

    The provision of the CARES Act has a significant impact on issues related to individual bankruptcies, retirement fund loans and withdrawals. The course will address the relationship between stimulus checks and bankruptcy, penalties for the withdrawal of funds from the retirement account and other areas related to retirement funds, loans and bankruptcy. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Vaccine Law in the Time of COVID-19

    The public policy favoring vaccination has a definitive impact on many areas of law. This CLE course will explain the regulation and administration of vaccine as well as the intellectual property protections available for them. Mandates for public and private vaccination exemptions, reporting requirements for injuries, and an overview of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation System. The course will incorporate the impact of COVID-19 in each section including the variations already m... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Evolving Risks of COVID-19: Coverage Implications, Recent Litigation and the Legislative Landscape

    COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented financial losses throughout the US. With most industries facing uncertain times with regards to the degree of the losses as well as insurance coverage available, there are some very nervous business owners out there. Many are maintaining that there is no insurance coverage available for this situation while others are demanding relief, This CLE course will explain the basics of insurance coverage including those that are particularly suited to COVID-19. T... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Estate Planning and Coronavirus: Planning Considerations in a Time of Crisis

    Estate planning can seem a daunting task at any time, but with the COVID-19 pandemic adding both logistical complications and uncertainty, it seems positively overwhelming. This CLE course will guide you through all of the issues that you need to know including health care proxies, beneficiary designations, power of attorney, wills and trusts. The Coronavirus’ impact on the area, both in the practical sense of court closures and the advent of remote will and notary executions, as well as its a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Guidance for Re-Opening Your Workplace During COVID-19

    The issue of employee rights is always a tricky one, and in the wake of COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests, it’s become even more complicated. Do employees need to wear masks? What should be our procedure if there’s looting? Can employees be penalized if they are too afraid to go to work? This CLE course will provide a comprehensive understanding of employer obligations in terms of COVID-19 safety procedures, workplace discrimination, harassment claims, medical testing, unemployment benefi... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Broadway Law: Attack of the Coronavirus

    The spread of COVID-19 impacted every industry across the country and the theater industry was in no way exempt. Long-running shows like Wicked and Hamilton closed and new productions were shut down before they could open creating a complex web of legal issues. This CLE course will present the various issues currently facing the theater industry including the role of unions, intellectual property protection, live-streaming performances, contractual obligations, refunds for cancellations, insur... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Coronavirus, HIPAA, Telecommuting and Force Majeure: What Every Organization Needs to Know

    The impact of COVID-19 on telecommuting, HIPAA and force majeure provisions are continuously evolving. This CLE course will provide a brief overview of the virus, quarantine and the bioethical issues related to the allocation of resources. HIPAA, specifically as it relates to disclosure, requirements for teleworkers and the contractual provisions of force majeure will all be addressed. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Navigating the New Coronavirus Laws

    As the nation starts to re-open after the COVID-19 shutdown, employers need to take into account a range of practical and legal considerations. This CLE course will review employer obligations under the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The course will address the safety requirements for returning employees as well as the potential lawsuits that may come in the wake including tips and strategies to protect your business. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Civil Rights Movements During COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know

    Tension in the workplace, always an issue, is at an all-time high in the current atmosphere of COVID-19, #DefundPolice and Black Lives Matter. An upcoming election and rampant employment have created a tinderbox in most offices. This CLE course will offer employers best practices for addressing civil rights and other issues that might increase tensions. More Info

    1.25General Credits
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