Washington DC CLE - Insurance Law Courses

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Washington DC CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Washington DC attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • The Interplay Between Working and SSA Disability

    How does the Social Security Disability Program resolve benefit eligibility with those who continue to work? Can you retain your benefits even if you continue working? Presented by Freddie Effinger, attorney and owner of Effinger Law, LLC and practitioner with over 13 years’ experience in disability law work, this CLE course explains these issues as well as the “Ticket to Work” program and its impact on those who seek to test their ability to work without losing their disability benef... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Social Security Disability 101: What Attorneys Need to Know From Beginning to End

    Social Security Disability Practice contains within it a complex web of processes, challenges and analysis in order to successfully secure benefits for disabled individuals. This CLE course will present a comprehensive overview of the area, including an in-depth examination of the process, the various issues that may arise and how to present effective solutions. The course will offer critical insights into managing the complexities of Social Security Disability, and providing the skill... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Learning The Basics of Conducting a Social Security Disability Case

    This informative CLE course will provide you with everything you need to know to prove the disability of a client, all the steps leading to a hearing and how to prepare, The course will review the different disability programs and their eligibility requirements. The course will also explain how the Social Security Administration defines disability as well as how to determine the correct application to process and what the application process is like. Appeals for applications that are... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Insurance Coverage Issues Involving General Liability

    Offering a basic overview of Insurance Coverage Litigation, the informative CLE course will address the main steps and overall process that should be taken by both insurers and insured. The course will specifically deal with instances where a claim has matured into a declaratory judgement action and will address litigation consideration from the very start of coverage litigation through the initial phases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Negotiating the Serious and Catastrophic Injury Case

    This CLE course, presented by highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, will address the negotiation and preparation for catastrophic injury cases. The cases presented will require sophisticated, organized preparation and must address essential questions such as how to utilize medical personnel who worked on the case, their purpose in negotiating the case and the other experts needed to address the damages claim. The course will also present negotiations for future d... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Pitfalls In The SSA Disability Process: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

    Navigating the Social Security Disability process provides a unique opportunity for your client to articulate their narrative in the pursuit of disability benefits. Despite the potential for this journey to be disorderly, exasperating, and occasionally unexpected, this CLE course equips you with practical insights to effectively manage challenges that may arise. Explore strategies for addressing instances where clients inadvertently compromise their case through statements in medical r... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The SSA Disability Sequential Evaluation Process

    Explore the intricacies of the Social Security Disability Sequential Evaluation Process (SEP) through this comprehensive CLE course. Delve into the five-step evaluative procedure employed by Social Security to determine eligibility for disability benefits. Gain insights into the inner workings of the process, understanding the requisite evidence essential for progressing through each stage. Uncover the potential pitfalls, as we discuss whether a case can be lost at any of the five crucial step... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How Magnuson-Moss and UCC Article 2 Apply to Car Warranty Claims: Dealing with Lemons

    Lemon law cases have a logic all their own. This CLE course will provide general practitioners with the basic legal concepts necessary to litigate a lemon law case. The course will present express and implied warranties, both under state laws and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, as well as state Lemon Laws and fraud and state consumer fraud acts. Participants will be advised of the basic conceptual tools to handle these types of cases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Understanding Financial Solutions While Planning for Possible Long-term Care

    This CLE course offers a detailed examination of strategies for safeguarding a client's assets while preparing for the potential need for long-term care, whether in a facility or at home, through Medicaid. Participants will gain insights into the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust, a legal structure allowing clients to transfer property and financial assets while still qualifying for government benefits. The settlor (the person who establishes the trust) can continue to live in their home,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Filing Social Security Disability Appeals in Federal Court

    Filing a Social Security case in Federal Court can be a challenging endeavor, with stringent prerequisites and a narrow filing window. This comprehensive course is designed to demystify the process and equip you with the skills to evaluate your case's viability, adhere to court protocols, and craft persuasive briefs. Topics discussed include: Assess whether filing in the United States District Court is appropriate for your case. Identify the correct District Court for your filing.... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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