Washington DC CLE - Insurance Law Courses

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Washington DC CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Washington DC attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Protecting Your Family Home Through Trusts

    As seniors age, they may face urgent needs for long-term nursing home care without having sufficient private funds or long-term care insurance to cover the costs. Often, their primary asset is their home, leading to the misconception that selling it and using the proceeds for care is the only solution. This CLE course will explore strategies to preserve this valuable asset for the Medicaid applicant and their loved ones. We will delve into the benefits of exempt transfers and the use o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Making Them Pay: Collecting Judgments in Personal Injury Cases in Excess of Available Insurance

    Winning a significant civil case is a major achievement, but when the judgment surpasses the available insurance coverage, it can lead to complex challenges. Personal injury attorneys must grasp the essentials of collection law to ensure they can effectively convert a judgment into actual payment, maximizing the financial outcome for both their clients and themselves. This CLE course covers practical strategies for enhancing your ability to collect on judgments, including both straight... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Understanding Medicaid: Guidelines, Applications, and Recovery Processes

    This CLE program offers a comprehensive exploration of Medicaid, designed to equip attorneys with essential knowledge and skills. The course will begin by examining the history of Medicaid, providing a foundation for understanding its development and current role within the U.S. healthcare system. The presenter will then delve into the key features of Medicaid, with a particular focus on the appeals process. The program will cover the utilization of Medicaid for long-term nursing care,... More Info

    1General Credit
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