Washington DC CLE - Insurance Law Courses

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Washington DC CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Washington DC attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Captive Insurance: Strategies & Tactics

    Exploring captives structuring techniques within the framework of recent cases brought to tax court, this CLE course will introduce corporate attorneys to how captive insurance companies operate on the basis of the profitability that captives provide to their affiliate groups. The course will also examine the ways in which captive insurance can be used to minimize costs for healthcare benefits and workers’ compensation plans. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Captive Insurance: State and Local Tax Issues

    Taxes, both state and local, for captive insurance is gaining increased interest from state departments as a tool to generate revenue. But these taxes are not widely understood. This CLE course will provide captive insurance professionals a comprehensive overview of the basics of income and franchise taxes, sale and use taxes and how they may be applicable to different types of captive insurance taxes. Designed to help skilled practitioners stay up-to-date on the legal and regulatory issues surr... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Property and Business Interruption Insurance Law

    Catastrophes – whether man-made or natural – are an ever-present reality. As a result, an understanding of insurance law is critical knowledge for corporate attorneys. Presented by Arnold F. Mascali, attorney and risk management specialist, this CLE program will offer an overview to the fundamental concepts of property insurance law as well as a more in-depth review of the complexities of insurance related to business disruptions as a result of catastrophe. The course will cover policy terms,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Using the Department of Labor Regulation for Fair Claims Practices in ERISA Claims to your Advantage in a Litigation

    The Employee Retirement Security Act was designed to protect employees who participate in employers pension and welfare benefit plans and yet, there are those who maintain that it has failed plan beneficiaries who are looking to enforce their compensation rights under employer sponsored health, severance, life and insurance and long term disability plans. And yet, many obstacles have been placed before those attempting to enforce their rights. Over the past 20 years, the Department of Labor ha... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Disability Insurance Claims: Different Stages and Different Dangers

    ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, presents an administrative process whose complexity necessitates both experience and specific procedural knowledge. Combining h federal regulations, insurance law and more traditional contract litigation, the process contains a variety of legal hurdles that the less experienced will not know how to address. This CLE course will explain how to distinguish between types of disability coverage as well as the process for attacking claim d... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Starting a Social Security Disability Practice: Mistakes to Avoid and Best Practices to Follow

    Planning to add Social Security disability claimant representation to your practice? This CLE course, presented by experienced disability lawyer Jonathan Ginsberg, will explain how to identify the potential for success in cases as well as those to avoid, typical timelines and the three theories of disability that apply to every case. Practical considerations, tips and strategies to build a case, the role of attorneys and useful resources will all be presented. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Business Interruption: The Developing Rough Coverage Storm Ahead

    This CLE course will explain business interruption insurance and its requirements and benefits. The course will present the first cases that have been filed using this coverage and how the current COVID-19 pandemic has impelled companies to review their insurance policies and whether they may be applied to the current crisis. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Acquisitions of Insurance Businesses

    There are a variety of ways to structure the acquisition of an insurance business. This CLE course will discuss these different avenues taking into consideration variables such as the type of business being acquired, the buyer’s business objectives and others. The course will address specific provisions including reps and warranties, closing conditions related to regulatory approvals, due diligence, file preparation and disclosure requirements. Competition, third party consent and rati... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Basics Of Social Security Disability Under Titles 2 and 16 of the Act and Other Procedural Matters and Issues

    This CLE course will provide an overview of the US Social Security Program including a brief history and explanation of disability programs and procedures under Title 2 and 16 of the Social Security Act. The course will also present the Social Security disability program’s Five Step sequential evaluation for determining disability. Mr Dorf will also discuss the Three Keys to the Disability Hearing process. More Info

    2General Credits
  • ERISA for Dummies

    Designed to provide an overview of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), this CLE course will explain the act, what it includes and excludes and how it differs from other types of civil ligation. The course will also cover preemption issues, the ERISA “savings” clause and how ERISA remedies work. The impact of ERISA on other areas of practice will also be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
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