Washington DC CLE - Insurance Law Courses

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Washington DC CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Washington DC attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Social Security Disability Law Basics

    Social Security Disability claims are a fascinating area of law to study. This CLE course will cover all the basics including navigating the application process, filing, the administrative hearing and further through the claim payment and appellate system. The course will explain the administrative law regulations and relevant caselaw including personal client experiences. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Evolving Risks of COVID-19: Coverage Implications, Recent Litigation and the Legislative Landscape

    COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented financial losses throughout the US. With most industries facing uncertain times with regards to the degree of the losses as well as insurance coverage available, there are some very nervous business owners out there. Many are maintaining that there is no insurance coverage available for this situation while others are demanding relief, This CLE course will explain the basics of insurance coverage including those that are particularly suited to COVID-19. T... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • ERISA Claim Appeals

    Pre-litigation appeals of benefit denials in ERISA cases are typically considered mandatory. This CLE course will present how these claim appeals may be the key to success or failure in litigation, and yet many claimants and plan administrators often undervalue their importance. This course will examine the purpose and origin of claim appeals as well as the standard regulations that apply to their use. The course will also present cases that have shaped how claim appeals are dealt with. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hook, Line and Sinker: Tackling More Challenging Disability Cases

    Adults and children with medical determinable impairment which prevents them for work or standard functioning for over 12 months are eligible for specific benefits from the Social Security Administration. This CLE course will explain the less known but very important benefits for children, widows and widowers, disabled adults and all those with a history of complications. The course will also present practical tips on how to address complex issues without jeopardizing your case. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Basics of Asset Protection

    Asset protection strategies take many forms including insurance, gifting and retirement planning. This CLE course will present the benefits of these types of asset protection as well as single member LLC’s and Charging Order Protection entities such as Limited Partnerships and LLC’s. The course will also offer a comparative analysis of Domestic cs. International Asset Protection Trusts. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Bad Faith Insurance Law in California

    This CLE course will offer a complete introduction to bad faith insurance law in California. The course will explain the basic principles behind both the presentation and defense of claims related to wrongful denial of insurance benefits and the case law and regulations specific to California. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advanced Strategies for Negotiating Claims with Insurance Companies

    Negotiating a personal injury settlement with an insurance company can be tricky business. This comprehensive CLE course will present time-tested strategies from experienced practitioners. Crafting powerful demand letters, recognizing bad faith agreements and how to set the tone from the start of the negotiations as well as balancing between building relationships and hardball tactics will be discussed. The course will also address quantifying pain and suffering in the form of damages,... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Defending Construction Claims in the Workers’ Compensation Arena: The Nuts and Bolts

    This CLE course focuses on the defense of a construction claim. It provides information on some basic legal principles but is heavier on practical litigation tips. The course covers coverage issues, accidental versus occupational claims, date of disablement, date of contraction, §44 apportionment, and § 56 liability. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Business Uses of Life Insurance

    Offering a complete overview on life insurance, this CLE course will cover insurable interest, common riders and term vs. permanent. The topic of underwriting and the various types of insurance companies as well as buy/sell agreements, key persons, group whole life, retirement and executive bonus plans and whole life insurance as a business asset will all be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Basics of Social Security Disability Practice What Should You Expect

    Considering adding Social Security disability claimant representation to your practice? This CLE course, presented by 25 veteran in the field Jonathan Ginsberg, will explain how to identify solid cases, which ones to avoid, the timeline for cases and the three theories of disability that apply in all cases. Recent changes to the hearing process as a result of COVID-19 will be explained as will practical considerations on the pros and cons of Social Security practices. Tips and strategies for p... More Info

    1.75General Credits
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