West Virginia CLE - Litigation Courses

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West Virginia CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a presumptive provider of CLE in WV, approved by the WV State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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    ASCLD/LAB and Other Forensic Lab Certification: What Does That Really Mean?

    The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/ Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB) evolved as a way to safeguard the criminal justice system against tainted evidence, coerced testimony and negligence in forensic gathering. Before system-wide investigations were conducted and even after, the corruption in the police force and scientific labs we rely upon is corrupted to a degree that would shock us all. In this CLE course, you will be presented with examples of this rampant corruption... More Info

    1.8General Credits
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    Environmental Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions

    Among the many issues potential purchasers of a property as well as companies with outside facilities must face is the threat of site contamination. Attorneys representing purchasers need to be careful to protect their clients and to be well informed of the Federal and State laws that apply to hazardous site contamination. This CLE course will review the applicable statutes and explain how to evaluate potential risk and construct contracts that effectively protect their clients. The course wi... More Info

    2.2General Credits
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    Healthcare Data Privacy: Regulatory Investigation and Litigation Readiness

    By 2015, almost all new medical charts will be in electronic format. A standard medical chart will therefore contain vast amounts of information, including texts and emails, audit trails, imaging system messages and metadata. The management and oversight of electronic medical charts will become comparatively unwieldy both in the sense of responsible patient care and in the instance of investigations or litigation, when federal and state regulatory agencies as well as attorneys and the courts wil... More Info

    1.4General Credits
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    Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Plaintiff and Defense Courtroom Strategies

    The growing complexity of warning labels make it even more critical that litigators in failure to warn cases understand the specific nuances involved. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive review of failure to warn actions and, using relevant examples from recent cases, how to build a case from the ground up. The course will explain warning claims, data gathering and trial preparation, paying particular attention to warnings experts and how and when to utilize them during litigation. The co... More Info

    2.5General Credits
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    Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: The Design and Evaluation of Product Warnings

    Almost everything one buys these days comes with a warning label. From recyclable coffee cups to ketchup bottles, it seems there are potential hazards in any product. But who decides which products get tagged, and how do you know which warnings to include? This CLE course will explain everything you need to know about evaluating and designing risk-reducing warning labels. Using true examples of major companies such as Otis Elevators, Rheem Water Heaters and Off Insect Repellent, the course will... More Info

    2.2General Credits
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    Online & iOS/Android App

    Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Theory, History, Codes and Standards and Research Findings

    It seems that ever since the McDonald’s coffee case, wherein the company was sued for failure to warn a customer that her coffee was hot, product warning labels have gone to extremes. From their inception as aural and visual signs, such as the Stop, Look and Listen traffic signals, to the government-mandated warnings on products such as cigarettes, we have now reached a stage where every potential hazard from the likely to the absurd is spelled out on increasingly long warning labels. This CLE c... More Info

    2.4General Credits
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    Strategies for Conducting Effective and Legally Compliant Interviews

    Most businesses are well-versed in the legal risks involving employee complaints and actions. But what they are not aware of is the degree of their exposure to a lawsuit even before an employee is hired, as early, in fact, as the recruitment interview. Even the appearance of employment barriers or the exclusion of and failure to provide accommodations for potential candidates due to special needs can lead to a lawsuit for discrimination. This CLE course will explain these risks and the strategie... More Info

    1.4General Credits
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    Issues Arising in Arbitration

    Arbitration inhabits a fascinating place in the legal system. A means to settle disputes outside the courtroom, the decisions handed down in arbitration are still legally binding and though the drama unfolds without the backdrop of the legal system, its procedures are still bound by law. This CLE course, presented by a seasoned arbitrator with 20 years’ experience in the field, will explain the various issues that may, and often do, arise in arbitration such as determining who selects the partie... More Info

    1.7General Credits
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    Representing Owners in Construction Matters

    Listen to anyone tell the story of their home construction and you will hear tales of frustration, anger and sometimes downright theft. This CLE course will teach you how to successfully represent your clients in construction projects and design contracts that protect them throughout the process. The course will begin with an explanation of the myriad parties involved in these projects from designers and contractors to insurers and lenders. The course will then delve into contractual issues and... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    Mechanic's Liens - What's It All About?

    Construction projects are a hive of activity, with everyone from architects and engineers to constructors and mechanics playing a role. But not everyone on a construction site has equal remedies against non-payment from the general contractor who hired them and owners can find themselves caught in a legal battle that is not of their own making. This CLE course will review the subcontractors’ remedy for these instances, typically referred to as a Mechanic’s Liens, a powerful tool used by contract... More Info

    2General Credits
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