West Virginia CLE - Practice Management Courses

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West Virginia CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a presumptive provider of CLE in WV, approved by the WV State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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    Managing Your Client’s Series A Offering of Securities: A Step by Step Guide

    Before a start-up or early stage company is ready for its first round of venture capital, known as a Series A Round or Series A Offering, it typically goes through a number of informal financing rounds. To that end, companies will turn to founders, friends and even family members. If it’s successful however, the Series A offering of securities will involve a series of steps. This informative CLE course will offer a complete overview of the process including: reviewing and updating... More Info

    1.84General Credits
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    Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

    New York has utilized New Jersey’s equitable distribution law as the basis for their laws instituting and applying equitable distribution in all divorces. This CLE course will address the current applicable statutory as well as recent case law on the topic and offer strategies to best argue for your client’s financial situation. The course will discuss child support and spousal maintenance taking into account current statutes and guidelines and recent applicable cases. The cour... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    How to Settle Cases During a Pandemic

    With the job market and businesses scrambling to recover from COVID-19, there has been a sharp rise in delinquent account receivables. It is not only debtors who suffer, but creditor clients are losing tremendous revenue as a result of uncollectible debt. This CLE course will present creative negotiation strategies that collection professionals can implement to maximize collections in these difficult times. Using a keen assessment of the situation, long term planning and a bit of empat... More Info

    1.24General Credits
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    Ethical Issues Concerning Retainer Agreements, Website Management, and Termination Letters

    This comprehensive CLE course will present the many issues involved in engaging clients through Engagement Letters. The course will address how to create effective Engagement Letters as well as developing and maintaining firm websites for the purpose of minimizing potential representation risks as well as for determining when termination of the Attorney/Client relationship is necessary. The course will introduce participants to the appropriate forms and strategies when facing a... More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
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    Post Disaster Insurance Resolution

    Losing your home or business can feel like an irrecoverable loss. And on top of everything, there are thousands of decisions that need to be made in the wake of such a tragedy. This CLE course will help attorneys to better advise property owners throughout the insurance claim process. The course will offer a comprehensive understanding of the many opportunities and challenges as they restore their property and livelihood. The course will present a detailed overview of recovery in the s... More Info

    1.26General Credits
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    Winning Dog Bite Cases for Plaintiffs and Defense Tactics

    Surprisingly, dog bite cases are more common than one would think. This CLE course will offer tips and strategies for successfully litigating dog bite cases. The course, presented by a former prosecutor turned personal trial attorney, will explain the different types of dog bite victims, with a special focus on child victims and address the potential pitfalls one might face in these cases. The issue of presenting damages, preserving evidence will be presented. More Info

    2General Credits
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    The Law of U.S. Government Ethics

    This CLE course, designed for attorneys working for or with the federal government, will review the fundamentals of government ethics laws as they are defined by the US Government Office of Government Ethics. The course will begin with a presentation on the statutory and regulatory bases for this specific body of law and will then address some of the more common ethical issues faced by government attorneys. The course will discuss government property with an emphasis on information tec... More Info

    2General Credits
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    Prepping Clients for Depositions in Federal Cases

    This CLE course will offer newer attorneys a basic understanding of how to properly prepare a witness called to testify as a client representative pursuant to F.R.Civ.P. 30(B)(6). The course will explain the purpose of a deposition, document review in preparation for the deposition and tips and strategies for witness testimony preparation. The course will also address biochemical stress reactions which warn to be aware of prior to depositions. More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    Cryptomorphing The Legal Profession: Musings From A Stacker In The Rye

    Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency is a complicated area with a far-reaching impact on the legal profession. This CLE course will explore topics from the acceptance of cryptocurrency as payment for legal services to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology’s impact on payment systems’ security transactions, public record filing and smart contracts. The goal of the course is to motivate participants to learn more about this dynamic and exciting area of study. More Info

    1.84General Credits
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    Handling Current Legal Ethical Issues

    Remote work became the norm during COVID-19 and with it many practical issues arose, particularly for attorneys. This CLE course will address some of those issues particularly with regards to discussing personal legal matters with work employees. The course will present examples of attorneys acting as overzealous advocates for their clients and how that can result in lawyers crossing ethical boundaries. More Info

    1.52Ethics Credits
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