Wyoming CLE - Ethics Credit Courses

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Wyoming CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethical Considerations of Clergy Confidentiality

    The confidentiality afforded to those confiding in members of the clergy has far-reaching implications in defining the role and responsibility of priests, rabbis and clergy of all faiths. This CLE course, presented by Rabbi-lawyer Yona Reiss, will focus on the tensions between religious obligations and civil law statutes and the many ethical quandaries that may arise when clergy engage in conversations as spiritual counselors. Using source material and background information the course will expl... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethical Issues in Supervising Others: Can Their Misconduct Become Yours?

    Junior associates, law clerks, co-counsel and administrative staff—these are just some of the colleagues a practicing attorney works with on a daily basis. Within the guidelines of these relationships, therefore, all the rules of professional conduct apply. This CLE course will discuss the rules of professional conduct with an emphasis on how to approach instances of misconduct among others, particularly those on your staff, and the extent to which you may be held liable for the misconduct of ot... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    The Intake Process & Ethical Considerations in Nursing Home Cases

    Nursing home cases begin much like any legal case—with the intake interview. The crucial first step in building any successful legal case, the intake interview establishes the chronology of events, and the pre-and post-incident status of the client. This comprehensive CLE course will explain how to strategically design the intake interview for trying a nursing home case in Illinois, how to use those questions to begin building a legal case, the proper procedure for obtaining medical records, and... More Info

    1Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession

    The extensive damage caused by substance and alcohol abuse is fairly well-known but its prevalence in the legal profession is less understood. This CLE course will review the various forms of addiction including medical marijuana, alcohol, gambling food and unethical conduct. Challenges in identifying behaviors relating to this abuse, how to differentiate abuse from normal social drinking and the consequences of such behavior which may include State Bar sanctions or even criminal convictions wil... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    When it comes to ethical dilemmas, foresight is the best defense mechanism. Whether you are in solo practice or a large firm, most ethical problems can be avoided using risk managements techniques that can be implemented in advance of a problem arising. This CLE course will explain those techniques and address the most common ethical issues that arise in firms of all sizes as well as those particular to small or large firms. The course will advise on how recognizing and addressing issues before... More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethical Issues in Making Capacity Decisions

    Substance abuse, alcohol abuse, old age and mental illness are just some of the factors that can contribute to an individual’s capacity to act in a legal environment. This designation is typically a medical determination and the aging population as well as prevalence of mental illness diagnoses and incidences of substance and alcohol abuse has drastically increased the application of capacity in legal cases. While capacity is widely known as an issue in criminal matters, this CLE course will rev... More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethics: A Review of Traditional Issues and a Discussion of Ethics in the Cyber Age

    The lecture, which will be presented in a round-table discussion including audience participation, will provide a review of the traditional areas of ethical concerns, including the establishment and termination of the attorney-client relationship, attorney's fees, marketing and advertising the legal practice and the duty of candor toward the tribunal as well as exploring the ethical issues resulting from communication in cyber space, including firms web pages, social media, cloud-computing, the... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    The Mortgage Contingency Clause and Ethical Issues in Residential and Commercial Real Estate Contracts

    Real estate deals are notorious for falling through. Whether commercial or residential, there are countless contingencies for buyers and sellers to be aware of. This CLE course will review, in detail, potential pitfalls such as environmental issues, lack of certificate of occupancy, failed mortgage applications and contractual issues that can delay or even nullify an agreement. Topics include: May the Buyer Apply to a Mortgage Broker? How Soon Does the Buyer Need to Apply? What if the Bu... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.75 Ethics
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Bias in the Legal Profession

    Bias can influence employment decisions, even unintentionally. Any form of bias, even just perceived, can translate into legal action against a law firm. This CLE course will explain how bias can translate into legal causes of action and show how these lawsuits have affected certain law firms. Learn what to avoid, what actions to take, and how to make sure that our profession creates a fair and just playing field for all. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Ethics 101 for In-House Counsel

    A comprehensive CLE seminar designed to review critical aspects of professional responsibility faced by in-house counsel every day. The course includes: • Rules that govern privileged communications • Electronic discovery • Former employee contact • Conflicts of interest • And much more Presented by Tannenbaum Halpern Partners, the course will employ a series of hypothetical fact patterns to present crucial problems and strategies for effective resolution. More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
Decorative Arc

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